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Collection of my retro computer projects and interest. Nothing deep or profound, just stuff.

Entries in this blog

New .zip file of full Geneve for MAME

Here is a new .zip file for my full Geneve MAME package. Added about 120 or so games , Logo 2 and the latest MDOS. click the link and go to MAME PACKAGES and click the GENEVE link. https://ti99resources.wordpress.com/emulation/ Enjoy


hloberg in geneve

Clear for Action ported to the Geneve

'Clear for Action in the age of Sailing'  is a game of strategy pitting you against the computer in a pitched naval battle in the age of the great sail battleships of the 18th century. Originally ported to the TI-99 by Walid Maalouli from the TRS-80 I have now ported thst 99 version over to the Geneve. This is a really terrific program and I have made some modifications to better run on the Geneve and take advantage of it's features. The program is now one large program. Malllouli had to br


hloberg in geneve

Finally, creating a software PC for the Geneve: Part 2

First off I want to apologize for taking a few months to get to part 2 but real life keeps rudely intruding on my hobby time. How dare it. Anyway, since I’m also hiding out at a Zaxbys to just have the time to type this up it’s not going to be as intensive as I would like, since life will eventually find me after all.   Note: you will want to read through the Part 1 before attempting Part 2. Also, because of the vagaries of Windows PCs your experience may vary. I have also included mor


hloberg in geneve

Geneve Advanced BASIC v 4.08

this is going to be a short blog. @9640News & @InsaneMultitasker has just released the latest version of Geneve Advanced BASIC v 4.08. They cleaned up the last of the bugs and I had a small part of editing the manual. Here is the download. Enjoy. NOTE: Recently I found some with the commands concerning SPRITE usage. CALL DISTANCE gives bad values and CALL SPRITE will error out sometimes with a 'bad value' in the X & Y values even when they are good.   ABASIC-408.zip


hloberg in geneve

Some more 'essential' programming packages for the Atari 8-bit line; Action!, Atari Asm/Ed & Macro Assm, Atari Pascal, OSS BASIC XL and MS BASIC.

Few months ago I posted an 'essential' package for Atari 'C'. It was a .ZIP up of all the versions of Deep Blue C for the Atari 8-bit line. The .Zip included the later upgrades for Deep Blue C such as Ace C all in one package. I have Done the Same for Action!, Atari Asm/Ed & Macro Assm, Atari Pascal, OSS BASIC XL and MS BASIC. You can get all these software packages off the web but they are usually spread all over the place. I put them in one nice little .ZIP for each programming language pa


hloberg in Atari 8-bit

Parsec 2600 v1.7d

After several years I have updated my Parsec 2600 to v1.7d and I am releasing as a free download. Of course I reserve all distribution rights and rights to the code but it can downloaded for private use from here. What I have added in v1.7d are some improvements, better play and a BOSS level. Here is a brief look at the manual (full version included in download). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


hloberg in Atari 2600

creating a software PC for the Geneve: Part 1

this below is my Geneve. It's a Geneve created using a Windows 7 PC and MAME. Here is a bad video I made of the startup procedure. I stripped Windows 7 of all badging in start up to just a black screen till the MAME kicks in giving the illusion of a real Geneve PC. I added an old IBM keyboard, HP ball mouse and a new NES style joystick to really give it that old-school look. Mouse works, joystick works and all software runs off the 3 internal v-drives. It looks and


hloberg in geneve

a little helper for programming with 7800BASIC

I have created a nice little language file for BASIC7800 for Notepad++. If you have never added a language file to Notepad++ use Language>user defined>define your language>import. It's set for .b78 files to pull in the language file. and for you don't know what a language file is it tailors Notepad++ to the specific programming language or dialect highlighting different kinds of commands in different color and generally making the file easier to create and read.   Th


hloberg in atari 7800

Mille Borne for Apple II

As with the previous two games for the CoCo I once created a piece of software for a computer not TI or Atari, the Apple II. It was the Mille Borne I created for the other PCs and did just a straight conversion. @micahcowan took and spruced it up real purty like for the Apple II so I pulled my original version I did going to eventually put up his version. Well, a long time later I finally getting round to posting his version. Here it is. Enjoy. MilleBornes_v1.5.dsk


hloberg in apple ii

Two updated games for the CoCo: Awari v2 & Mille Borne v2

while back I posted these two games for the CoCo; Awari and Mille Borne. But I wasn't too happy with the quality of the job I did so I pulled them. I have since worked on them a little and now I'm fairly happy with the results. Awari; You can choose the background color (if you have a CoCo2b or better) and who starts 1st and if you want random placement of stones or traditional. Mille Borne; I cleaned up the code as I had a couple errors and sped it up a bit. So for CoCo fans, Enj


hloberg in TRS-80 Color Computer

Adding TMS9900 & TI99 XB language support to Notepad++

I like to do my programming, these days, for my TI99 using a PC. First off I can use the wonderful Notepad++ for editing and test the software in the equally wonderful MAME and secondly I don't wear out my 40+ old TI99/4a. And to increase the already massive wonderfulness I have added language support for the TI99 to the already extensive list of programming languages built into Notepad++.  I added TMS9900 and TI99 XB support to Notepad++ with the two .XML files attached in the .ZIP below. 


hloberg in programming

Golden Oldies in AdvBASIC for Geneve

Put together a short list of some XB golden oldies and converted them into AdvBASIC for the Geneve. Added AdvBASIC features to some of the programs, like 80 column or multi-color font, and others I just converted with little changes. Here are games: Awari barricade (was already a ABASIC program) chicken plus civil war (made 80 column) - note: the 80 column ones I converted I tried to make them look like they were being seen on an old monochrome monitor of some sort.


hloberg in geneve

TI-BASE running from HD added to MAME Geneve

TIBASE on the Geneve   In the updated .HD files for the Geneve emulation (in TI99RESOURCES) I’ve included a new TIBASE for the Geneve running from hard drive. It runs from the FDRIVE.HD (hard-drive 2) in HDS2.TIB. And (recommended) saves to the GDRIVE, HDS3.TIBFILES. It runs with the TI99 E/A Geneve module. (I tried to get it to run with the Geneve EXEC but the SELECT command kept blowing up the TIBASE when executed with EXEC.) To run TIBASE from the Geneve I created a batch file


hloberg in geneve

Essential Atari 8-bit 'C' package

Long ago Atari offered a 'C' package through APX. It was OK, limited and bit slow. What a lot people may not know that wasn't the end of 'C' for the Atari 8-bit. later Ace C was released which compiled much faster. Still had about the same capabilities but faster compile. But that wasn't the end of it, then CC8 was released. This 'C' more capabilities and faster compile. A really nice package. I have here combined the three packages and the documents in one .zip. Included are libraries, editor a


hloberg in Atari 8-bit

Molasses Man or yet-another-pacman-clone

Molasses Man, a Pacman clone created with the XB256 compiler. OK, that said, what is Molasses Man and why the weird name. Well, the game itself is rather OK and challenging. You Pacman your way through a maze avoiding the three ghost. Eat power pills, chase the ghost ect... The game itself I didn't create. It's a game from the old TI program exchange of long ago. I actually remember buying the cassette from the exchange seeing if I could do something with it. The game, Molasses Man, li



MS Multiplan on the Geneve 9640

Come one, come all and witness the amazing, no colossal, feat of Microsoft Multi-Plan running on a Geneve! No cartridge needed, it runs from the hard drive! No floppies needed, it also saves and loads from said hard drive! And all in 80 columns wonderfulness! Amazing you say! Earth shattering you say! How can this miracle of science be accomplished? Well,... (bit over the top? )   After a bit of searching the internet (mostly WHTECH) I found several versions of MSMP in 80 column and e



UPDATED: Psystem on the Geneve, a short tutorial and bug list

Psystem for Geneve short beginners guide tutorial   Note: this has been updated with new information. My initial response to the Geneve Psystem was don't expect much. After working with it some more I have upgraded it to, it works OK but still has a few bugs that really make using it difficult. Some of these bugs are things like no visible cursor and this is a big one. It makes editing a file very, very hard since you never know where the cursor is. Another is only the left arrow




HSGPL, EVPC & BWG were/are created by the SNUG TI99 users group in Germany. Their website: https://www.s-n-u-g.de/home/index_en.php   HSGPL The HSGPL enables your TI99 (or MAME emulation TI99) to have up to 16 Solid-State-Modules for the TI 99/4A installed in the HSGPL Card  with all 16 selectable from the TI Main Menu screen. It also copies the main GROM into GRAM to slightly increase speed. How to use HSGPL: when you get the TI99 menu screen (it'll always star



Geneve 9640 part deux, 'Say what???'

In the last post I threw around some terms that might not be familiar to those who may have never used the Geneve 9640. So, here is a brief description.    MYGPL - Programs from the TI99/4(a) can't be run directly on the 9640. A lot of TI99 software has a underlying layer known as GPL in the code. MYGPL has a GPL emulator built in that enables those TI99 programs with GPL to run on the 9640. To run TI99 software with MYGPL you type in 'MYGPL nameofTI99program' at the MDOS prompt.



MESS/MAME Geneve 9640 files update

Little time ago I posted some files here that were roll-ups of files for MAME/MESS from the, what I call, the 'other' 99s; that is the TI99-8, TI99-2, TI-99 PSystem, MyArcII XB and the Geneve 9640. Looking over them I realized I hadn't vetted these very closely, especially the Geneve. (FYI: if you don't know anything about the Geneve, here is the Wiki article with some excellent links for a deeper dive on the subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneve_9640 ) So I went back and pulle



the other 99s - A set of MAME/MESS packages

A bit back I had these MAME/MESS packages posted on ti99resources.wordpress.com/ but decided with the limited space I have on that website to just concentrate on the TI-99/4 and TI-99/4a. So I posted them to an Atariage thread. But since things, over time, tend to get lost in those threads I'm re-posting them here with updates. Notes: The .zip files come with everything you need to get the MAME/MESS emulator up and going except the current MAME/MESS. The emulator has been tested with M



Atari 8bit Super Reversion Reversi game

SupeReversion   This is a Reversi game I got from some magazine a while back. It's probably one of the best looking Reversi games on any 8-bit computer with it's 3-D style board. I made some modifications such as changed how the pointer works, displays in several random colors, boots from Altirra disk and improved the game play a bit. To play press Option or Select to change player then Start key to start. There is a flashing square you move in 4 directions to the spot where



my Trek XB from TI99IUG

Here is the Star Trek game I posted in the very 1st post of this project blog. There it was a completion of several of the games I had posted as a kid to the TI99IUG. But it's such a neat little game I decided to make it it's own post. It's a real snap shot of the BASIC/XB program that was done back in the 80s. I made some minor updates but it's still essentially the same.  It's a TI-BASIC program that was converted to TIXB. Some cleaver graphics and sound. Instructions included in the prog



Othello in 256c compiled XB

What we have here is my 1st attempt at using Harry's XB compiler. All I can say is, WOW! that's fast. The game is an Othello game I typed in from some? book and summited to the TI99IUG waaaay back when we used to type in such things from dead tree sources. It was originally in good ole' TI BASIC. The game was painfully slow, really slow, I mean, get a cup of coffee, drink it, piss it out and maybe the computer would have made a play slow. I later, much later like, 2018 later, rewrote it and



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