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Jaguar Sound Tool?


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On page 29 in the Jaguar developer document "10. Libraries" something that is called Jaguar Sound Tool is described.

A tool that is supposed to be used to create patches for the Jaguar synth.


I figured out that it is something to be run on the Jaguar, but there is no ordinary file like .ABS, .COF etc.

Rather there is a set of files (in the jaguar-sdk),and a text file called sndtool.db.

The .db file seem to describe how the other files should be arranged in memory, e.g. sndtool.tx @802000, sndtool.dat @4000 etc.

I tried to send the .db file to the Skunkboard, using the flash command. The Jaguar restarts, but then there is just a black-screen, and no sound.


Does the Skunkboard understand the .db file at all?

Is there a way to have the linker putting the correct files in the correct memory locations to create and .ABS file?


This is the information in the .db file:

gag on
fread sndtool.tx 802000 ; fread sndtool.dta 4000 ; getsym sndtool.sym
gag off
echo "          start   size    end"
echo "text      802000  173cc   8193cb"
echo "data      4000    18926   1c925"
echo "bss       1c926   15c790  1790b5"
echo "Symbols loaded"
xpc 802000


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To do the equivalent on the Skunkboard, you need to flash the *.tx file to $802000, send *.dta to RAM at $4000, then start the Skunk at $802000. Should be three simple jcp commands. Make sure you don't reset in between any of those steps. Well, you could reset before step 2 if needed, but don't reset after you load RAM.


If you wanted to combine it all into one binary, have the first instruction at $802000 jump to a new location in ROM space which contains a copy loop plus the *.dta file. Copy the contents to $4000, restore the patched instructions from $802000, and jump back to the first valid instruction after the $802000 patch.

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