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Of pickles and oranges




So I was trying to put some replay value in my Yum video game for the Game Boy. I decided to make a "pickle juice" mode where the game spat out nothing but pickles and you get a point for each second you survive. Thus making the mode a version of the first Game Boy game I ever made: Oranges. You can access the pickle juice mode in the options screen.

It only took about half an hour to do this since most of the code was written already for the main game. I just had to add a mode where the game spat out nothing but pickles and add the scoring technique for it.

But I consider this mode to be sort of easier than the other mode. There's nothing to stop you from camping out at the bottom and rising when a pickle comes at you and then lowering yourself back down when the pickle is gone. And it hit me: Perhaps this was the reason why Oranges wasn't very successful. Despite its easiness, I'm keeping it in the program though.

Took a look at the game in Super Game Boy. It shows up much better than on a Game Boy Pocket. Or perhaps my room is really dark and that's why I'm having trouble seeing it.

I slept for most of the day. I did see the thunderstorm that passed through. No lightning, but about three thunderclaps, some rain and black clouds, and then it was gone.


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