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New Rally X, port Atari 8Bits


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  • 2 years later...

this project is discontinued, I will release the source code if anyone is interested in finishing it.

I am very interested in your project. Could you please release the source code?

Actually I am currently developing the best game pack and also studying the assembly language in my spare time, but I think I could continue this project. :)

Edited by starwindz
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Thank you for responding to the request, and in such a timely fashion! I appreciate all the hard work you have put in and your willingness to allow the community the honor and responsibility to carry your work on. Rally X certainly deserves the 800 series treatment and I am glad you nearly made it a reality. Again I thank you.


Thankyou Starwindz for the offer of the continue on the project. Here's to happy coding and smooth testing!


It's both of these selfless acts of coding that shows why the AtariAge community is as strong and prolific as it is!

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Hello guys


As a former member of the NRXA8 team, my last contribution to the project was setting up this Sourceforge site. My understanding is that the sources posted there are the most recent.

Those sources generate a binary you can run on your favorite emulator, this video shows the result:



Our hope is that this project can be completed and finally see the light.

A lot of work has been made on this, mainly the works of Victor Acevedo AKA Kapitan Kloss. He was the driving force of this project.

Unfortunately Victor is still MIA from the Atari scene, I wish to thank him for offering us his help on this project and I wish him the best of lucks in his life away from keyboard.

Of course there are others who contributed on this project, I remember devwebcl, nachocientosxl, Bill Yesterday, who contributed on different tasks.

Thanks to all of you, and best of lucks for the ones who will take this work and continue progress on it.


Kind regards,



Edited by lbaeza
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@Ibaeza @devwebcl


Might I suggest that you release this source code under a license, e.g. MIT or GNU or Apache? That would guide potential developers who wanted to continue the project on what they could do with the source code. For example, can they redistribute it? Can they sell it? Can they enhance it without distributing their edits? I like the MIT license if you want to basically release it into the public domain without restrictions other than attribution.

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Thank you very much for providing the source code and information.

After looking the code at a glance, the compilation is successful but I found it hard to understand the source code since all comments are written in Spanish language. Actually I am only a very beginner of assembly language programming so I have to learn it first and then look into the source code in detail. Any comments or advice?

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You can use google translate for that. If this is not useful, I can help you with the translations.




Thanks for pointing that out, I will talk with my partners regarding this and let you know once I get their feedback.





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You can use google translate for that. If this is not useful, I can help you with the translations.

It is a good idea to use the google translator but it is very time consuming. Today I was trying to translate some comments using the translator but I found it is not an effective work. Furthermore it cannot be verified since I do not know Spanish language. And to conclude, I think that the best way to translate the comments is to translate manually by someone who knows Spanish language.


So if possible, could you please translate Spanish comments to English in the attached source code? If so, I would really appreciate it. :)


[Edit] Additional English comments would be needed since many variables and labels in the source code are written in Spanish.

[Some source code in ControlX.asm]
	lda LINEA11
	lda LINEA11+1
	sta PUNTDES+1
	ldy #21
	sta (PUNTDES),Y
	sta (PUNTDES),Y
	sta (PUNTDES),Y
	rts						;Vuelve a Proceso

	cmp #LP


Edited by starwindz
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Thank you very much, lbaeza. Now I have made a development planning document. Please refer to it.



Development planning of New Rally X for Atari 8bit
Doc version: V1 (2014.11.13)
1. Preparation
1) Learning the assembly language programming [starwindz]
2) Software license setup [lbaeza]
3) Analyzing the base source code
(1) Translating the comments written in Spanish to English and inserting additional comments [lbaeza]
(2) Making the flow chart [ ]
4) Understanding the base source code [ ]
2. Making an action plan for development
1) Target setting
2) Listing up action items
3) Assign the time schedule and work members to action items
3. Work the action plan
1) Alpha versions development
2) Beta versions development
3) Final version release
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Hello guys


As a former member of the NRXA8 team, my last contribution to the project was setting up this Sourceforge site. My understanding is that the sources posted there are the most recent.

Those sources generate a binary you can run on your favorite emulator, this video shows the result:



Our hope is that this project can be completed and finally see the light.

A lot of work has been made on this, mainly the works of Victor Acevedo AKA Kapitan Kloss. He was the driving force of this project.

Unfortunately Victor is still MIA from the Atari scene, I wish to thank him for offering us his help on this project and I wish him the best of lucks in his life away from keyboard.

Of course there are others who contributed on this project, I remember devwebcl, nachocientosxl, Bill Yesterday, who contributed on different tasks.

Thanks to all of you, and best of lucks for the ones who will take this work and continue progress on it.


Kind regards,



Is there an ATR file of this WIP?


- Y -

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Oops, yep there's already a .obx file on Sourceforge but it is out-of-date with respect to the source by that one byte you noted. It corresponds to this section of code in ComunesgameX.asm:


   274 258F A9 A0                       lda #<GANANCIA
   275 2591 85 99                       sta PUNTOBJ
   276 2593 A9 2F                       lda #>GANANCIA
   277 2595 85 9A                       sta PUNTOBJ +1

Looks like the .OBX was assembled from a version of the code that was missing the "+1", thus yielding $99 as the last byte of that sequence instead of $9A.

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The next step after the code translation(comments, variables and labels) would be to make the flow chart of the base source code. I think that the flow chart should be made to understand the game logic much better and enhance the game features easily.


Making the flow chart together would be good. And I recommend the cross platform software, Pencil Project. What do you think about my idea?, and any comments or advises?



Edited by starwindz
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