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RealSports Curling

Ryan Witmer


After much difficulty, I've successfully implemented the free guard zone rule.

This rule stipulates that each team is prohibited from removing the other team's first two rocks, provided those rocks meet the definition of a guard. For this rule, that definition is that the rock is outside of the house, and forward of the button. After each team has thrown two rocks, this restriction no longer applies and rocks can be removed normally.

If the free guard zone is violated, the rocks are returned to their pre-shot state and the shooting team loses their shot.

The purpose of this rule is to allow the team that shoots first to set up some kind of a defense. Without it, the team that shoots last could just keep knocking out the other team's rock and even a one point lead would be unassailable.

After implementing this rule, the game has now reached a point that I like to call gameplay complete. This means that every feature required to play the game is now in place. Those pieces aren't necessarily all final, there are still bugs to fix and adjustments to make, but the game is now completely playable.

My attention now turns to the aforementioned bug fixes and adjustments, and awesome features. So far, I've only used about 8KB of the 32KB ROM, so I have tons of space to use for cool stuff.

The list of things I want to do include:

  • Left-handed shooters: Some of the groundwork has already been done for this, but I need to finish the implementation.
  • Team customization: I want to allow the player to customize certain aspects of the four members of their team. This is mostly color selections, but also handedness and a male/female option. I plan to have a default team that you can pick if you don't want to spend time messing with this.
  • Variable game lengths: The game length will be anywhere from one to ten ends.
  • CPU play: This is the big one, and it will probably be quite difficult, but I really want to have this in there.
  • Multiplayer support: Right now, everything runs off of the player 1 stick. I plan to support all four joysticks, including a cool mode where two of the non-shooting players have to work together to sweep the rock, just like in real curling!

I can't wait to get started on this stuff, and I would love to have this game done before the summer.

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