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Atari, ST/TT and mostly Falcon

Entries in this blog

The frustration that is Aliexpress

As you may or may not know Alliexpress is a short of an ebay alternative and Aliexpress sucks! Seriously don't buy from aliexpress! Never buy from Aliexpress. Send Aliexpress where it belongs, to history!   Long story short. I bought a Samsung Galaxy S4 screen from a seller in Aliexpress and the item was defective. Meaning that the digitizer won't work. It happens in ebay too, but out of eight purchases from Aliexprees three were defective. That's right, there is a very high probability you'l



What I am up to

Hello, It's been quite a long time since I last posted anything here. There is a good reason for that, I've been quite occupied with making websites and other IT related stuff. We've also spent quite a bit of time in creating our website from scratch. You can find it here: Mindsoft IT solutions . Our english pages are still under construction but we are working on the translations. Either way you can get a feel of what we do.   What does this mean for my Atari stuff. Well things are getting



Quick extract 0.5. I'll call it a public beta..

So here's the next version of quick extract. After some complaints about the distribution method this zip file has all the files you'll ever need. Just replace everything and it will work. What's new?   1. It now supports bz2 and tar.bz2 files. 2. Fixed bugs at tar.gz handling, it didn't work as it should but it will now. Hopefully any problems will be found by the users this time. The shortened version tbz isn't supported... i found no need but if you want it added just give me a shout, or



Ubuntu 11.10. Oneiric Ocelot and MiNT 1-17-0

It's been over a few weeks since I decided to move over to Ubuntu from windows. I have a dual boot system but I booted on windows only twice. One time to check something in the hardware from a windows only program, and another to see if it still works. I think I can do all the things I want from that, at the moment at least. Unfortunately I didn't find something like dscaler in order to record videos for my youtube channel so I guess I'll have to learn mencoder. Avidemux seems to be a pretty go



Downfall Falcon

Some time ago I wrote about Downfall for the atari jaguar and how much fun we had while developing it. For this falcon port little has changed in that respect. GGN tried to add to the game and with the graphics by Templeton and Sh3 the falcon gained a lot of interesting backgrounds. 505 signs the music in this one and the samples from the jaguar version were kept. Some don't fit really well with the falcon, since it's only 32-bit but they are funny to listen to nevertheless .   But as someone



Attempt at something new.

Have you heard my voice? I guess not, so here is your chance . I tried to make a new video today, of me presenting my atari falcon 060, what sort of hardware I have, how it all looks like etc. I did it in english for the international crowd and I am not sure how it would appeal to people. So express your views, even if they are on the harsh side (I was never a fan of "nothing positive to say..."), So enjoy the vid.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQHWkzJSOgk



Summer vacations.

Some of you may wonder why there is nothing Atari related from me. Truth is.. demotivation! Without anything exciting going on in the ST side of things (at least in front of the scenes) I find that my ct63 is rarely turned on. Also, I've been enjoying some summer vacations in Chalkidiki. Here's a sky!



Falcon youtube.

As some of you know (the faithful readers at least) I've been posting a few falcon and ST vids on youtube. I am at a point in time that I have very few ideas on what to post, so I am looking for your recommendations. What falcon video would you like to see?



Downfall by Reboot. For the Atari Jaguar.

Well, this isn't the first time that I've been involved in the development of software and especially games but this is one of my favourites. First of all it took only 12 days to make and it was great fun while it lasted. The coders had the main engine up and running in just a few hours and then it was all testing, adding assets, more testing and design. Secondly it was all the laughs we had while discussing the game and how we should progress and lastly the end result that worked surprisingly w



Low Res Mag issue #4

As I promised some time ago, we have released the issue 4 of our free web based magazine. This time it features a lot of event reports, the unveilling of our new logo by Greyfox (whom we'd like to thank once again) and the usual view on the atari st scene and community. Also work has started on our 5th issue with some surprises. Hopefully I'll be able to let some of them sneak in as they are being completed. As usual I should say what I have written, because this is a personal blog after all!



And after some power fluctuations

I heard my falcon's HD do clicking sounds. Then I couldn't write to the disk and 1 bad sector was found. But modern drives don't have bad sectors, which means it's on its way out. I had saved all the data I needed but what do I do now?



Easycap DC60.

I just bought myself some new video recording hardware. An easycap dc60. After a few hours of fighting with windows 7 to install the proper drivers I am happy to report it works. Here's the first video...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdg0S7eE2P0   For a more thorough review look at the next lowres, whenever that comes out!



Low Res issue 3 has been released.

Phew, after a 2 week delay we managed to pull another issue. As usual this webzine features a lot of demoscene content but also non sceners will find it interesting. It's hard to find highlights in this issue but let me tell you what I've done (yes I am lazy)   JagCF. Zerosquare and SCPCD talk to us about it. Reboot. They explain their philosophy, their views on the jaguar and their plans to support the 16/32 machines. Gemworld. What's new in applications and stuff for your Atari ST/TT/Fal



What's new?

Well, I finally got a PC 3 days ago. I still can't get used to it. So this small entry is to let you know that I'll probably be posting a few more vids on my youtube channel soon and I'll probably have a few more things to write here.   See ya




Version 0.4 of QEXTRACT. Some minor improvements in tar.gz handling and full source code included under the WTFPL version 2.   I should have mentioned that you need the files from the ARC folder in version 0.3. This is an update.



Quick Extract v 0.3 released

Hi, just to announce the release of Quick Extract v 0.3. This is a small program that will allow you to easily extract files with just a double click from your desktop. Just install it as an application to open those zip, rar and other archive files. Everything else is explained in the docs. Have fun!



Low Res and other things

So, I guess you've all read (or haven't) the last issue of lowres. However the webzine isn't without its problems. First of all this blog suffered. Everything I might want to write here can be put there too. So how do I manage those two efforts? Secondly there's the problem that we want to extend the magazine to other non atari platforms, or even to atari platforms we know nothing about. Ny VCS knowledge for example is left somewhere in 1988 when I played Moon patrol and a couple of other games



New Lowres

Last week we released the second issue of lowres. This time it features twice the number of articles as the last issue and with CiH joining as a writer we get a lot more coverage of the demoscene. Highlights of this issue include: -A mini interview with Curt Vendel about the early days of the ST -An interview with Rygar about Lynx and it's 20 years -E-Jagfest, Xzentrix, Sundown and Alternative party reports-An interview with ggn of D-Bug about HD patches.So go and read it herehttp://lowresmag.wo



Where am I?

Well isn't this a surprise. The readers of this blog suddenly increased, very fast. It got 3000+ views in a few days. I wonder why...Anyway, this isn't why I am writing this. Most of my faithful readers must have missed me so here I am. Well, good news, my CT63 is working perfectly, so is my ethernec and so I am online from the falcon. Bad news, after being cursed by either the jaguar "vocal" community or Candy Candy fangirls (don't ask, I won't tell ) I lost my PC and laptop PC so my only onli



Low Res Magazine.

What happens when two Germans and a Greek meet in Dusseldorf (where the Germans pick up the Greek to get him to Outline in the Netherlands)? Well the idea of a new web 2.0 magazine is born. The Low Res Magazine, hosted on wordpress and visited over 1000 times since its publication 3 days ago.   It was a warm sunny day, the last one of a summer that had caused so much pain but somehow managed to fill our hearts with hope. In that spirit the team had joined IRC. We had the articles, we had the



Outline 09

It's been a day since Outline 09 ended and I already miss it. The organisers did a great job there and I'd like to thank all of them for the great time we had there. It was great! I've attached some pictures I took in this blog so take a sneak peek at how great it was to be there!



STOT game dev compo

Thorn, Simonsunnyboy and I, decided to start a small gamedev compo for the fun of it. The game doesn't have to be from a coder, a text adventure written in a text adventure creator would be great. Seeing that many people have some game idea they started working on in the past we thought of offering a chance to fame and glory if you decide to complete it. Like I said it doesn't have to be fancy or anything. Just fun for you!   Anyway, here's the link:   http://forum.dbug-automation.co.uk/cg



Atari 16/32 gaming in 2009.

Hi, finally found an idea to update my blog. I guess that's fun.   Though I don't think I am as much a gamer as I was last year (or active in the atari scene for that matter), I am still here. Still browsing the web, still getting new ideas, still helping out with STOT, though I've taken quite a backseat there with Thorn doing most of the work. So what is the state of things in 16/32 gaming this year?   For a starters, a few sites have gone active and a few more continue. Atarimania started



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