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Seaweed Assault: DEFs to DIMs

Random Terrain


I started to get DEF errors again:




I said in that thread that I'd just keep the DEFs that I had and use DIM for any new BitOp variables, but I realized that I'd eventually become confused or frustrated by having BitOp variables in two separate places, so I spent some time today converting all of my DEFs to DIMs.


Although most of the changes were done using the Replace All button, it was still tedious work, but I'm glad I did it. Now everything is on one place, so it will be easy to add new BitOp variables or share existing ones with other aliases.


I'm never going to waste my time using DEF again. Goodbye DEF and your crazy errors! I'm free!



Here's an example from my DIM section:


  rem  ================================================================
  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Create aliases for variables.
  rem  =
  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  (You can have more than one alias for each variable.)
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  All purpose bits for various jobs.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim BitOp_All_Purpose_01 = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Keeps Reset switch from contaminating other sections of the
  rem  =  ---- game. Reset switch must be released before it will work.
  rem  =  ---- Bit0_Debounce_Reset{0} does double duty in the title
  rem  =  ---- screen and game over loops by including the fire button.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit0_Debounce_Reset = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Keeps fire button from contaminating other sections of the
  rem  =  ---- game. Fire button must be released before it will work.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit1_Debounce_Fire = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Shared: Keeps player from holding joystick in one direction 
  rem  =  ---- in the title screen loop.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit1_Debounce_Joystick = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Time to grab the ship.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit2_Grab_Ship = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  The ship has been grabbed, now slide down a bit.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit3_Ship_Grabbed_Bounce = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Makes the player sprite move down at the start of the game.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit4_Game_Started = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Alternative missile hitting seaweed sound.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit5_Sound_Alt_Mis_Hit = var41

  rem  ================================================================
  rem  =
  rem  =  Flips between the current score and the high score.
  rem  =
  rem  ----------------------------------------------------------------

  dim Bit6_Swap_Scores = var41



Random Terrain



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