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cc65 reserving specific memory area.


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Been trying out @ilmenit code and configs, it does seem to make a window at the correct area because it now compiles with an

error that says lowcode reaches into the window starting at $4000:-


D:\ATR_NEW\cc65\MyProjects\Disasembler>ld65 -Ln disassem.lbl --mapfile disassem.map --dbgfile disassem.dbg -C disassem.cfg -o disassem.xex  disassembler.o dis.o atari.lib link.o 
ld65: Warning: disassem.cfg(20): Segment 'LOWCODE' overflows memory area 'RAM_LOW' by 898 bytes
ld65: Warning: atari/crt0.s(207): 'lowcode area' reaches into $4000..$7FFF bank memory window
ld65: Error: Cannot generate most of the files due to memory area overflow 
Compilation error


the map file shows :-


Segment list:
Name                   Start     End    Size  Align
AUTOSTRT              000000  000005  000006  00001
FILEHDR               000000  000001  000002  00001
FIRSTHDR              000000  000003  000004  00001
SECONDHDR             000000  000003  000004  00001
ZEROPAGE              000082  00009B  00001A  00001
EXTZP                 00009C  0000A0  000005  00001
STARTUP               002000  002062  000063  00001
ONCE                  002063  0020BD  00005B  00001
LOWDATA               0020BE  003210  001153  00001
LOWRODATA             003211  003511  000301  00001
LOWCODE               003512  004381  000E70  00001
LOWBSS                004382  004462  0000E1  00001
CODE                  008000  0095AB  0015AC  00001
DATA                  0095AC  009639  00008E  00001
RODATA                00963A  00971D  0000E4  00001
BSS                   00971E  0097B0  000093  00001

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That's a pretty clear error message. You are directing 858 more bytes into LOWCODE than it was defined to hold.

You might need to put in some segment pragma control in your source code, which is one reason sanny needs to see it.



It is a complicated subject, and puts a lot of people off from using CC65, but it is well worth the effort. You do just about anything with the cfg files.

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To simplify the process and avoid use of segment #pragmas, in my build .bat above the compilation is split into two set of files, that will go to LOW or HIGH RAM areas. At least for me moving the linking related activities (controlling of where code/data will go) from the source codes (#pragma) to the build process is more convenient.

@TGB1718 if you are using my build script then split your disassembler.c or dis.c into smaller files and place some of them into the HIGH memory chunk (this one, where in my example src/high is)

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I think I can help with the memory overflows just a little.  I use an optimization technique called the Cubbyhole technique.  It states that you can use unused sections of Low memory, i.e. the sections of the OS's memory unused within your program, for code and data.  Simply define the memory areas in the .cfg file, use #pragmas to place code and data in the memory areas and load them in at the beginning of the main() function.  I attached an example .cfg file, but you have to supply the code to load the code and data into the memory areas.  Sorry.


BTW, I just found a bug in the .cfg file: the PRNBUF_ memory area is defined twice.  Disable one of them.


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8 minutes ago, Harry Potter said:

I think I can help with the memory overflows just a little.  I use an optimization technique called the Cubbyhole technique.  It states that you can use unused sections of Low memory, i.e. the sections of the OS's memory unused within your program, for code and data.  Simply define the memory areas in the .cfg file, use #pragmas to place code and data in the memory areas and load them in at the beginning of the main() function. 

I highly recommend to NOT use it. It will work only on specific OSes of specific versions, while there are differences among different Atari machines. Many users use also modified OSes or OS replacements like QMEG or Altirra OS (now default in Altirra and I think also Atari 800 emulators). Saving $28 bytes (like printer buffer PRNBUF) for losing compatibility of your software with that many configurations is not worth it. 

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Had a go at using a modified version of your script, the segments look good and 4000-8000 are free

unfortunately the program doesn't run, I just get a black screen, will play with it a bit more and see

if I can find out what wrong


it does compile and link without errors


Segment list:
Name                   Start     End    Size  Align
AUTOSTRT              000000  000005  000006  00001
FILEHDR               000000  000001  000002  00001
FIRSTHDR              000000  000003  000004  00001
SECONDHDR             000000  000003  000004  00001
ZEROPAGE              000082  00009B  00001A  00001
EXTZP                 00009C  0000A0  000005  00001
STARTUP               002000  002062  000063  00001
ONCE                  002063  0020BD  00005B  00001
LOWDATA               0020BE  0020BF  000002  00001
LOWRODATA             0020C0  0023C0  000301  00001
LOWCODE               0023C1  00323E  000E7E  00001
LOWBSS                00323F  00331F  0000E1  00001
CODE                  008000  0095E2  0015E3  00001
DATA                  0095E3  00A7C1  0011DF  00001
RODATA                00A7C2  00A8A5  0000E4  00001
BSS                   00A8A6  00A938  000093  00001

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8 hours ago, TGB1718 said:



Had a go at using a modified version of your script, the segments look good and 4000-8000 are free

unfortunately the program doesn't run, I just get a black screen, will play with it a bit more and see

if I can find out what wrong


it does compile and link without errors

You may need to set proper __STACKSIZE__ and __RESERVED_MEMORY__

Post the created xex here, please.

Edited by ilmenit
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Here's the .xex , it looks like the call to _graphics(0) is the problem, if I comment out the call

I get the screen although it still had the text from SDX displayed.


I created a call to open the screen directly from an asm module using CIOV using code I know works

from another project and I get the same black screen.


I added a __REDSEVED__MEMORY__ of 1K but still black screen

was just about to change the stack size but strangely it's throwing errors during the compile

I removed all the changes, (which had nothing to do with the errors now showing) as I've

not changed anything in the link.asm, but the linker is throwing these errors ???



It's ok, my bad, changed the config file in an attemt to fix the problem, put the correct one back :)



D:\ATR_NEW\cc65\MyProjects\Disasembler>ld65 -Ln disassem.lbl --mapfile disassem.map   --dbgfile disassem.dbg -C disassem.cfg -o disassem.xex dis.o disassembler.o structs.o atari.lib link.o 
Unresolved external '__FIRST_END_LOAD__' referenced in:
Unresolved external '__FIRST_START_LOAD__' referenced in:
Unresolved external '__SECOND_END_LOAD__' referenced in:
Unresolved external '__SECOND_START_LOAD__' referenced in:
ld65: Error: 4 unresolved external(s) found - cannot create output file


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20 minutes ago, TGB1718 said:

Here's the .xex , it looks like the call to _graphics(0) is the problem, if I comment out the call

I get the screen although it still had the text from SDX displayed.


I created a call to open the screen directly from an asm module using CIOV using code I know works

from another project and I get the same black screen.


I added a __REDSEVED__MEMORY__ of 1K but still black screen

disassem.xex 14.74 kB · 1 download

https://cc65.github.io/doc/atari.html#ss6.1 - for _graphics(0) it just 1 should be enough according to documentation __REDSEVED__MEMORY__ = 1

Do not open screen by CIOV, because it would require memory space for it and it may not work with how program memory is organized https://cc65.github.io/doc/atari.html#s3


Sorry, no idea what can be wrong with the errors now - they makes no sense as long as you have these in the .cfg file and in the link.asm. Can you attach the whole project?


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Sorry, just edited the last post, my bad, had the wrong config file ?

Just going to try the RESERVED MEMORY option



How strange, RESERVED MEMORY set to 1 and it worked, if I left it to the default of 0 it didn't


Thank you very much for your help, now to see if I can use that free memory block

Edited by TGB1718
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