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Playing Snoopy and Peanuts (Amiga)



Hi there!


Yet another license game, albeit with graphics amazingly close to the TV Show:




The graphics of this game were really quite good, even in motion. The whole rest of it... is another story though... :ponder:


So what we got here is some kind of an adventure game. The story is pretty simple: Linus has lost his blanket and it is Snoopys mission to get it back to him.


In order to to so, he's moving back and forth through the 20 screens of this game. In the 5th or 6th room you can already see the blanket, it's in a locked in a locker of the school building :roll:


So getting it out of the locker is the actual task. In order to achieve that, Snoopy can carry around one item at a time, using it for exactly one purpose within one particular screen. That's basically all you're doing in this game: Find out which item to use in which room next. Upon success you usually get another item, which you can use elsewhere :lolblue:


While that sounds simple, in most parts it's quite obscure stuff you're supposed to do, so I basically played most of the game with a walkthrough.


About 95% of the game is dead simple to perform, so one could eventually consider it being designed for children, but there's on horrible platform jumping sequence in the game you have to execute pixel perfect twice(!). This bitched task took longer than playing the whole rest of the game combined :x




Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another anime license game in the form of "The Jetsons", but first it'll continue with something else.





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