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Mr. Stick update



Today's update to the game is one that you can't see. I put all the letters back. I had been using q for the tree and z for the land. But since I decided to make the game better looking, I didn't need to replace letters for 8x8 tiles. And I had been using j for the stick-lives icon. I put that to the beginning of the lowercase letters. The uppercase letters I made lowercase just because. The game doesn't have that much text in it anyway.

I bought a Game Boy game. I woke up at noon and went to the game store. The Sega Genesis/CD unit was still there and still overpriced at $169.99. But I got Prophecy. I remembered there was a game of the same name on the Lynx so I decided to get it. How are you supposed to attack the enemies with nothing but A button sword swishing? They keep coming at you even when you're attacking them and I couldn't finish level 1 because of this. I wish I was a playtester. I would say "Game is frustratingly too hard with tiny sprites and tiny, broken collision detection."

But I guess that's just the pot calling the kettle black. Because I put in Mr. Stick. I need to do a better job of defining good and bad food, which while clear on an emulator, is not so good on a Game Boy screen.


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