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Season 10 ~ Week 10 ~ Gold Medal Pick!


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1 hour ago, fakecortex said:

Switched to a Genesis controller, though it pains me to use something other than an original joystick, the original joystick was causing me literal pain. MUCH happier with the results!


Good call! I usually use an Atari Flashback wired joystick for all my 2600 gaming, but for this week I switched to a Sega Genesis original 6-button controller and found it much easier to control.

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3 hours ago, Moisés Tuseto said:

play on original hardware and software, I suspect anyone who achieves great scores using an emulator, end.

Awwww ... slamming people who use emulators, eh? Gee, Moises ... you're not calling me a cheater ... are ya?  At least I possess video proof of every single one of my scores, and almost everyone here knows where to find them. Funny ... I don't see your videos anywhere, and *I'm* one who should be suspect? LOL!

For the record, nearly every single one of my personal bests, including my PB on River Raid, is done with original hardware and original carts - no - not some cheap, knock-off, hack multicart or illegally pirated off-brand hack version from Brazil ... ORIGINAL, with videos to prove it. Where are *your* videos again? END.



Here, I'll save you the trouble:


Awwww ... batendo nas pessoas que usam emuladores, não é?  Moises ... você não está me chamando de trapaceiro ... está?  Pelo menos eu tenho provas em vídeo de cada uma das minhas partituras, e quase todo mundo aqui sabe onde encontrá-las.  Engraçado ... Eu não vejo seus vídeos em lugar algum e * sou * alguém que deve ser suspeito?  RI MUITO!

 Para que conste, quase todos os meus melhores pontos pessoais, incluindo o meu PB no River Raid, são feitos com hardware e carrinhos originais - não - não uma versão barata, imitação, multicart ou multicart ou pirataria ilegal fora da marca da  Brasil ... ORIGINAL, com vídeos para provar.  Onde estão * seus * vídeos novamente?  FIM.

Edited by ZilchSr
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3 minutes ago, ZilchSr said:

Awwww ... slamming people who use emulators, eh? Gee, Moises ... you're not calling me a cheater ... are ya?  At least I possess video proof of every single one of my scores, and almost every here knows where to find them. Funny ... I don't see your videos anywhere, and I'm suspect? LOL!

For the record, nearly every single one of my personal bests, including my PB on River Raid, is done with original hardware and original carts - no - not some cheap, knock-off, hack multicart made in Brazil ... ORIGINAL, with videos to prove it.

The ONLY reason I was able to improve my PB was from watching said video, and still watching it on occasion throughout the week to see if I can soak any more info to improve even more LOL! Not just this cart, but many of my PB's over various carts have been attributed directly to your other videos (as well as a few others people's videos), amazing stuff out there and very informative when you know where to look!

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46 minutes ago, ZilchSr said:

Awwww ... slamming people who use emulators, eh? Gee, Moises ... you're not calling me a cheater ... are ya?  At least I possess video proof of every single one of my scores, and almost everyone here knows where to find them. Funny ... I don't see your videos anywhere, and *I'm* one who should be suspect? LOL!

For the record, nearly every single one of my personal bests, including my PB on River Raid, is done with original hardware and original carts - no - not some cheap, knock-off, hack multicart or illegally pirated off-brand hack version from Brazil ... ORIGINAL, with videos to prove it. Where are *your* videos again? END.



Here, I'll save you the trouble:


Awwww ... batendo nas pessoas que usam emuladores, não é?  Moises ... você não está me chamando de trapaceiro ... está?  Pelo menos eu tenho provas em vídeo de cada uma das minhas partituras, e quase todo mundo aqui sabe onde encontrá-las.  Engraçado ... Eu não vejo seus vídeos em lugar algum e * sou * alguém que deve ser suspeito?  RI MUITO!

 Para que conste, quase todos os meus melhores pontos pessoais, incluindo o meu PB no River Raid, são feitos com hardware e carrinhos originais - não - não uma versão barata, imitação, multicart ou multicart ou pirataria ilegal fora da marca da  Brasil ... ORIGINAL, com vídeos para provar.  Onde estão * seus * vídeos novamente?  FIM.

you who started calling me a cheater so I just retaliated, if I wanted to cheat I would use not ridiculous punctuation like I did, because of people like you who are famous for being arrogant


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7 minutes ago, Moisés Tuseto said:

you who started calling me a cheater so I just retaliated, if I wanted to cheat I would use not ridiculous punctuation like I did, because of people like you who are famous for being arrogant


Perhaps a rudimentary comprehension class for you is in order? Asking the question, "What version are you using?" =/= "You're a cheater." However, what YOU said, "... is suspect" implies that your target is suspected of something, and what might that be, if not being a cheater? So no, you are lying. I didnt do anything "first". ???


I have a great idea, Moises! How about you shut your mouth to me until you can speak without lying, m'kay? Sound good? Great! Even a better idea ... how about you take your bad attitude elsewhere, and let the rest of us have fun? Hm? 

Edited by ZilchSr
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5 minutes ago, Moisés Tuseto said:

you who started calling me a cheater so I just retaliated, if I wanted to cheat I would use not ridiculous punctuation like I did, because of people like you who are famous for being arrogant


The fact that you’re using incorrect punctuation and enlarged letters doesn’t help your case.

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8 minutes ago, ZilchSr said:

Talvez uma aula de compreensão rudimentar para você esteja em ordem? Fazendo a pergunta: "Qual versão você está usando?" = / = "Você é um trapaceiro." No entanto, o que você disse, "... é suspeito" implica que seu alvo é suspeito de alguma coisa, e o que poderia ser isso, se não fosse uma trapaça?


Eu tenho uma ótima idéia, Moises! Que tal você calar a boca para mim até poder falar sem mentir, está bem? Parece bom? Ótimo!

I will not give you the pleasure of seeing my collection
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