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Mord's Blog - (Action RPG) Version 0.011 - Room Loading


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With version 0.011 I've added/fixed a couple things. First of all the sprites are positioned properly. They're hardwired for now, and there's no mechanism to determine what sprites need to be displayed each frame, if any, depending on the room. There are no actual items yet!


There are, however, actual rooms!


The exits are working although it's not prefect yet. I still have to add the room exit info to the collision detection routines. So if you try pressing against a wall while walking through a room exit be prepared to restart the rom as the wall will grab you. I just wanted to make sure it would work with the non-collision code before adding the same minor alteration to the direction test routines.


For testing purposes there are 4 rooms in the Test Realm for now.


Next version I'll be adding the room changing code to the collision code so walls won't grab you and probably work on some simple room alteration flags. (swapping of colors etc)





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