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Jason of Star Command - Chapter 01 - Attack of the Dragonship

I remember seeing this some time ago. Nothing like a live action Filmation show complete with all the sound effects and music you would hear in He-Man. So they introduce the mini-robot, W1K1. Pronounced Wiki. That would make a great name for a helpful place to get information. Man the voices in this are all the voices of He-Man.. whoa. Wow, Jason just rammed through a hatch like it was made of wood. That is one cheaply made hatch. Ah James Doohan has the part in this as the Comm



Buck Rogers - The Flight of the War Witch - Series finale?

Was watching Flight of the War Witch tonight. I think I see where the budget for season 2 went. All and all I've concluded no matter where your watching ends on Buck Rogers (some end at Season 1, some end at Season 2) the capstone, the end all is Flight of the War Witch. It is the only way it makes sense. For me as a Buck Rogers fan well, if you did not grow up with the show or have listened to people over the years, it goes something like this: Season 1 was great, season 2 was terrible (to m



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 10 (But I will say Story 11) "Testimony of a Traitor"

Season 2 - Story 10 (But I will say Story 11) "Testimony of a Traitor" Getting back to Earth, and the past... This is the episode most think fondly about, and for more reasons than they probably realize. In this episode you have the Searcher back at Earth (for a deep exploration vessel they spend a lot of time close to home. Earth, Alpha Centari...) . You get more of the back story of Buck, how he wanted real badly to be on the Ranger 3 mission, and one secret mission before going off into spa



Buck Rogers - Season 2-Story 11 (But I'll call this Story 10) "The Dorian Secret"

Season 2-Story 11 (But I'll call this Story 10) "The Dorian Secret" The "shame on you" episode. So what would you do if you were suffering extreme heat and cold and it was all because your ship was harboring a fugitive? I've heard it said that Gil Gerard wanted more serious material over the fun tone of the first season. This one is great for that. A real thinker that makes you wonder who you would have been as a passenger on the Searcher going through all that? The story is so dark that Twiki



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 9 "The Hand of Goral"

Season 2 - Story 9 "The Hand of Goral" The kinda mirror universe episode? So Lone Ranger and Tonto... er... Buck and Hawk... find themselves in the midst of a test that has them on a false version of the Searcher. All and all while seemingly obvious at times, it did give the characters a chance to completely step out of character in completely hilarious ways. Crichton comes in and is funny, but Twiki follows up and completely steals the show going off on a complaining rant. That had me crack



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 8 "Shgoratchx!"

Season 2 - Story 8 "Shgoratchx!" "That episode where they tried to undress Wilma." Yep this is the one that most remember as the one where the midgets try to "offthink" Wilma's clothes. Was memorable for me too. This episode was a ridiculous and fun episode. Not much editing I did on this till the very end when Dr. Goodfellow gives a long speech. UGGGG!!! Edited that out, flowed from Buck saying being with them was interesting and they compliment back that "you gave us something too"...



Buck Rogers - Season 2-Story 7 "The Satyr"

Season 2-Story 7 "The Satyr" On the road with Twiki, the apology episode. This episode always was and will be the "Hey fans, we are soooooo sorry we stuck you with that other voice actor for Twiki and gave your beloved character background appearances. Here, have a story with Buck and Twiki for old times sake on us!" Edits I did on this episode for my own enjoyment was to shorten the part with the opening with the mother and son and NOT show the Satyr. To matter the fact, I edited it in such



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 6 "The Crystals"

Season 2 - Story 6 "The Crystals" MEL BLANC is back baby!!! <-- As Twiki's voice (And the story is good too) Watching it here recently I was laboring through noting the scenes where Twiki was talking for editing and when I heard Mel Blanc talk as Twiki it was, to quote the OTHER Twiki voice in "Time of the Hawk" ... "I think the sun just came out". Wonderful. I had gone from feeling sorry for Crichton to liking him, and loved him in this one. Not only his description of the "old moldy da



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 5 "The Golden Man"

Season 2 - Story 5 "The Golden Man" Story with a twist, and great moments with Hawk. More editing of Twiki, story is alright for the most part. The penal colony locals looked slightly more primitive than the city they were supposedly living in was my impression, but oh well. Loved... loved... loved Hawk impersonating an inspector and how he wore the cloak. And man he had them going. Also loved how they establish the father and son relationship. Brings up questions though to the power level



Buck Rogers - Season 2: Story 4 "Mark of the Saurian"

Season 2: Story 4 "Mark of the Saurian" Where the trio is cemented and rest of the Searcher gets on board with Buck. Still having to edit Twiki. Oh man, the whole "Top of the morning" bit from Twiki... UGGG!! But of course, if Mel Blanc said it, it would have been fine, great... funny! Anyway, this episode had me riveted watching it again. Maybe it was seeing Thunderfighters in formation again (stock photage) or the repainted station from Space Vampire, or wondering if the reptilian Saurian r



Buck Rogers - Season 2 - Story 3 "The Guardians"

Season 2 - Story 3 "The Guardians" A story insightful into the dreams and fears of the characters. Usual edits (narration, Twiki) kinda your Raiders of the Lost Ark episode. An alright one. Liked it enough. Yeh if they were all lined up this would probably be the weakest one, but not to say I didn't like it.



Buck Rogers - Season 2: Story 2 "Journey to Oasis"

Season 2: Story 2 "Journey to Oasis". Take a little "Road To..." movie, mix some Star Wars, bam! You got this story. I like all Buck Rogers episodes. Mostly for nostalgia. This is one that is panned a lot by reviewers. I liked it because of Mark Leonard's character having a relationship with Wilma. Because of that I think we saw Wilma grow from just being an automatic love interest as Buck's sidekick/friend. Here they disagree, and Wilma has her own mind about things. And it hit me that maybe



Buck Rogers - Season 2: Story 1: "Time of the Hawk"

I'm going to give thoughts on all Season 2 episodes. But I'll start by saying I like all of Season 1 episodes. My ONLY problem with season one (and something I would edit for fun) is that in the space dogfight scenes they often mix ship types like we wouldn't notice. Season 2: Story 1: "Time of the Hawk". Usual edits aside * great introduction of Hawk. * Usual edits in this one (for a fan edit) being Twiki's voice (sorry Bob Elyea), Crichton would grow on me but his earlier appearances are



Thunderbirds - City of Fire

In this episode we have the cool concept of a huge building that is a mile wide and tall with 12 hotels in it, a monorail... saw something on youtube about the building that could reach space and house humanity. Lovely how they have the 4 miles of parking for 10,000 vehicles. And then one crazy woman driver (yeh Gerry Anderson stuff was released when women were known to be bad drivers) crashes her car into another car in the lot and blows up the whole lot, setting the building ablaze. Huh.



Thunderbirds - Pit of Peril

In the second episode the army is testing what looked like a gigantic crab. Weighs 500 tons, able to pull up trees and what not. Now the army is unstoppable!! Until of course the large crab falls into a 300 foot crater. Soo... kinda stoppable. Here we see the advantage of Thunderbird 2 (green ship) and the interchangable pods. Maybe in the first episode, but wow, that IS cool. LOL moments "So darn far from civilization we'd have a remote chance of getting rescued". They lower two



Thunderbirds - Pilot episode

I've changed this blog from Space Patrol to Show Patrol. I've been watching a lot of sci-fi shows while I continue my mediocre day at work. So... why not! Let's talk about shows as I see them? So I've loved the reverse winged green ship in Thudnerbirds since I was a kid and even saw an episode or two of Thunderbirds. I've been more a fan of Fireball XL5 and Space Patrol. Watched the first episode in the DVD set. The first episode introduces international Rescue which is alright. No



Space Patrol 01x02 The Wandering Asteroid

Tonight's episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg8RvqhdM5E [[i've decided in this series of Space Patrol review when someone mentions something other worldly sciency, (or in other words contrary to science) I will declare "Science!"]] 01:00 So the scientist, on Mars, looks into a telescope and sees Mars and two moons. Science!!! 02:10 Col. Raeburn is a old grouch. Complaining on why they would alert them in a rogue asteroid and ask to run a computation. Why? Beca



Space Patrol 01x01 The Swamps of Jupiter

Tonight's Space Patrol is watchable here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1UDaPtA9tU   I've seen the entire Space Patrol series and it is a blast. I've also seen all of Fireball XL5. In fun, Space Patrol would have been the lead up to Fireball. Both had producers who had worked with each other in the past. Space Patrol had the lesser budget.   Sooo... where to start on Space Patrol? Can we land on Jupiter? Well we sent a probe into Jupiter and it was crushed before it got into



Happy New Year From the Future!

Speaking from the future, I know 2016 was rough, but here's wishing you at least an... interesting... 2017. Just think, only 83 more years until you will see Meson power, and better yet, to find out what the heck a Yobba ray is. (More talk on Space Patrol in the year to come.)



Space Patrol (1962) Encyclopedia - Part 3

Tara (right) Venusian art criminal who has his palace on the Jovian moon Callisto, and owns all the gold mines there (TS).   Telepathy Form of psychic communication favoured by the Neptunians, which means they do not require the use of Elektrans to be understood. It can also be used to mesmerise or render people unconscious, but electronic shielding can protect against its effects (SN, CD, PT, TR, DW, FX). It is also used by the Deltees from the star system of Alpha Centauri (MS, DS), and th



Space Patrol (1962) Encyclopedia - Part 2

M   M17 Small, newly discovered planet on the edge of explored space, seemingly inhabited by fearsome monsters when viewed by the new Vitascope but found to be devoid of animal life on exploration (HS01).   Mac Bearded Martian in the employ of Berridge and operator of the laser weapon used to blackmail Earth (MM).   Magda Ocean Ocean on the planet Venus, and home to the Tula Fish, or at least the ones evolving naturally now (HF).   Magnum, John Astronaut, missing and presumed dead by



Space Patrol (1962) Encyclopedia-Part 1

(Taken from "Slim's Encyclopedia" on a website currently in the Internet Archive, added here to help with discussion.)   Originally: http://homepages.tesco.net/~space.patrol/SpacePatrol/SlimA.htm   Now: http://web.archive.org/web/20060224135300/http://homepages.tesco.net/~space.patrol/SpacePatrol/SlimA.htm     A   Aba Bird Rare, flightless bird from the area of Mars, resembling a two legged rhinocerous with a single white eye. Only twenty are known to exist in the year 2100 and the



Space Patrol (1962) wiki entry to reference

The following is a shot of the Wiki Page on June 20, 2015. This is added to the blog as a quick reference, but can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Patrol_%281962_TV_series%29   Space Patrol (1962 TV series)   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   For the 1950s television series, see Space Patrol (1950 TV series). For the German television series also known as Space Patrol, see Raumpatrouille.     Also known as Planet Patrol (United States) Genre Action,Adventur



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