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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive HSC Rules



blog-0854091001364751872.jpg(Note: This exists as a blog post for now so that the initial HSC topic won't be cluttered. It may be reposted in a revised format in the forums at a later date)


Welcome to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive High Score Club!


The goal of the club is to play Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games, try to beat the scores of the other players, and have a good time.


Our rules are largely the same as the Atari 2600 HSC rules, with a few variations.



If/Until sufficient interest is built in the club to merit a scoring tier similar to the 2600 HSC's scoring mechanic, the following system will be used


First Place: +4 Points

Second Place: +3 Points

Third Place: +2 Points

Participation: +1 Point


I will post season-long leaderboards in each topic. A comprehensive list of round leaderboards will be posted in a future entry on this blog (most likely)



When familiarity with the game permits, I may issue a challenge, Successfully completing the challenge will award +1 point. My goal is to develop challenges that only one player will successfully clear (an alternate "high score" objective such as who can stock the most extra lives) though in the case of ties, multiple players may be awarded the bonus point.



Rounds begin on Monday and last for about two weeks, closing on the second Sunday after the round was posted. Since this is a bit abstract, I will post the dates in each thread. The reason for this schedule is merely of convenience for me. I do not work Sunday nights and will always have Sunday night/Monday morning off to post updates. This schedule is of course subject to change based on my own schedule :P


Season 1 will consist of 5 rounds (5 games over roughly ten weeks). It will be a short season for a couple of reasons:


1. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to administrate this thing as long term as some of the other HSCs

2. If there is a lack of interest then hopefully the participants we do get will have some kind of resolution


If the first season is successful, we will definitely start playing longer seasons!



The HSC operates on an honor system and is ultimately for fun. When posting your scores remember the following:


1. Screenshots are recommended and requested but not required

2. Gameplay video is encouraged, particularly after a round has ended

3. Please don't exploit known bugs. If you unintentionally exploit a bug, it is requested that you remove your score from consideration for the season ranking

4. If using an emulator, please do not manipulate the game with speed control features (turbo/slow) or save states

5. No game genies or other such hacking devices (and no cheat codes built into the game!)


In the unfortunate event that there is a disagreement over a posted score, I will make the final determination on scoring. The best way to prove a great score is with a screenshot or gameplay video.



Initially, I will choose all of the games (in fact, they've already been selected) My goal was to select games that were popular enough that most people probably have them so that as many people as possible can participate. If sufficient interest is maintained after the first season, I very much want to open it up to suggestions. If there is a game you'd like to see played, you can always PM me. I will use the same system that Ze_ro used to use when he managed the 2600 HSC. (see previously linked thread)


When there are multiple settings, stage select, etc. I will post specific rules related to those things (such as tackling the levels in a certain order) in order to "level" the playing field for everyone.



In the hope of building interest in the oft-suggested but rarely long lasting Genesis High Score Club, I plan to be more liberal than other HSCs in what platform you choose to play the games on. In general the original hardware is encouraged whenever feasible, followed by emulation via computer (PC, Mac, Android and so forth). I will also accept scores from players using the Virtual Console, any of the many dedicated clones, or any of the various collections and ports. As long as you aren't playing a remastered or updated version of the game.


Note that this rule is subject to change. I will not retroactively void any scores but if (when?) it is decided to adopt a rule more in-line with other HSCs, I will announce it either on this blog or in an HSC thread.


Now for some potential FAQs...


Q: I want to play but I don't have that game!

A: Emulators are perfectly acceptable to use! Feel free to play your virtual console titles, Xbox 360 downloads, or however else you have the game! Many players choose to emulate on their computer (I personally use my Android tablet) as it makes it easier to get screenshots this way. Feel free to ask in the topics for emulator recommendations if you're not sure what to download. Note that for legal reasons we cannot provide the ROM images of the games we play to you. You will have to google any genesis roms or other cool roms for yourself.


Q: When/how do I join?

A: Any time you want. Just post a score and you're in. Just watch gameplay videos and comment and you're in! The Genesis HSC is for everyone.


Q: I can't play every week!

A: No problem! Play only when you want to or have time! While it would be great if everyone could get on board every week, many players prefer to only play on real hardware with games they actually own. If you don't wish to participate because you don't own a game that we're playing in a round, you'll be missed but your spot will be waiting for you when you decide to come back.


Q: I want to play but I'm not very good at X

A: Don't feel bad, I'm dreadful at most games from this era too. I play for fun and to compete against other players, some of who are terrific gamers. The HSC is about enjoying games first and foremost and hopefully about providing a nice competition for our members who really want to battle it out at the top.


Q: You guys are already X weeks into the season, I'll never catch up!

A: Just because you can't compete in the season-long leaderboard doesn't mean you still can't win it! Come in and show the regulars who's boss by totally trashing them in a game.


If you've read this whole thing, thanks for your interest in the Genesis/Mega Drive HSC. Hopefully we can all look forward to some great gaming!


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