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I finally finished programming and finally it was out the door a few weeks ago. Seems like it takes 90% of the work to finish the last 10% of polish. I did manage to sneak 2 1/2 easter eggs into it as well as the saveKey (or Atarivox memory card only) support. Now it's time to pick a new project. I am leaning towards another 7800 game. Maybe Super Pacman or maybe a platformer. I got some ideas for some scrolling platformer games, but I would probably have to spend a lot of times on some t



First post in a while

Beef Drop 7800 is done. The first 20+ carts have been made. More will be made at a rate depending on how fast the first ones sell. They are currently all using recyled ballblazer carts and will have pokey sound.   Q*bert has been renamed BonQ for now. I am not 100% sure if that will be the final name. I still prefer *FoQc* (fairly obvious qbert clone) or *FoQr* (fairly obvious qbert rip off). Maybe I should make two versions. I want something that sounds like a word you would say if you



Game Updates

Well I have a lot of the work done for supporting two players. Saving the state of 28 cubes and 14 disc positions wasn't too difficult and time consuming. I still am spoiled by machine with more memory where you can just afford to save an entire screen, for example.I am still trying to find one of my Ball Blazer carts to see make me a Beef Drop cart. If the cart looks like the board and schematic online it should be as simple as removing the ROM and replacing an EPROM, installing a 7404 in a



7800 WIPs

A game that looks a little like qbertSpent a lot of time fixing prior bugs that didnt surface until trying to add Ugh and Wrong Way. Ugh now works (still needs a litle polish) but Wrong Way is not cooperating. I also have not settled on a name yet. I have been just considering calling it "Q". I did manage to implement the PAL detection since I got tired of fiddling with Wrong Way,Beef DropI keep putting off adding the final touches to beef drop. It probably could be finished in a couple ho



Qbert WIP

Implemented support for up to 4 displayed balls vs. 3. Determined and built object order tables for the first 2 levels (8 screens)Qbert Object Release Order:Level 1, Rounds 1-4releaseList11: .byte PURPLE_BALL, RED_BALL, RED_BALL .byte 255releaseList12: .byte PURPLE_BALL, RED_BALL, RED_BALL, RED_BALL .byte 255releaseList13: .byte UGH_GUY, WRONGWAY_GUY, PURPLE_BALL .byte UGH_GUY, WRONGWAY_GUY, PURPLE_BALL .byte UGH_GUY, WRONGWAY_GUY, PURPLE_BALL .byte UGH_GUY, WRONGWAY_GUY, GREEN_BALL .byte 255



Qbert and Beef Drop WIP

Qbert WIP:Experimented with AtariVox support. While I was able to get the communications working, I haven't had much luck getting voices from it I really like. I think I have figured out the object release patterns in arcade Q*bert, so this will probably be the next major things to work on to make it play more real. I also will probably add PAL detection soon even though noone has complained or commented yet. I need to add support for one more ball (or ugh/wrong way/slick/sam) (from 3 to 4)



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