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Pink Panther Prototype


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Here are some screen shots and a short movie of the Pink Panther prototype for the Atari 8-bit. I do not have the rom for this prototype, but I am attemping to contact the owner. I will post more news when I have it.




Pink Panther Proto Case

Pink Panther Proto Insides

Pink Panther Movie








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  • 2 weeks later...
So he wont let you review it?  That is a bit harsh.  I was keen to learn more about it ;)



He'll let me review it, but only in person (I'm a bit too far away). He's actually being pretty nice about the whole thing, but he doesn't want to give out the rom or sell it.


Just curious but is this person the programmer or just someone who found/bought the prototype?


Just someone who found the prototype. I have no idea who the programmer was.



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Hmmm...pretty interesting. Thanks for posting the info-tainment. Only thing missing is the little guy who was about 75% nose, and the fly from that one episode...what a great cartoon it was.




I think his name is Ju-Du or something like that.

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  • 10 years later...

Such a shame, most likely sitting on a book case in a cover never getting played, what hurts is that his proto will still keep its value even if its dumped and since he can show his was the board it came from even if people make carts he can show that his is the valid source..


Eventually this stuff fades from view and never gets seen again...Lost for good..

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I can't make sense of the game, but that is a really nice pink panther.


visuals are great.


It's basically the same game as the 2600 version (http://www.atariprotos.com/2600/software/pinkpanther/pinkpanther.htm) but with a few changes. It appears that the first screen is new and you'd have to jump on the loose boards on the dock to knock Clouseau into the metal beam at the top of the screen, Not quite sure how the second screen would play out, but it looks like you'd have to pick up and throw the bombs back at Clouseau or something of that nature. The Doors screen is pretty much the same as the Elevator screen from the 2600 proto but a little nicer looking. The final screen looks like you'd have to jump from block to block and grab the diamond and the rope at the end.


The Dock screen was included in the Colecovision Pink Panther demo as well: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/odyssey2/articles/randygreen/ I'm guessing all the 8-bit versions would have been the same and the O2 version would have been more like the 2600 version.

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  • 3 years later...

I believe the reality will be that after our generation is gone, nobody will care about any of it except maybe a few antique collectors, and even they won't know what it's all about and it will be just a few computers and accessories in antique shops, bought and sold as curiosities kept behind glass cases, most of the software will be long forgotten, and whatever is archived on the internet will fade from memory with a lot of lost and broken sites and any future generations who may stumble across it would have little knowledge or use for any of it. It will all come down to just footnotes in computer history books (if even that) within a decade or two of us all being gone.

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9 minutes ago, Gunstar said:

I believe the reality will be that after our generation is gone, nobody will care about any of it

I figure that I've still got a good 30 years of enjoyment ahead of me though.  I just need to get my modding stuff all but done in the next decade while my fingers still mostly want to cooperate.  

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11 minutes ago, SS said:

I figure that I've still got a good 30 years of enjoyment ahead of me though.  I just need to get my modding stuff all but done in the next decade while my fingers still mostly want to cooperate.  

Yes, agreed, I also hope for the same. My father's side of the family was long lived; my grandfather died at 103, and we expected the same for my father, but he died an accidental death at 80, so barring illness or accident, it's possible I may have up to a half century left, but probably only 30 to 40 years of it where I am able to still use it physically or mentally (the last 5 years of his life, my grandfather went senile). So far, it seems I'll take after them, as I'm 51 now, but can be mistaken to be a decade younger still, and I am still in great physical condition, little has changed except balding and wrinkles from when I was in my 20's. I'm even still the same weight; 5'11" and 155 pounds.

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You guys just aren’t thinking about the long game. I hope this proto is lost, and then rediscovered by some cannibal apocalyptic tribe that elevates it to the status of religious icon. It’ll be very Canticle for Leibowitz, except it’ll be fun and retro for Fourth Millenials.

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