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2600 Music Utility



So, I've wanted to make something like this for a while, but didn't have the motivation/skills/intelligence to do so. I've been teaching myself PHP for the last couple months, and thought this could be a good outlet. Also, I may use a derivative of this thing for my senior project, which is something like "using ternary continued fractions to derive tuning ratios." It sounds more awesome (or maybe less) than it actually is.


Anyway, what I've created is a keyboard (like a piano) of sorts that corresponds to the frequencies capable of being emitted by the 2600. Since these frequencies don't conform to any recognizable musical scale, basically any music written for the 2600 is a gross approximation of what'd you want. More details here.


What this utility does is provide an easier way to compose music for the 2600. Agreed, it's not really all that useful, since composing music for the 2600 can be done without it. But, it does make it a little easier, since you'll be able to immediately hear your song, rather than code it up and run it on an emulator. No 2600 coding skillz are required; after all, I created it, and I'm an idiot.


Sorry to all you fools who use Firefox or Opera, but this is IE only, for reasons that can only be described as mean-spirited. Well, that's not completely true. While it's true that every time I see a "Spread Firefox" button on a website I want to punch the webmaster in the face over the internet, that really had no bearing on not allowing Firefox users to use this thing. Read the FAQ on the page for more details. You'll also want to enable Javascript, or it will be quite useless.


Link: http://tmont.kicks-ass.org/music/


Enjoy. I'd be interested in hearing some comments (like if anyone can figure out how to use it). Most of your questions are probably answered in the FAQ.


Oh, I almost forgot. Here's some sample songs that I made while testing it out (they aren't that cool, I was just testing stuff):




--test2 channel 1 data

--test2 channel 2 data


--fun_with_modulation channel 1 data

--fun_with_modulation channel 2 data


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Well, it "mostly" works in Safari. ;)


Bummer though for Mac users, since IE was abandoned years ago (not that we miss it, mind you).


Not knowing anything about coding, is the data this generates able to be plugged into 2600 code directly? Or would a conversion utility be required for that?


Cool idea though. I've been hoping someone would do something like this. :)


BTW: Really cool samples!

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Well, it "mostly" works in Safari. :)

Bummer though for Mac users, since IE was abandoned years ago (not that we miss it, mind you).


Not knowing anything about coding, is the data this generates able to be plugged into 2600 code directly? Or would a conversion utility be required for that?


Everything besides the sound should work in all browsers (well, I don't have a way to test Safari or Konqueror). Actually, Opera, one of the most annoying browsers available, doesn't allow disabling the context menu (right click menu), so the little window that pops up when you click on a key won't work.


As for the code, I don't know anything either, but I think the music driver is unique to each game, so in essense, the code would be different depending on who's doing the coding. Maybe. I don't really know. It shouldn't be all that difficult to just translate the data that the script spits out into 2600-speak, though.

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Pretty dope, though the "Dotted" checkbox is right on top of the note value buttons.


huh? Are you using IE? 6 or 7? What's your screen resolution?


(I had the same problem whenever I viewed it in Firefox, but I fixed it before I posted it on here)

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Your guys' compassion breaks my heart.


Note that these samples I'm spitting out aren't testaments to my so-fine musical skillz per se, they're more like examples of what my little tool can do. And the rodtv thing was an experiment in trying to create the illusion of a third channel. And I had the music handy.


You bastards.

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Note that these samples I'm spitting out aren't testaments to my so-fine musical skillz per se, they're more like examples of what my little tool can do. And the rodtv thing was an experiment in trying to create the illusion of a third channel. And I had the music handy.


Some computers' MIDI drivers don't do low notes very well, so something that could be reasonable on one setup may sound horrible on another.


Would there be any practical way of generating .WAV output? Would probably require a high-speed internet connection to be terribly useful (31.5 kbytes per second of music) but it would give a much more accurate impression of what the thing will sound like.

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Would there be any practical way of generating .WAV output? Would probably require a high-speed internet connection to be terribly useful (31.5 kbytes per second of music) but it would give a much more accurate impression of what the thing will sound like.


Well, I'd need two things:

  • .wav files of all the pitches for all the distortions (for immediate playback, like when you click on a key).
  • an algorithm to dynamically create .wav files (for when you want to listen to the whole song).

Unfortunately, I have neither of those. I used MIDI because I already knew the format, and the files are small enough to make the lag unnoticeable. I would've preferred to use some kind of "true" audio format (I was actually prepared to use .au), but MIDI files are better documented and more easily manipulable.

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[*].wav files of all the pitches for all the distortions (for immediate playback, like when you click on a key).

I have generated those in the past. (Let me know and I'll dig through my archives.) The easiest way is to create the waveforms as raw binary (or text) files, then use SOX to convert them to WAV.

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I was just looking for all this stuff again, but the server cannot be found. Are these going to be relocated somewhere else?


Sure! You can find it here: http://www.tommymontgomery.com/2600/. Although, I haven't looked at this stuff for a long time, and the sound doesn't seem to be working for some reason.

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Erm - sound works for me. Use IE to get the sounds when you click on the piano keys, creating the MIDI file (click on the "Listen" button) works in Firefox and IE.


This reminds me...if I ever get off my duff and find some time, I have some more tunes for you to write, Tommy. :lolblue:

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The sound doesn't work in any browser except IE, because all the other browsers can't handle dynamic sound in an efficient enough manner. Here's an alternate link to a server that's not ridiculously slow:




This reminds me...if I ever get off my duff and find some time, I have some more tunes for you to write, Tommy.



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