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Collision function for multi sprites


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I used this example to distinguish which item is being hit by the player, I tried to be economical

 set kernel multisprite

 player0x =  10: player0y = 88
 player1x =  80: player1y = 78
 player2x =  30: player2y = 65	
 player3x =  90: player3y = 52
 player4x = 110: player4y = 39	
 player5x = 130: player5y = 26






  COLUBK = 56
 _COLUP1 = 18: rem coloring player1 _  
  COLUP2 = 25
  COLUP3 = 10
  COLUP4 = 45
  COLUP5 = 60

 COLUP0 = 155: rem color player0 must be updated 

 if joy0up    && player0y <  82 then player0y = player0y + 1
 if joy0down  && player0y >  29 then player0y = player0y - 1
 if joy0left  && player0x >  16 then player0x = player0x - 1
 if joy0right && player0x < 136 then player0x = player0x + 1

 y = colide(player0x, player1x, player0y, player1y)
 if y then player1x = (rand&127)+20

 y = colide(player0x, player2x, player0y, player2y)
 if y then player2x = (rand&127)+20

 y = colide(player0x, player3x, player0y, player3y)
 if y then player3x = (rand&127)+20

 y = colide(player0x, player4x, player0y, player4y)
 if y then player4x = (rand&127)+20

 y = colide(player0x, player5x, player0y, player5y)
 if y then player5x = (rand&127)+20

 goto loop

 function colide
  y = temp1 + 9: x = temp2 - 7
  if y > x && temp1 < temp2 then y = temp3 -13: x = temp4 -10: if temp3 > x && y < temp4 then return 1
  return 0

  rem p0 width  9,  p0 height -13
  rem px width -7,  px height -10



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On 2/19/2021 at 6:47 AM, Gemintronic said:

I know gosubs have overhead.. what about functions?


Functions are gosubs with additional overhead

They always pass two parameters whether you specify them or not (but bB is likely to complain if you don't pass any parameters)

You can sometimes sort of use them in place of an operand or an expression

But I'd just use a subroutine.  More predicable.

Functions are so finicky they're almost (but not quite) useless


Subroutines have overhead, but not much.

A gosub uses 12 cycles and two bytes of the stack

a = b + c uses 11 cycles


Depending on the kernel, the stack might be only 6 bytes so you could only go 3 levels deep provided

you don't use any expressions that use stack (and I think drawscreen goes 3 deep)

And the way bB uses the stack in expressions is all kinds of goofy  

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