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So I hooked up my Jaguar and turned it on with the Jeff Minter game in. Red screen. I tried a few more times. Red screen.I unhooked the Jaguar and put it in through the VCR. Red screen. I tried another game, Pinball Fantasies. Red screen. I actually got Evolution: Dino Dudes to work, so I put Pinball Fantasies in again. Red screen. I tried blowing on the cart. A few more times and I got Pinball Fantasies to work. And eventually the Jeff Minter game works now too.

I hadn't turned the Jaguar on in a while. It's just been sitting on top of the VCR going unused. About a month ago, I was browsing eBay and saw that Jaguar consoles without the CD are going for like $300. I did NOT want to pay that much, which is why I kept trying until I finally got it to work.

I have been working on my Aaron the Aardvark game. The Jaguar emulator controls are horrible. Changing the buttons to the arrow keys results in the buttons not working. So I had to change it back to A for left and D for right, which is quite possibly the dumbest setup I have ever seen for any emulator ever. Oh well. At least I got my Jaguar working again. I think.


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