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Accessing the drive?

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12 hours ago, Harry Potter said:

Thank you.  aux_memcpyto() copies a block of memory from main memory to the extra memory and has the same prototype as memcpy().

memcpy is called :- memcpy(*dest, *src, size); so if your aux_memcpyto uses the same prototype, it's passing the wrong

parameters, in your call, memcpy (j, auxbufx, i); you are passing an integer for the *dest


I tested the file handling using "D:TEST.TXT" which I had created and printed out the read in data and it works fine.


I think the problem is the memcpy function

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This is what I used to test:-

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <atari.h>

// #include "memxtatari.h"
unsigned char loadauxmem (char* f);

//#pragma bss-name (push, "XBUFBSS")
static unsigned char auxbufx [128];
char tempbufffortest[128];

void main(void)
    char name[40]={"D:TEMP.TXT"};

unsigned char loadauxmem (char* f)
    unsigned i=0, j=0;

    FILE* fi=fopen (f, "rb");
    if (!fi) return 1;
    while (!feof(fi)) {
        i=fread (auxbufx, 1, 128, fi);
        if (i==-1) {fclose (fi); return 1;}
    } fclose (fi);
    return 0;


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21 minutes ago, danwinslow said:

aux_memcpyto (j, &auxbufx, i);

Aren't you taking an address of an address here?

That will just waste some processing time, the call is just wrong as I explained earlier.


When compiling you should be getting this error "Warning: Converting integer to pointer without a cast"

unless your prototype for aux_memcpyto is defined incorrectly

Edited by TGB1718
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1 hour ago, Wrathchild said:

let's assume that's ok as he's told us that this is part of the banking so internally I would think the offset is being split to make a bank # and then offset, e.g. into $4000

Well I guess. It's been a while and I can't remember if &arrayname gives you the array start anyway, or it gives you an address formed from the contents of the first 2 bytes at arrayname. If you get a ** back he would be overwriting page 0 probably. Anyways, I'm out.

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If as @drac030 says that this is a bad CIO call, then the problem must be in the screen open call.


From the code, I cant see what the code for findfreeiocb does, I assume it looks for a free IOCB.


also scrdev , how is this formatted, there must be a $9B after the name i.e. scrdev .BYTE "E:",$9B

if your passing in a "C" string as the device, it's going to have a '0' at the end, so will cause problems

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50 minutes ago, Harry Potter said:

And sanny: I want to add initialized code and data to the XMEM and other low-memory areas as well.


Loading a file to this area is not having initialized code and data in this area. I guess you want to load it automatically as part of the EXE file loading.

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