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New Game Boy game: Going Bananas



I'm making a new Game Boy game called "Going Bananas." I spent last night on the title screen, trying to make it play a fairly decent rendition of "Yes, We Have No Bananas." Today I designed the playfield (as if it were a 2600 game.) There is a guy going around the screen collecting bananas. It's sort of like Alien Greed, but replace the cartridges with bananas, and the alien with a guy. The banana appears randomly on the screen and the guy goes and gets one. Once he's got it, another one pops up on the screen, so he goes to get that one, etc.

I don't know how to make a fairly decent game with this concept, though. Should I add an enemy? A timer? Both? I haven't got around to designing the guy yet, but what I want to do is use the same animation in the Secret Gov't Waffle Project because we did a good job with it. (If you haven't got that lovely Intellivision game, get it now!)

I asked the guy about the status of the Yum! cartridges for Game Boy. He's still waiting on parts to come from China. It has been a month now. I tried to make a Super NES game with a green screen but I couldn't get it to compile. So I just went back to stuff I know.


I'd like it to be a maze like a Pac-Man screen, but I just decided to go with a "Hay There!" attempt because it'd be easier to program. The Game Boy has no "check collisions", so I have to do that myself, and rather than put bloated code, I am deciding to keep it simple and do a screen where wall collisions would be fairly simple to program in.


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