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Playfield lines vs object lines

Karl G

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It seems like this situation must come up all the time, but somehow I've not dealt with it.


How does one deal with the situation where e.g. the playfield changes every 8 scanlines, but one is using a 2-line kernel? I have enough time to use the scanline number as an index and read from a table, but not enough time to divide it by 4 before using it as an index. The only real solution I can think of is increasing my playfield data tables by 4, but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant solution.


Here's my current kernel code for reference:


    lda #arena_height-1
    sta Scanline
    lda #0
    ldx #0
    sta WSYNC               ; 3     (0)
    sta PF0                 ; 3     (3)
    tay                     ; 2     (5)
    sta ENAM0               ; 3     (8)
    lsr                     ; 2     (10)
    sta ENAM1               ; 3     (13)
    lsr                     ; 2     (15)
    sta ENABL               ; 3     (18)
    inx                     ; 2     (20)
    lda DataPF1,x           ; 4     (24*)
    sta PF1                 ; 3     (27)
    lda DataPF2,x           ; 4     (31)
    sta PF2                 ; 3     (34)

    ldy P0Draw              ; 3     (37)
    lda P0Height            ; 3     (40)
    dcp P0Draw              ; 5     (45)
    bcs ____draw_p0         ; 2     (47)
    ldx #0                  ; 2     (49)
    jmp ____done_p0         ; 3     (52)
    lax (P0Ptr),y           ; 5     (53)

    ldy P1Draw              ; 3     (56)
    lda P1Height            ; 3     (59)
    dcp P1Draw              ; 5     (64)
    bcs ____draw_p1         ; 2     (66)
    lda #0                  ; 2     (68)
    jmp ____done_p1         ; 3     (71)
    lda (P1Ptr),y           ; 5     (72)

; Cycles actually between 70-72 depending on which branches taken, but evened out by the WSYNC

    sta WSYNC               ; 3     (0)
    stx GRP0                ; 3     (3)
    sta GRP1                ; 3     (6)
    lda M0Height            ; 3     (9)
    dcp M0Draw              ; 5     (14)
    bcs ____draw_m0         ; 2     (16)
    ldy #0                  ; 2     (18)
    jmp ____done_m0         ; 3     (21)
    ldy #2                  ; 2     (19)
    sleep 2                 ; 2     (21)

    lda M1Height            ; 3     (24*)
    dcp M1Draw              ; 5     (29)
    bcs ____draw_m1         ; 2     (31)
    sleep 4                 ; 4     (35)
    jmp ____done_m1         ; 3     (38)
    tya                     ; 2     (34)
    ora #4                  ; 2     (36)
    tay                     ; 2     (38)

    lda BallHeight          ; 3     (41)
    dcp BallDraw            ; 5     (46)
    bcs ____draw_ball       ; 2     (48)
    tya                     ; 2     (50)
    jmp ____done_ball       ; 3     (53)
    tya                     ; 2     (51)
    ora #8                  ; 2     (53)
    ; Scanline should be divided by 4, but there's not enough time
    ldx Scanline            ; 3     (56)
    lda DataPF0,x           ; 4     (60)
    dec Scanline            ; 5     (65)
    bpl VisibleScreen       ; 3     (68)


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Instead of your current Scanline counter, have two counters:  one for counting the playfield rows, and the other for counting scanlines within the playfield rows.


Then change the end of your loop code (starting with LDX Scanline...) to something like:

dec lineCnt                 ;5  [58]
bpl VisibleScreen           ;3  [60/61]

lda #3                      ;2  [62]
sta lineCnt                 ;3  [65]

dec pfLineCnt               ;5  [70]
bpl VisibleScreenAfterWSYNC ;3  [73]


The only thing I didn't add was the "lda DataPF0,x".... if you can find some way to squeeze that in (get rid of the unnecessary? TAY and the need for INX near the beginning of the loop), that might work :)

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38 minutes ago, splendidnut said:

have two counters


Yep, that's what I show in the Collect Tutorial.


I used Y for the scanline and X for the playfield when I added the playfield routines in step 7.


ArenaLoop:                  ;   27 - (currently 7 from bpl ArenaLoop)
        tya                 ; 2 29 - 2LK loop counter in A for testing
        and #%11            ; 2 31 - test for every 4th time through the loop,
        bne SkipX           ; 2 33 (3 34) branch if not 4th time
        inx                 ; 2 35 - if 4th time, increase X so new playfield data is used
SkipX:                      ;   35 - use 35 as it's the longest path here
    ; start of line 1 of the 2LK
        sta GRP1            ; 3  3 - @0-22, update player1 graphics
        lda ArenaPF0,x      ; 4  7 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF0             ; 3 10 - @0-22 and update it
        lda ArenaPF1,x      ; 4 14 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF1             ; 3 17 - @71-28 and update it
        lda ArenaPF2,x      ; 4 21 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF2             ; 3 24 - @60-39


When I added the ball in step 11 I needed to use X for it, so added a RAM variable ArenaIndex that gets loaded into X when its time to update the PFxx registers.


ArenaLoop:                  ;   37 - (currently 11 from bpl ArenaLoop)
        tya                 ; 2 39 - 2LK loop counter in A for testing
        and #%11            ; 2 41 - test for every 4th time through the loop,
        bne SkipX           ; 2 43 - (3 44) branch if not 4th time
        inc ArenaIndex      ; 5 48 - if 4th time, increase index so new playfield data is used
SkipX:                      ;   48 - use 48 as it's the longest path here
        ldx ArenaIndex      ; 3  6
        lda ArenaPF0,x      ; 4 10 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF0             ; 3 13 - @0-22 and update it
        lda ArenaPF1,x      ; 4 17 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF1             ; 3 20 - @71-28 and update it
        lda ArenaPF2,x      ; 4 24 - get current scanline's playfield pattern
        sta PF2             ; 3 27 - @60-39


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In case it's useful to anyone, I got it to work with the suggested two counters after some rearranging and enabling VDELP1. I was also able to "upgrade" to pointers for the 3 playfield registers.


    sta ENAM0               ; 3     (3)
    lsr                     ; 2     (5)
    sta ENAM1               ; 3     (8)
    lsr                     ; 2     (10)
    sta ENABL               ; 3     (13)

    ldy P0Draw              ; 3     (16)
    lda P0Height            ; 3     (19)
    dcp P0Draw              ; 5     (24*)
    bcs ____draw_p0         ; 2     (26)
    ldx #0                  ; 2     (28)
    .byte $2C               ; 4     (32)
    lax (P0Ptr),y           ; 5     (32)

    ldy P1Draw              ; 3     (35)
    lda P1Height            ; 3     (38)
    dcp P1Draw              ; 5     (43)
    bcs ____draw_p1         ; 2     (45)
    lda #0                  ; 2     (47)
    .byte $2C               ; 4     (51)
    lda (P1Ptr),y           ; 5     (51)
    sta GRP1                ; 3     (54) ; VDEL

    ldy PFline              ; 3     (57)
    lda (PF2Ptr),y           ; 5     (62)
    sta PF2                 ; 3     (65)
    lda (PF1Ptr),y           ; 5     (70)
    sta PF1                 ; 3     (73)

    lda (PF0Ptr),y           ; 5     (2)
    sta PF0                 ; 3     (5)
    stx GRP0                ; 3     (8)
    lda Scanline            ; 3     (11)
    and #3                  ; 2     (13)
    beq ____do_4th          ; 2     (15)
    sleep 3                 ; 3     (18)
    jmp ____skip_4th        ; 3     (21)
    dec PFline              ; 5     (21)

    lda M0Height            ; 3     (24*)
    dcp M0Draw              ; 5     (29)
    bcs ____draw_m0         ; 2     (31)
    ldy #0                  ; 2     (33)
    jmp ____done_m0         ; 3     (36)
    ldy #2                  ; 2     (34)
    sleep 2                 ; 2     (36)

    lda M1Height            ; 3     (39)
    dcp M1Draw              ; 5     (44)
    bcs ____draw_m1         ; 2     (46)
    sleep 4                 ; 4     (50)
    jmp ____done_m1         ; 3     (53)
    tya                     ; 2     (49)
    ora #4                  ; 2     (51)
    tay                     ; 2     (53)

    lda BallHeight          ; 3     (56)
    dcp BallDraw            ; 5     (61)
    bcs ____draw_ball       ; 2     (63)
    tya                     ; 2     (65)
    jmp ____done_ball       ; 3     (68)
    tya                     ; 2     (66)
    ora #8                  ; 2     (68)
    dec Scanline            ; 5     (73)
    bpl VisibleScreen       ; 3     (0)


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20 hours ago, Karl G said:

enabling VDELP1


With that you can update GRP1 at any time in the scanline, but need to update GPR0 and ENABL during the time critical horizontal blank.


If you turn that around, and enable VDELP0 and VDELBL instead, you'll make timing in your Kernel a little more flexible: GRP1 is now in horizontal blank, but can update both GRP0 and ENABL at any time.

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7 minutes ago, SpiceWare said:


With that you can update GRP1 at any time in the scanline, but need to update GPR0 and ENABL during the time critical horizontal blank.


If you turn that around, and enable VDELP0 and VDELBL instead, you'll make timing in your Kernel a little more flexible: GRP1 is now in horizontal blank, but can update both GRP0 and ENABL at any time.

Ahh, thanks. I got the timings to work for this kernel already, but that's good to know for future kernels.

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