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#FujiNet Testing and Bug Reporting Thread

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1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

issue 1...

now if you set all the host slots... with slot 1 as SD card and not acting as a remote host...

and then go into and leave remote hosts one at a time...

after the 5th one you go into and look at then leave...

whatever 2 slots that are left WILL NOT work, it will instead take you to config... if you just leave config all is fine... IF YOU RECONNECT it will blank everything and you will have to manually fix it all.

This issue was fixes some time ago. Some major changes were introduced last month to enable building with newer esp-idf and seem to have broken that fix. Will investigate.


1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

issue 2

when you set a disk from a server into a drive slot, it no longer returns you to where you were... you have to traverse all the way there again...

perhaps we chose some earlier version to try the fix on and published it as the latest greatest with the fix applied?

This is a known issue. CONFIG was rewritten to be cross platform and this feature was not implemented in the newer code.


1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

issue 3

will take a look


Thanks for reporting


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9 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

The help listing could use a tweak with the atwificonnect stuck right at the blank spot just below, like




ATWIFICONNECT<ssid>,<key>         Set up WIFI

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. can you please clarify?

9 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

ATPB without anything following it should not clear the phonebook!!!

after setting a PB slot sometimes you have to AT? before ATPBLIST to see what you just set up? weird

I could not replicate either of these issues


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it fits better at the top because the description is concise and fits the line.


the stuff that does nothing should be removed


The things that are in the emulation should be listed and concise. Some are absent.


A person using it needs to be able to read it while typing in what they read from the help menu


Did you start your ATBP list at zero?



and so on?


doing a longer session might help you replicate things or having one of the other glitches happen first might help later glitches happen as well, it's hard to tell since modem streaming seems to kill the information to the log... it just says it's streaming and will only mention spiff writes for PB and copy to SD from spiff. I was hoping that if you had an SD card it wouldn't use the SPI Flash... but it uses both for some reason.


You can trip the thing up where streaming prevents SD card mounted disk slot access  also.


I have to play around with it more as I tried to AT+SNIFF and don't see the txt file on the SD card or Web config. Maybe once the VFS fails it can't figure out what to do.



Edited by _The Doctor__
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Hi - I have an Atari 800 with the INCOGNITO board, which I'm still getting used to. I've also got a FujiNet, purchased from Ebay. My Atari 800 had 16KB RAM before the INCOGNITO upgrade, which I understand was insufficient to start CONFIG. I've read around on the forum here, searched the FujiNet wiki and watched the video at...

...but haven't seen able to get the FujiNet to load CONFIG.


I suspect the unit may be a duffer; I'm supplying USB power, but the unit only comes to life for a moment when I switch it on, unless I hold down button A while switching the unit on. When I do, the Wifi, Bluetooth and SIO LEDs all light and stay lit. The tip to boot the Atari to INCOGNITO's SpartaDosX and then tap the reset button on the FujiNet and do a COLD /N boot doesn't work.


I've tried various INCOGNITO and LOADER configs, but I'm not getting to the FujiNet's CONFIG screen.


Am I missing something obvious?

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16 minutes ago, beqelessen said:

I suspect the unit may be a duffer; I'm supplying USB power, but the unit only comes to life for a moment when I switch it on, unless I hold down button A while switching the unit on. When I do, the Wifi, Bluetooth and SIO LEDs all light and stay lit.

I wouldn't suspect that just yet. When FujiNet is not associated to wifi, it will flash all the lights when turned on and the lights turn off. The white LED will only turn on when connected to wifi. Holding button A when turning it on puts the Fujinet into flashing mode where it's ready to install new firmware which is not what you want. After turning on the Fujinet, press button A and you should see the blue LED blink a couple times indicating a disk rotation was initiated.


I can't really help with the incognito/u1mb stuff since I don't own one and never used one. can you just disable SDX and boot it like a normal atari and config would probably boot.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/10/2023 at 1:20 PM, _The Doctor__ said:

the screen has a number of items that don't work or are working but labelled incorrectly



AT[UN]SNIFF... should be AT+SNIFF and AT-SNIFF

ATA should be in the list   etc etc...

ATTERMVT52,ATTERMVT100,ATTERMDUMB,ATTERMANSI do nothing and should not be there... They are handled under AT+TERM=  just fine


The help listing could use a tweak with the atwificonnect stuck right at the blank spot just below

Directly from modem.h, how about these changes? Feel free to edit the text below and reply with any suggestions.

/* Keep strings under 40 characters, for the benefit of 40-column users! */
#define HELPL01 "       FujiNet Virtual Modem 850"
#define HELPL02 "======================================="
#define HELPL03 ""
#define HELPL04 "ATWIFILIST        | List avail networks"
#define HELPL05 "ATWIFICONNECT<ssid>,<key>   Set up WiFi"
#define HELPL06 "ATH               | Hangup"
#define HELPL07 "ATDT<host>:<port> | Connect by TCP"
#define HELPL08 "ATIP              | See my IP address"
#define HELPL09 "ATNET<0|1>        | Dis/enable TELNET"
#define HELPL10 "                  | command handling"
#define HELPL11 "ATPORT<port>      | Set listening port"
#define HELPL12 "ATE<0|1>          | Echo OFF/ON"
#define HELPL13 "AT                | Returns OK"
#define HELPL14 "ATGET<URL>        | HTTP GET"
#define HELPL15 "AT+TERM=<termtype>| Set telnet term"
#define HELPL16 "                  | type (DUMB, VT52,"
#define HELPL17 "                  | VT100, ANSI)"
#define HELPL18 "AT[+or-]SNIFF     | Dis/enable sniffer"
#define HELPL19 "ATA               | Answer/ANSWER Mode"
#define HELPL20 "ATO               | Answer/Originate"
#define HELPL21 "ATS0=<0|1>        | AutoAnswer on/off"
#define HELPL22 "ATTERMANSI        | Set TERM to ANSI"
#define HELPL23 "ATCPM             | Go into CP/M"
#define HELPL24 "ATPBLIST          | List Phonebook"
#define HELPL25 "ATPBCLEAR         | Clear Phonebook"
#define HELPL26 "ATPB<num>=<host>  | Add to Phonebook"

#define HELPPORT1 "Listening to connections on port "
#define HELPPORT2 "which result in RING that you can"
#define HELPPORT3 "answer with ATA."
#define HELPPORT4 "No incoming connections are enabled."


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  • 2 months later...

I've been running my bbs on Fujinet a couple of years.  I recently discovered I cannot use any later version of the firmware than:  2023-02-26 0.5.83bae4a1


The next revision: 2023-03-18 0.5.64f05da8 works but introduces a glitch in loading Rs232.com for the first time.  It doesn't load properly and breaks batch processing in Spartados 3.2d.  My Startup.bat file should run uninterrupted from power-on to Waitcall, but with this version of the firmware the batch drops to a command prompt after failing to load.  Rebooting the computer Without resetting Fujinet will allow the entire startup.bat file to do it's job, including rs232.com loading without fault.  So, the first failure to load rs232.com is necessary with this firmware.


All three later firmware do not work for me in a strange way.  They all three break  the ability of Fujinet to log on to my wifi router (Luxul XWR-3150), but CAN log on to my phone's wifi hotspot! (Samsung Galaxy Note 9).  The Fujinet Sees the access point and shows all-bars, but it fails to negotiate a connection.


Best regards,


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I had pointed out the broken poll loaded RS232/FujiNet driver. It causes a timeout on more than one DOS that do batches, startups, and autoexecs. It can also cause issues with other serial port software. I was told it was fixed, however, their are issues and the issue remains it just happens faster and less noticeably


another issue occurs when you open with translation to let's say libera.chat....

On later firmware try pulling back to back STATUS #1,A in BASIC and print out the value A...   do not pull from the buffer, and watch the output of A change as 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 as a resulting status results

you may have data waiting an not know it,

Now to see this in reality try pulling record mode data from the buffer using INPUT #1;A may get you a truncation error or no DATA or more data there and waiting.  Pull the data instantly after failure try again and look it's there, magic. The only way I found around it is to pull data in byte mode using GET #1,A .... that's right, a byte at a time... slow as molasses in the middle of February but at least you don't get the various errors resulting from the failures.

So is it the buffer or the supplied fujinet driver? It makes for slow going and IRC can be read like it's 300 baud or less days if you include parsing the data.


@tschak909, this should be clearer, I was editing while you quoted.


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15 minutes ago, _The Doctor__ said:

I had pointed out the broken poll loaded RS232/FujiNet driver. It causes a timeout on more than one DOS that do batches, startups, and autoexecs. It can also cause issues with other serial port software. I was told it was fixed, however, their are issues and the issue remains it just happens faster and less noticeably

on another issue whan you open with translation to let's say libera.chat....

On later firmware try pulling back to back STATUS #1,A in BASIC and print out the value a...   do not pull from the buffer, and watch the out put 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

you may have data waiting an not know it, pulling record mode from the buffer INPUT #1;A may get you a truncation error or no DATA or more data there and waiting.  Pull the data instantly again and look it's there, magic. The only way I found around it is to pull using GET #1,A a byte at a time... slow as molasses in the middle of February but at least you don't get the various errors for the failures.

Is it the buffer or the supplied fujinet driver? It makes for slow going and IRC can be read like it's 300 baud or less days if you include parsing the data.


Your posts tend to be a bit hard to parse, as they seem to be streams of consciousness...


As for R: We'll take a look, as it may very well be a timing issue that needs to be resolved, now that the handler is being read out from PSRAM.



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  • 4 months later...

In the last 3 firmware revisions that got released, at the end of the flashing process I get 3 messages highlighted in green and yellow about the heap.


This is the first of 3...


Complete log: FujiNet Flashing Log 12-30-2023.pdf


Only seems to happen with the 3 firmware versions outlined in red. If I flash anything before that I don't see the heap messages.



I'm assuming that since the message isn't in red that it's more of a warning, and perhaps not an actual error.


Any ideas? Or is it nothing to worry about?


Everything appears to be working after the flash.

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