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Preffered IDE or Text Editor for IntyBASIC in 2020?


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No change for me. I'm using Emacs for life, with a custom fixed width font that lets me have up to 95 lines of text at once (subject to screen resolution, I'm running 1680x1050 on a 22 inch monitor). On top of that I'm using my own customized IntyBASIC Emacs Lisp mode which I have posted before. I usually divide the editor window into three parts: about four lines for a command shell where I can start the emulator, about four lines for the compilation output and the remainder, about 80-85 lines for the source code. In theory I could open a second frame next to the main editor window, but most probably the jzintv window would overlap that second Emacs frame anyway.


Not sure if I'd call it an IDE though it got a bunch of components, and not sure if it is a preferred environment since Emacs to many people is an acquired taste.

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10 minutes ago, carlsson said:

I usually divide the editor window into three parts

Ahh yeah, I remember.  I often use "clone to other view", so I can have 2 view of the source code same and past project source code.  One to read from one location, the other to type into because I keep forgetting the variable names, function names and arguments. Often I keep source code in one file.  Sometime, I'll split the source code if the part of the source code takes very long to compile or I'm making a bankswitching game.  I learned how to use column mode.  It's godly inputting data in multiple lines.

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Yeah, I also tend to split the source into two parts so I can have one part fixed and then edit code at another half of the same file. I would assume pretty much every text editor these days has that functionality? Rectangle mode also sometimes is useful, not so much for coding but for cutting columns of text etc.

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My Linux distro has emacs available as a ready-to-install package, both text-based and graphically, so I went with that.  When I first put it all together, @carlsson shared his intybasic-mode with me, and I added to it all the IntyBASIC keywords for syntax highlighting.

I had played around with emacs 20 years prior in college, and it was tolerable once you got used to the different keyboard shortcuts.  When diving back into it, I used the built-in tutorial, and tweaked the environment to use the wheatgrass theme (because I like everything in "Dark Mode" if possible).  The thing to remember is that Ctrl+G cancels out of a prompt in the minibuffer, if you fat-finger the wrong key combo.


Rather than play around with emacs' Project Management tools and compile/assemble everything inside of a shell, I created a graphical front-end that you launch from an aterm window, with a list of all your projects and a group of buttons for each action you want to perform.  The whole environment uses the source code from the latest posted version of jzintv and compiles it, and SDL2 is also available as a package that's ready to install.

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While I haven't been very active in Inty development up to now, when I attempt to do so it is always with the vim editor (gotta get that in here with so much emacs talk going on!).


I then use bash scripting to put together the toolchain necessary to assemble with proper includes, etc.  All at the command line.

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I use Notepad++.


You can improve the colorization of keywords, which helps writing with IntyBASIC.  You have 2 options:

  1. Go into the menu Language --> User Defined Language --> Define your language...  I think this is the newer way to do it.  It's a little more complicated but is flexible.  You will likely need to set *.bas files to use this new language (I haven't done this).
  2. Go into the menu Settings --> Style Configurator... --> FreeBASIC.  This is easier and is the way I did it.  You will be adding additional keywords to FreeBASIC to make it highlight IntyBASIC.
    1. To KEYWORD1, add the following: explicit def fn and or xor not at define alternative procedure bitmap usr signed unsigned frame warning packed sound sprite cls scroll border screen play volume none voice init number flash erase write stack_check abs sgn mode
    2. To KEYWORD4, add the following: cfgvar memattr proc endp begin movr tstr jr addr subr cmpr andr xorr clrr incr decr comr negr adcr gswd nop sin rswd swap sll rlc sllc slr sar rrc sarc hlt sdbd eis dis tci clrc setc j je jd jcr jsre jsrd b nopp bc blge bnc bllt bov bnov bpl bmi beq bze bne bneq blt ble bgt busc besc bext mvo mvi sub cmp mvoi mvii addi subi cmpi andi xori pshr pulr repeat endr endi
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I use BBEdit on my Mac, combined with command line tools.


BBEdit is nice in that it can roll up multiple files in to projects, and you can also create plug-ins for custom syntax coloring.


ie, if you wanted all the INTYBasic keywords colorized, you could do that. They have an example for Apple BASIC at the BB web site which could be modified for INTY.


I'm inclined to make some custom syntax coloring plug-ins for it to support ca65 and Atari BASIC at some point, so if someone wants to do IntyBASIC, I could help.


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On 12/17/2020 at 11:24 AM, cmadruga said:

Curious... what makes you open IntelliTool on occasion? Any particular functionality?


I know Sergio is working on a new version. 

I like the little sprite editor sometimes and the library of sprites it has is kind of nice for ideas. I was trying to draw another style of space ship to give player option in Space Combat and was hoping it might offer some sort of 45 degree rotation but it doesn't.   Trying to play with Intycolor last week I was trying to figure out how Intellitool went together with Intycolor and if it would help me.  IntelliTool seems pretty nice actually.  I'm not sure why I don't use it more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
17 hours ago, CrazyBoss said:

Even homemade tools to check if i need to place a ORG somewhere :) 

Oh yeah.  Another tool I use is window's Calculator to manually figure out how big a segment are in the cfg and note them on top of the source code.


'$2000 - 0/4095 decle
'$5000M- 6143/8191 decle
'$7100 - 0/3839 decle
'$A000A- 6143/8224 decle
'$c100 - 13055/16127 decle
'$4800 - 0/2047

I'm not able to build my own tool sadly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll throw my hat in the "vim" ring, as that's what I use for everything.


Also, it pains me to see Kiwi's complex, manually managed memory maps.  I have integrated cart.mac w/ IntyBASIC's prolog/epilog code a couple times for folks.  It's soo much nicer and has better error checking.


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Update to my Portable Development Environment.  Because Termux is no longer being updated through the Google Play Store, I rebuilt my environment from the ground up and went with a full desktop environment, using a VNC client for graphics.  Unfortunately, emacs-x can no longer be installed and was removed from the X11 repository, so now I have geany on my phone and gvim on my tablet.  I updated the documentation on my website.

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A vote for Notepad++ from me too. Been using it for years. (I ignore the nasty things said behind it. I don't care. Just give me a good tool.)


I run this with the CLI window open, and use a few self-made batch files to compile, and to run.


I do use the IntyBASIC SDK from time to time too.



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