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On 2/24/2021 at 4:33 PM, LordKraken said:

More and more impressive, congrats!


Just a question, at around 34 second it says 3d effect, but I'm not sure I can see it... Does it refer to the other effect later in the video with the rotating fireballs?

I thought it was in reference to the huge spacecraft coming out of the background.  Looks like a 3D model to me.


This continues to look impressive, Bob_63.  I can't wait to experience it on a real Lynx!

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3 hours ago, PFG 9000 said:

I thought it was in reference to the huge spacecraft coming out of the background.  Looks like a 3D model to me.

Looks like a scaled sprite to me, or that would mean Fabien made a 3d engine with texture rendering (!!!) to only use it for one element in the background :)


Can you give us more info @Bob_63?

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I worded my post poorly.  I don't think it's an actual 3D model - I just think it looks like one.  I figured maybe he used a technique like Donkey Kong Country on the SNES, with pre-rendered texture mapped polygons converted into sprites.  But I'm completely out of my league here, with zero programming/technical knowledge. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,

the 3D rendering is done by using an real 3D part in a software of design, I use the orientation I want and make screen shot and adaptation for the Lynx resolution and colormap limitation.

After that, by defining the reference point of the sprite and using zoom effect associated with adaptative speed evolution link with the motion, you can render a virtual 3D rendering similar as a real 3D one.

nos difficult to do, just spend time and imagination


there are other 3D rendering interresting effetcts like orange Balls (bomb) they move with 3D motion by using independent computation for Each ball, they move zoom an dezoom with the size corresponding to a real space positionning in space perspective

in addition vertical scrolling affect size and position.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, preaching to the choir!  I think it deserves a ton more recognition as it looks to be one of the top, advanced looking homebrews available.  But also, people try to be patient and hopeful that it will get a release.  The fact that these kinds of projects takes years to finish and even sometimes never through completion,  means we can only be hopeful to the people who create this and help support their project and most important, have some patience.

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glad to see you comments, these are the real sources of motivation for me.

In fact, I spend almost all my free time to progress in the game, programming become addictive for me (during night), I have a job, family and other hobbies, but, conciliate all stay possible, so

I understand that the game release could produce any impatience , but stay reassured, I 'm clearly motivated and the game is done at 80%. so have a physical release this year seems to be possible


Last month, I have spend enormous time to tune assembly and make a part of the new level (stage) more impressive than others. yes, it's possible because you can do more and more with the lynx. but I have to learn language of development /assembly to progress in the same time with the game.


I think a new video is going to be available soon (this week)


Agradeneu : I like a lot the Odnexus graphism, very fine graphims and the game seems to work very well, is there a physical release expected?


Karri, I don't know if you read these posts, but one more time, thanks for you continuous help. I know that I have ask a lot , bur clearly, you are the master!




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On 4/6/2021 at 8:54 AM, Bob_63 said:


glad to see you comments, these are the real sources of motivation for me.

In fact, I spend almost all my free time to progress in the game, programming become addictive for me (during night), I have a job, family and other hobbies, but, conciliate all stay possible, so

I understand that the game release could produce any impatience , but stay reassured, I 'm clearly motivated and the game is done at 80%. so have a physical release this year seems to be possible


Last month, I have spend enormous time to tune assembly and make a part of the new level (stage) more impressive than others. yes, it's possible because you can do more and more with the lynx. but I have to learn language of development /assembly to progress in the same time with the game.


I think a new video is going to be available soon (this week)


Agradeneu : I like a lot the Odnexus graphism, very fine graphims and the game seems to work very well, is there a physical release expected?


Karri, I don't know if you read these posts, but one more time, thanks for you continuous help. I know that I have ask a lot , bur clearly, you are the master!




Yes hopefully! ? But also a digital release could be possible.

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  • 1 month later...


thanks for your support

About the Game : last level progress (every week, every day,... every hour (on my head))

not abale to show something really new after last video posting.


On the same time I trying to get copyright or agreement from TOEI Animation or Matsumoto Mangaka Himself

After lot of tentative and contact, (Linked In, Facebook, official website in Japan US , Europe, and social Network specialized), it is simple : ZERO Response. I 'll try again and again if I would like to share the game, I'll need this agreement of exploitation




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Bob, I tried to warn you about that early on, and this is no surprise to me they are not answering you. If you don't have a japanese partner, and by partner I mean a big entity, they won't.


My recommendation at this stage would be to simply tweak your art to make it different enough, that should be sufficient.

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Thanks for your returns, I know that obtaining agreement is difficult, but I'm persistant. I' ll try everything I can to obtain a response. After that modifying sprite is for me the latest option.

It"s another reason why I didn't and never use directly the name of the manga. Music is modified (accelerated rhythm). the only sprites to modify are main battleships of the hero.

Another way could be keeping an only one unique version of the game. I can't imagine this option, not very funny.
I stay in touch with you in my progression.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank's a lot Nyandeyanen for your help

I know that Leiji Matsumoto don't speak English. Anyway, the main issue at that time is to get contact from the Toei Animation and clearly, they said on their website contact page that they don't make some response for each solicitation or request.

I stay in touch with you about progression on my QUEST : the COPYRIGHT QUEST could be a good title.




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