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6502 Killer hacks


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I like that version, nice use of LAX, but you gotta be brave and not use the temp ;)


    LAX word
   AND #$F0
   STA word
   AND #$0F
   ORA word
   STA word


A late reply to the starting hack of this thread. If you got a free byte of memory space and you could initialise that before the loop this should be faster:


At an init stage store the top 4 bits in a variable:


lda word
and #$f0
sta hi


And in your loop when you are iterating and need the wraparound increment on lower 4 bits:


ldx word ; 3
inx	  ; 2
txa	  ; 2
and #$0f ; 2
ora hi; 3
sta word ; 3


Uses a total of 15 cycles, 4 less than the one quoted assuming word and hi are in zero page. :)


Well, if you can assume that your "word" variable bit 4 is always zero (so counter starts from one of $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0) you could do this also:


ldx word; 3
inx	 ; 2
txa	 ; 2
and #$ef; 2
sta word; 2


Which is only 11 cycles! :P

Edited by johncl
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  • 1 month later...
As I was growing up, I kept a notebook full of cool code snippets and ideas. My notebook had been misplaced but I ran across it recently and here is one of the pages which is from a 1987 Dr. Dobbs article by Mark S. Ackerman. "6502 Killer Hacks".


Post your own 6502 Killer Hacks and share them with the rest of us!




Well here is the killer hack. This one is to scrimp on RAM.


Incrementing only the lower 4 bits of a byte (with wrap)




- David


Just joined these forums so sorry if I'm a little late to this party ;)


Here's a couple of my favorites


First the counter


eor something with its self you get 0

eor something with 0 you get its self


 lda counter
inc counter
eor counter
and #$F0
eor counter
sta counter

Of course you can insert bits from one byte into another

byte (not just from a changed version of itself)

Used eg for setting pixels




Parity is just an xoring of bits


A simple sum is just an xoring of bits







Disregarding the carry obviously


Carry is a way of propagating bits across a byte (sort of)



We can combine the two to get parity and collect "bits" across a byte


;parity of A

sta temp
eor temp
and #b10101010
adc #b01100110
and #b10001000
adc #b01111000
;now the parity is in the sign bit



Already posted this to a different thread


Rotate two bits left through the carry


adc #$80

Do it twice to swap nibbles




Kernigans method for counting set bits in a byte


This code lifted directly from dclxvi in the 6502.org

programming forum




  BEQ L2 
  LDX #0 
  SBC #1 
  BNE L1 

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Kernigans method for counting set bits in a byte


This code lifted directly from dclxvi in the 6502.org

programming forum




  BEQ L2 
  LDX #0 
  SBC #1 
  BNE L1 

A simple shifting approach is more efficient in terms of size (and in many cases, cycles) than any other routine I saw on that thread.


They all start with the value passed in the accumulator and return the accumulator, so I'll do the same:

  sta temp
 lda #0
 asl temp
 beq done
 adc #0
 bcc loop

I'm sure this can be improved somehow.

Edited by batari
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Maybe precede the LSR with CLC, but it's still smaller.

Why would you need to do that?


But anyway, this further proves my point that the code linked in the thread above isn't ideal in terms of size and (with the probable exception of the 256-byte table) cycles.

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Anyone have a slick hack for taking a byte and separate 5 bits on one side and the other 3 bits as well?


I saw where some were talking about swaping nibbles. This is also usefull for taking 11111111 and producing 00001111 and 11110000 but shifting it down to be 00001111.


The the 5 /3 one would be like taking 11111111 and producing 00011111 and 00000111 out of it with minimal cycles used.


just curious.

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5 bits? Is this for audio frequency? If so, are you aware that the upper 3 bits are irrelivant for these registers? Likewise, the upper 4 bits are irrelivant for distortion and volume registers.


So you could use the original merged value to update frequency, then drop the upper 3 bits down (5xLSR) for one of the other registers.

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5 bits? Is this for audio frequency? If so, are you aware that the upper 3 bits are irrelivant for these registers? Likewise, the upper 4 bits are irrelivant for distortion and volume registers.


So you could use the original merged value to update frequency, then drop the upper 3 bits down (5xLSR) for one of the other registers.

Yes. but I was more intrested in getting thoes last 3 bits ready ASAP for audio control. The other byte is used for sustain and rest duration. This is how long the volume is held and how long it is off. I was going to organize thoes 3 bits to cover the most usable distortion settings on the audio control register.

Edited by grafixbmp
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List 'em first. %sssssccc. It's only 2 cycles to AND off the upper bits...and by using LAX, you don't need to reload (the original value is still in X).


LAX tablevalue

AND #7







How quick then would it be to do the others from X? Remove the low 3 bits and shift down. Or somehow keep the carry at 0 while ROR 3 times

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  • 4 weeks later...
After research, I came up with something really short (17 bytes)

; Binary in A

  sta temp1
  lda #0
  ldx #8
  asl temp1
  sta temp2
  adc temp2
  bne loop

; BCD in A

What's cool about this one is that it actually will do 8-bit binary -> 9-bit BCD, with the 9th bit contained in the carry! Can this be improved any more, though?


Faster, one byte shorter and not using X:

rol	@
sta	bin
lda	#0
sta	bcd
adc	bcd
asl	bin
bne	do_bit

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  • 1 year later...

Just saw this today:

Average of Integers

This is actually an extension of the "well known" fact that for binary integer values x and y, (x+y) equals ((x&y)+(x|y)) equals ((x^y)+2*(x&y)).


Given two integer values x and y, the (floor of the) average normally would be computed by (x+y)/2; unfortunately, this can yield incorrect results due to overflow. A very sneaky alternative is to use (x&y)+((x^y)/2). If we are aware of the potential non-portability due to the fact that C does not specify if shifts are signed, this can be simplified to (x&y)+((x^y)>>1). In either case, the benefit is that this code sequence cannot overflow.



In 6502 assembly:

lda a
and b
sta temp

lda a
eor b
adc temp

Next question: extend to more than 2 integers, and is it possible to do without temp RAM?

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As I was growing up, I kept a notebook full of cool code snippets and ideas. My notebook had been misplaced but I ran across it recently and here is one of the pages which is from a 1987 Dr. Dobbs article by Mark S. Ackerman. "6502 Killer Hacks".


Post your own 6502 Killer Hacks and share them with the rest of us!




Well here is the killer hack. This one is to scrimp on RAM.


Incrementing only the lower 4 bits of a byte (with wrap)




- David


Just joined these forums so sorry if I'm a little late to this party ;)


Here's a couple of my favorites


First the counter


eor something with its self you get 0

eor something with 0 you get its self


 lda counter
inc counter
eor counter
and #$F0
eor counter
sta counter

Of course you can insert bits from one byte into another

byte (not just from a changed version of itself)

Used eg for setting pixels





haven't read this thread for awhile (thanks to vdub to resurrect it so I would actually see some of the cool additions)


This is more likely the original Ackerman 'hack' for incrementing only the low 4 bits of a byte without requiring any additional memory. I think the other 'bad' version must have been my own idle mind playing around with other ideas. Thanks bogax.

Edited by djmips
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  • 6 years later...
  • 3 years later...

In (timely) response to the initial post...

lda work	; or ldy work
clc		;    iny
adc #1		;    tya
eor work
and #$0f
eor work
sta work


and if you want any subset of contiguous bits you can do like that:

lda work
adc #4		; value of the lsb of the increment group
eor work
and #%00011100	; 3 bits (2...4)
eor work
sta work

this will cycle bits 2...4

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16 hours ago, c3po said:

In (timely) response to the initial post...

lda work	; or ldy work
clc		;    iny
adc #1		;    tya
eor work
and #$0f
eor work
sta work


and if you want any subset of contiguous bits you can do like that:

lda work
adc #4		; value of the lsb of the increment group
eor work
and #%00011100	; 3 bits (2...4)
eor work
sta work

this will cycle bits 2...4

I'm pretty sure this was later surfaced in this very long thread but appreciate your contribution!

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Well, for the sake of hacks, I think in any long program it's a useful commodity to have a table like this:

NumTab ; values 0-255
	byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
	byte 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
	byte 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255

This allows some interesting "new instructions":

AND NumTab,X 	; A AND X

ORA NumTab,X	; A OR X

EOR NumTab,X	; A XOR X

CMP NumTab,X	; CMP A with X

ADC NumTab,X	; A + X

SBC NumTab,X	; A - X

LDY NumTab,X	; TXY

LDX NumTab,Y	; TYX



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