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Less common fork



So I worked for a few more hours on Orange today. The main thing that I wanted to try to do was make the power up appear less. Along the way I seemed to have broken version 15a so I had to start a version 15b. The main thing I kept doing wrong apparently was instead of increasing the random number output like so:

poweruptimerlimit=(randomthing % 10)+20;

I needed to do this instead:

if (poweruptimerseconds>poweruptimerlimit+20)

Why is beyond me. But anyway, I'm glad that's over with. The next step is to make the fork usable. If any indication of past coding with this, this will be extremely hard. First I would have to get the fork off the screen, then change the death scenario. That would involve instead of making it go back to the title screen, make the orange disappear and two points be added, also keeping in mind to make the orange act like it went off the screen left in order to regenerate a new orange. Then I would also have to have a timer activated to tell the game how long to keep avoiding the death and use this alternate code instead. And later I get to review potentially all 49 previous versions of Cellar-y Celery to find out when a bug started appearing in the game. The life of a coder is never done. Perhaps that's why I'm going to live forever...


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