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bonus points



I think I successfully added a bonus point system in Stickman. Originally I was going to let one of the characters display the one-digit timer. When that didn't work out, I remembered that there were some unused characters in the quads. So I figured out how to make an 8 digit number: bonus number, then three blank spaces, and then the score. And I didn't break the program when I tried it out on a real Odyssey 2. So now what do I do? I'll think about it. And this time, work on the game only lasted 2 hours instead of pulling an all-nighter. I went to sleep at 9pm and didn't get up until 11am. That was how tired I was.The bonus point system starts out at 9 and then ticks down the longer you stay on a line. This should encourage people to go faster if they want more points, but might lead to dangerous positions. By the way, now it is possible to get 0 points for clearing a line if you let the bonus timer tick down to 0! I really should get out Elevators Amiss and play it and see what I should do next with Stickman. All my 2600 games are in the garage except for the few I recently bought. And then I would have to unhook the Odyssey 2. It's hard unplugging systems and then plugging other systems in. My setup has consoles and TV on a table with the plugin under the table, so I have to kneel down to unplug and plug in stuff. Well, I guess I would have to anyway. Then I have to unplug the thing I was working with from the TV and add the console I want to it. So I guess what I'm saying is I'm lazy. Here's a picture of Stickman in its current state showing the bonus timer.



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