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Season 19 Round 12 - Mad City


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I really don't know much about this game.  If there are any special rules you think we need to put into place please let me know.  Note there are stages that optionally use the light gun instead of the controller.  If you'd like to use the light gun on those stages select Game B.  Otherwise Game A uses the d-pad for all stages.  If anyone has/finds a link to a manual please share it with us.



 36912292_MadCityCartridge.png.476437086f14e02079f7c4c57eb05a21.png 914440094_MadCityScreenshot.png.4ef23539fa0f3b2638ac941fd53efa50.png


Game Rules:

Game A or B


Score Post Deadline:  Sunday October 10 at 11:59 PM CDT.


AtariAge High Score:



Scores as of 10/4:

mbd39          92,770
Lauren Tyler   43,680
fakecortex     20,730


NES Arcade:

Below are 10 arcade ports we're playing alongside the regular games. You may post a score for any title, during the current regular season round.  Score improvements are always accepted as well.  Points for these games will be awarded at the end of the season.  Each game will be scored like a regular season round, e.g. first place will receive 25 points, second 20 points, etc.  All points earned here will be added to your season total.


Click here for the Arcade Scoreboard


Bad Dudes                                    Bump 'n' Jump                               BurgerTime

1185140314_BadDudesCartridge.png.fad5d7ba0f2ddbbaf10214d6ad7055d4.png 1295952834_BadDudesScreenshot.png.c0ca782dffd4873f616c21405c404f03.png     1863057809_BumpnJumpCartridge.png.c9cf6f8b99f947561db931e8c19e7d20.png 181369828_BumpnJumpScreenshot.png.31f9c628bcd4bafa8ec0500b2ab62a9b.png     1638739211_BurgertimeCartridge.png.2267190f2f0e7e6a621303d5cf278d01.png 1301070461_BurgertimeScreenshot.png.ee48d43773a1eb2eff2aeb065133844c.png    

Manual                                         Manual                                          Manual


Donkey Kong                                 Donkey Kong Jr.                            Gyruss

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Manual                                         Manual                                          Manual

Game A                                        Game A


Palamedes                                    Popeye                                          Q*bert

500867409_PalamedesCartridge.png.a5c9a908772235040aabc8f6d6534615.png 2006553701_PalamedesScreenshot.png.5780d8672df79d6ae79ce68da470e3c6.png     1639789513_PopeyeCartridge.png.fdc4eec81c1d487c792d05e9245710dd.png 1845576410_PopeyeScreenshot.png.a8a758853ec7c80a5fecbb3624162988.png    1044524417_Q-BertCartridge.png.0df234f246a355c45719ae8aed0aff8a.png 732812528_Q-bertScreenshot.png.5ed9bed6be0127b3eacb8193a0ed53a1.png    

Manual                                         Manual                                          Manual

Start at Level 1                             Game A



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Season Standings:




General HSC Season Rules:

  • To participate, just post a score to the thread. Anyone can join in at any time.
  • A picture or screenshot is encouraged when posting a score but not required.
  • The season is 15 rounds long.
  • Games will be posted on Sundays and run two weeks through Sunday at 11:59 PM CST.
  • Do not exploit game glitches, take advantage of 1-up loops or intentionally die in order to replay a level.
  • If "point pressing" is not specified in the game rules you should be moving forward in an attempt to complete/loop the game and not "camping" for points.
  • No emulator save states, slow-mo, rewind, etc.
  • No cheats, e.g. Konami code, Game Genie, etc.
  • Turbo controllers are allowed.
  • Round points are awarded according to the following chart:
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22 hours ago, fakecortex said:

Didn't know there was a different Japanese version of Bayou Billy! I'll have to throw it on my everdrive and try it with the zapper. I recall BB being hard...

As mbd39 mentioned above, this version is supposed to be easier.  Here's an interesting page I ran into yesterday that details the differences if you're curious:  https://tcrf.net/The_Adventures_of_Bayou_Billy/Regional_Differences.


  • Thanks 1
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Well, I beat the game and reached second level of second loop. For some reason the shooting stages are hard for me in this one. The beat em up stages are definitely a lot easier. The helicopters in the second driving stage are a pain in the ass.



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16 hours ago, asponge said:

This one might be too close to call...


Points Awarded:

bubufubu       1,100,000   +25
mbd39             92,770   +20
Razzie.P          76,500   +17
Lauren Tyler      43,680   +14
fakecortex        21,070   +12



I assume that bubu had to loop the game around 10 times to get that score. Wow.


I still prefer Bayou Billy over this one.

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24 minutes ago, mbd39 said:


I still prefer Bayou Billy over this one.

Me too, but I'm not sure why.  I've always enjoyed Bayou Billy, but when playing this, seems like so many of my inputs get missed, it was a bit frustrating.  As in, press left, then jumpkick... I'd kick right.  Played a couple of levels of BB to see if that's the case, and no issue.  So I dunno what was up.

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12 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

Me too, but I'm not sure why.  I've always enjoyed Bayou Billy, but when playing this, seems like so many of my inputs get missed, it was a bit frustrating.  As in, press left, then jumpkick... I'd kick right.  Played a couple of levels of BB to see if that's the case, and no issue.  So I dunno what was up.

Yeah this didn't seem to play as well as Bayou Billy and I like how the earlier beat em up stages are more fleshed out in BB despite being more difficult.


The first shooting stage seemed harder in Mad City as well. I don't know how much this was because I was playing on emulator or if it's the game, but enemies seemed trickier to hit, and I wasn't even getting a health refill. It could be I was using too much ammo so was getting more ammo drops rather than refills but it was dying at least once on that stage.


Edited by mbd39
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5 hours ago, mbd39 said:

I assume that bubu had to loop the game around 10 times to get that score. Wow.


I still prefer Bayou Billy over this one.


I stopped counting at some point, but my guess is that you're very close if not spot on.  Around 100,000 points achieved per loop.


As far as preference, I'm with Mad City.  The Adventures of Bayou Billy made the driving stages very, very stressful on your hands.  Just a stupid, sadistic decision by Konami of America.  If you're using a Zapper, then you're dealing with even more pain and stress.  Subsequent loops truly turn into a nightmare.  Mad City got the driving stages right.  No one-hit deaths to worry about or carpal tunnel steering to deal with.


4 hours ago, Razzie.P said:

Me too, but I'm not sure why.  I've always enjoyed Bayou Billy, but when playing this, seems like so many of my inputs get missed, it was a bit frustrating.  As in, press left, then jumpkick... I'd kick right.  Played a couple of levels of BB to see if that's the case, and no issue.  So I dunno what was up.


The inputs being missed is a good point.  I noticed this, especially, on the shooting stages.  However, I didn't want to be too judgmental about it seeing as how I was playing it via emulator and without the use of both a crt and colt revolver light gun.  But man, a whole bunch of inputs were missed.  It's been a while since I played The Adventures of Bayou Billy, but I do remember consistently having input issues with it over the years, as well.  I never knew if it was the light gun or if the game was designed that way to increase the difficulty.


4 hours ago, mbd39 said:

Yeah this didn't seem to play as well as Bayou Billy and I like how the earlier beat em up stages are more fleshed out in BB despite being more difficult.


The first shooting stage seemed harder in Mad City as well. I don't know how much this was because I was playing on emulator or if it's the game, but enemies seemed trickier to hit, and I wasn't even getting a health refill. It could be I was using too much ammo so was getting more ammo drops rather than refills but it was dying at least once on that stage.


I actually think it plays better.  For a game that offers the player a chance to indefinitely loop it against a higher degree of difficulty, Mad City makes this possible due to a better balance.


I disagree about the first shooting stage being harder in Mad City.  It felt the same to me, judging solely on Game A mode.  I don't know if you are Razzie are aware of this but you can hold down the shoot button for auto fire.  That helps quite a bit.  I believe you have a good chance at two health refills on Stage 2.  You could be onto something in that it might be affected by how much health/ammo you have, though.  I always had at least one health drop, just before the boss.  What I did notice was that some of the item dropping snipers didn't always appear.  This could be a sprite and/or emulator issue.  If you don't stay on top of the enemies and kill them off quickly enough, then one of the snipers might not appear.

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