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"On the way to Fun": my first book is out!



I recently wrote a small book titled “On the way to Fun: an Emotion based approach to successful Game Design” where I summarize my latest research in game design. It has just been published by AKPeters (book description on my website) and it can be found on Amazon and other online retailers. This is my first book so I am obviously quite excited and proud of it! ;)


It is a book on game design/analysis where I take into account a subset of basic emotions and instincts to show how games can be "fun" even without the need for fancy graphics and effects. Basically, I'm proposing a new framework for understanding "game aesthetics" (as intended in the MDA model, i.e. the emotional response evoked in the player) and I apply it to a set of case studies consisting of retro games dating back from 1971 till 1988 and modern successful Indie productions to show how all of them were able to provide fun experiences even without the complexities of modern AAA titles.


In particular, the case studies analyzed are:


Computer Space (1971) vs. Space Invaders (1978)

Asteroids (1979)

Battlezone (1980)

Pac-Man (1980)

Rescue at Rigel (1980)

Haunted House (1981)

Pooyan (1982)

Robotron 2084 (1982)

Pitfall (1982)

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain (1982)

3D Monster Maze (1982)

E.T. (1982)

Dracula (1983)

Planetfall (1983)

Safecracker (1983)

Seven Cities of Gold (1984)

Spy vs Spy (1984)

Little Computer People (1985)

Captain Blood (1988)


While the indie games are:


Toribash (2006)

Braid (2006)

I wish I were the moon (2008)

Castle Crashers (2008)

TAG (2008)

Flower (2009)

Plants vs. Zombies (2009)

“World of Goo” (2008)

“Crayon Physics Deluxe” (2009)



Needless to say, I'd love to hear some feedback :)




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Hmmm... interesting hypothesis. One of my inspirations for Skeleton was the CoCo game Phantom which used sound to generate fear.


However, I would argue that graphics and complexity must be compared with other games of the time. So the graphics and gameplay of Space Invaders would have to be compared with other games from 1977/1978.


Even indie games are fairly complex in graphics and gameplay. I've played World of Goo, and although I'd say it's a good game, I'm not sure it generates a significant emotional response (other than frustration when your tower buckles).


Also, when comparing indie games to AAA titles, you also have to consider cost & time investment. This is where a lot of the iPhone games excel - cheap & quick to play.

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Hey Eric,

thanks for the comments.


"world of goo", like "crayon physics de luxe", indeed doesn't rely on a lot of different "emotions" but it does rely on a few relevant "basic instincts": the curiosity of exploring what to do in the environment by means of constructing new structures and the "collecting" instinct of taking all the goo balls by pushing them through the level exit. In this case, this was enough to make a compelling experience that has "glooed" many players to it.


Indie games can, of course, have complex graphics too but, in general, they tend to look good by artistic means (use of color, original style etc.) instead of technical means (like extensive complex shaders, textures and lots of polygons), this is the difference I wanted to point out.




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Indie games can, of course, have complex graphics too but, in general, they tend to look good by artistic means (use of color, original style etc.) instead of technical means (like extensive complex shaders, textures and lots of polygons), this is the difference I wanted to point out.

True. An indie studio isn't going to be able to sink the man-hours into making photo-realistic full 3D environments with motion captured characters . . .

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