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ik+ update


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@emkay: ???


The game stops just before referee's verdict is to be made. This is when the time is out or one of fighters gained all 6 stroke points.


Just tried it on 128k and 1088k settings...


When it stops you can reload it and fight again and again and so on... :)

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@emkay: ???


The game stops just before referee's verdict is to be made. This is when the time is out or one of fighters gained all 6 stroke points.


Just tried it on 128k and 1088k settings...


When it stops you can reload it and fight again and again and so on... :)


It happens when using the single EXE.

I've checked the ATR version, which seems to work well.

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@emkay: ???


The game stops just before referee's verdict is to be made. This is when the time is out or one of fighters gained all 6 stroke points.


Just tried it on 128k and 1088k settings...


When it stops you can reload it and fight again and again and so on... :)


It happens when using the single EXE.

I've checked the ATR version, which seems to work well.


After a player gets the six points, the game hangs. You must reload for a new play, but for the EXE version, a reload starts in freeze. You need reload another program EXE before.


Cool upgrade from the demo!

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Yes, IK+ is the great project!!! :thumbsup:


still do not know why it needs 128kb instead of 64k but well...

This Atari version must use a lot of complicated techniques for three players colors (sophisticated PMG overlaying / line positioning / several charmaps), and It needs a lot of memory.

But the result is cool! 8)

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Great progress, well worth the wait!


I'd recommend looking at continuing with a bank-switched

cartridge model for development, required data (music, graphics

and even game code etc) need only be switched in when required,

leaving quite a lot of RAM left for the game (e.g. display).


The overheads are minimal and benefits are that we

all won't need a 130XE or modified XL. Plus development

can still be done on the common emulators.





Question: Will the backdrop get all those little animations?

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oh wow, that's great news.. 8) we all thought that this one was another unfinished project! it's really looking just brilliant. Will be good to see more when a final stable beta/finished game is developed. ... it just goes to show what can be acheived... :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

awesome! I just played some rounds!!! now I do believe that this project will have a happy end. I hope that this game will be an entry in the ABBUC software contest . If so, it would be the biggest thing of the year 2k5.. for sure!


thank you guys from ik+ converstion project, you are just heros.




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  • 1 month later...

Very cool "demo!" I just tried it out today on my 130XE. I LOVE the animation and the background (first one anyway) is even better than the original IK (or World Karate Champion as it was called when released iver here in the states). It did give me the itch to play the origianal, which is as good as ever, but the animation isn't nearly as good as IK+ demo either, great job! I'm really lokking forward to this game. In the mean time, it's back to remastering the origianl IK again to hold me over! I'll have to try it (IK+) out on my PAL converted 1200XL later too, but it works fine on my NTSC 130XE, well, excluding the known "freezing" that happens since it's just an alpha/beta demo... :cool:

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