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OPA Gary!


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He plead out, so likely his allocution was part of the plea.  Probably would have had a much better chance at a criminal defense had he not been part of the ROMs distribution and whatever the "surreptitious" access of Nintendo's servers means.  Might have just stayed civil, otherwise.  Nintendo is a beast.  Hopefully he will not face any time.



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Poor Gary?  Uhm, he knew the risk, and with that kind of talent, why would you waste time doing illegal stuff like that?  Just the amount of effort and skill that must have gone into those mods alone.  Flex PCBs, the reverse engineering, etc.  From the pictures on the linked article I'm seeing cell-phone level work on those mods.  I also find it hard to feel sorry for anyone who even *has* $4.5M to settle with.


Anyone wanting to throw $4.5M at something, I have a lot of projects that need teams with skill like that.


If you want to do criminal stuff, you have to wait until you are at least as big as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, or Microsoft...


As for messing with Nintendo, yeah, that has proven to be a stupid thing to do.  Of all the game companies today, Nintendo protects its IP and knows its roots.  From what I have read, Nintendo still has the source code for all their software, going all the way back to the early coin-op systems.  I don't know many (if any) other companies that can say that.

Edited by matthew180
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39 minutes ago, atrax27407 said:

He fled from Canada to Haiti to avoid prosecution for pirating a bunch of CDs/DVDs.

For feck's sake... so he apparently had quite a history... also from what I have been reading, not very well respected by the modding community.

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3 hours ago, matthew180 said:

Poor Gary?  Uhm, he knew the risk, and with that kind of talent, why would you waste time doing illegal stuff like that?  Just the amount of effort and skill that must have gone into those mods alone.  Flex PCBs, the reverse engineering, etc.  From the pictures on the linked article I'm setting cell-phone level work on those mods.

Yup. I hate to see talent go to waste or be misused. We must use our powers for good.


The two kids that burglarized my apartment a while back. They spent time on the job, and I could not help but think that to be that enterprising, one could do quite well legitimately. But then I found out they were both, shall we say, behaviorally unemployable.


3 hours ago, matthew180 said:

If you want to do criminal stuff, you have to wait until you are at least as big as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, or Microsoft...



Oh, and I doubt he has $4.5M, nor will Nintendo ever see any of that money.  It is calculated from perceived losses estimated from sales that never happened but Nintendo could say would have happened based upon factors including the number of mods sold and the value of the games it could run.  Really a horseshit number spearheaded by the RIAA back in the late 90s and early 2000s -- ignoring the fact that most people who are happy listening to 128kbps MP3s or burned CDs made from them were never going to buy the music in the first place. Same goes for most pirates.


It is a way for Nintendo to convert an imaginary number into a real number: it makes the claim for losing $65M to $150M in sales, but gets a judgement for $4.5M. The $4.5M is now a tangible debt owed to Nintendo which, after not receiving it, will write it off and get a tax break.

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He just wanted a beer, anyone does what they know best to get a beer. Geez


 I talked quite a bit with Gary a couple years back and he gave me lots of GOOD pointers on using SAMs when I was learning. He really was quite nice to me over phone and online.. just saying.

Edited by GDMike
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17 hours ago, dhe said:

Thanks for posting this. I think there's people here that "opa" communicated with, some hurt, some not so much but was curious about what was going on there. It's a shame to see such talent go wasted. But, everyone has a chance at redemption but trust is hard to gain isn't it.


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Thing that gets me, if you're gonna rip roms, make devices that get around anti-piracy lockouts and what-not, don't for whatever you do, do it against Nintendo.  They'll sue people just for putting old Roms on websites.  This guy might as well have pulled nintendo's pants down and sodomized them.


However, I don't agree with the 10-year jail thing.  Rapist and nonces get less and they actually hurt people.  

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1 hour ago, GDMike said:

He really was quite nice to me over phone and online.. just saying.

Sure, being nice has little to do with what a person might or might not *do*.  Ed Kemper was one of the nicest and smartest people you would ever meet, unless you were a teenage girl in the wrong place.


Someone can also be nice to you while they are ripping you off.

1 hour ago, GDMike said:

But, everyone has a chance at redemption but trust is hard to gain isn't it.

I have little belief that adults in particular, and people in general, can or do actually change their ways.  I really doubt that Gary getting caught is giving him pause or that he is thinking about redemption of any kind.  He probably does not care about anyone (individual or company) he squashed to extract money from.  But, I'm open to being proven wrong.


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4 hours ago, OLD CS1 said:

People do not change. By the time people reach adulthood, their basic mechanisms for information analysis and processing are set. What changes is the information they have available to them.

Well... although it is difficult, we can change how we act despite our "basic mechanisms" being faulty.

It is not easy however.


I site sober alcoholics who have stayed "on the wagon" for many years as my only evidence.

They would like to get drunk, they just don't.


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