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Hi Score Cafe with support for FujiNET


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or FujiNET with support for HSC?


it happened...


I am glad to announce that HSC (Hi Score Cafe) has been extended with the possibility to send scores via FujiNET. Bocianu created a program which allows you to log into the HSC and a short procedure which allows the game to send scores (and if needed also to download the scoreboard from the HSC).


And what is the HSC?


HI SCORE CAFÉ is a place where you can meet the cream of pro-gaming, the top players of Atari 8bit eSports. The HSC system keeps the rankings, scoreboards, and provides constantly generated USERBARS (to be placed e.g. in the footer on forums or FB).

Make the first step and stop hiding! Your wife will accept it if she loves you or at least respects you or just tolerates you - become a member of the elite players and turn your life into a fairy tale.


For devlopers - there are many ways to send scores (it doesn't have to be just scores) - besides the well known datamatrix code (x0F), B: device (Montezuma) now FujiNET (Bocianu) has joined.

Do not hesitate to put short code into the game and turn your players into loyal acolytes. It doesn't matter if you write in Assembler, MadPascal or Basic :)


examples (will display if the forum supports generated images).














more: https://xxl.atari.pl/hsc/











or maybe you want to contribute to the project?


For a standalone application for FN we need a design of the TOP10 table displayed as ascii-art and a USERBAR project (also ascii-art) 


Edited by xxl
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38 minutes ago, tschak909 said:

add HSC support for ALL THE GAMES?

Unfortunately the current system capacity is limited to 4096 games - that's how many we can add - but if we get close to that value I think we can increase it tenfold in about 2 man-hours.
Remember also that not all games are suitable for competition - some after finishing always show the same score ?


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Not fujinet related..(or maybe yes). How HSC works when dealing with those "2D barcodes" you get when you finish the game? like Bosconian... and how that would interact/complement with this Fujinet implementation?   I guess I still don't get the HSC system functionality and features (probably I am overcomplicating and overthinking this)

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Ok, it's official now ;)

There is a tool for FujiNet that supports Hi Score Cafe.


Tool and sources to download from here: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/fujinet_hsc


And of course on tnfs at fujinet.pl server in networking/hsc_conf.xex directory




What the tool can do:
- it can browse the results on the network

- it allows you to log on to the server
after logging in:
- allows you to add your scores manualy
- allows you to delete your last result
- automatically saves your "authorizaton token" on fujinet SD card




What does such a token give us?


Along with the above tool, there are routines in assembler and a library for MadPascal, which allows games to automatically save
result on the server for the user currently logged on the device.

So in simple terms - we log in as a 'bocianu' in my tool, and token is saved. 
Now when we play the game that will allow us to save the score on the network, our score will be automatically sent to the HSC server in the background - if the authorization token will be found. If you want to send the result as another player, you have to fire up my tool and the other player has to log in (for this particular Fujinet device) and launch the game again. 

An example of saving the game from the assembler level is here: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/fujinet_hsc/-/blob/main/hsc_send.asm


There is a dedicated library for Mad-Pascal in my blibs package: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/blibs
documentation can be found here: https://bocianu.gitlab.io/blibs/hsc_util.html
and usage examples are in blibs/examples directory 


Just one call from your game and the score will be sent to the server... :) No more excuses!


Edited by bocianu
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I'll just add that each game besides getting a predefined look for the scoreboard can get a dedicated one at the programmer's request - for example only the score or the highest score or with abbreviations, in ATASCII or ANTIC encoding.

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What if you've written a game and it's on CAR with no way to save data?

It's simple - you can use the HSC API to save any data on the server for a player, like settings or game progress, and download that data when needed.

How many slots does one player have on the server? And how many do you need?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

PeBe has joined the team, he designed a very convenient data presentation system, thanks to him the implementation of HSC in games will be even easier (templates) - is also the author of an automatic text generator using ascii characters - several different typefaces - with FujiNET it's already no more than one page of memory on Atari - thanks to Bocianu.

On Saturday PeBe will give a presentation, the meeting will be broadcasted on the Internet - those interested should look for it on AtariOnline in the news about "KWAS".


An example generated on the fly displayed on Atari as AsciiArt or as a graphic on WWW:






If you are interested in adding HSC to your games feel free to contact me on PM (I won't write back here)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
59 minutes ago, bocianu said:

If you have fujinet the game saves score by itself. You have to do nothing.


I did, nothing happened. I have to register at HiScoreCafe first, right? Can't find any registration button or something on the website, the whole process seems nebulous to me, website says: "Jeśli chcesz brać udział w zabawie musisz mieć konto gracza. Aby założyć konto zarejestruj się się na xxl.atari.pl." - but where to click?

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2 hours ago, OmaOhneBH said:

I did, nothing happened. I have to register at HiScoreCafe first, right? Can't find any registration button or something on the website, the whole process seems nebulous to me, website says: "Jeśli chcesz brać udział w zabawie musisz mieć konto gracza. Aby założyć konto zarejestruj się się na xxl.atari.pl." - but where to click?

Alright, thanks for the hint xxl, registration can be done now, by hitting 'zarejestruj się'! Still don't know, how all this works, how the game knows my username from HiScoreCafe. Isn't there an english version of the website? Google translate from polish to german language is somewhat clumsy

Ok, after registration, what to do next?

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Ok, if you registered on HSC website, now you have to run HSC_conf from here:




And provide you credentials in this app. (you must have SD card inserted in your fujinet)

Then connection token will be stored on your Fujinet device. 

Later on, when you will start the game (from the folder above) you will get recognized and your hiscore will be sent.

I hope :D








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