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Cleansing my creative palette through Atari

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5 Criteria For Great Games/Systems

For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out what are the determining factors of a great game, and by extension a great game system. It doesn’t take much self-reflection to realize my favorite systems are the VCS, NES, and Wii. Many of their games satisfy one of the following criteria. Numbers 1-4 are pretty essential for me, but when a game also includes number 5, I’m hooked. With the Atari Box supposedly on the way, I hope it can also muster plenty of games that fit into this list. 1.



Roundabout Racer - Using Atari to Report the News

Using a video game to communicate a news story is not a new idea, but is still considered very innovative. Generally, the news consumer gains a better understanding of an issue through the interactive experience. In covering the transportation debate in Wisconsin, I tried something entirely different. I programmed a game called Roundabout Racer (development title: Robin's Roundabouts). It's a fun driving game where you try to get through as many roundabouts as possible without getting in a wreck



The Dawn of Video Game Journalism

As I said before, I'm a professional journalist. And so when I stumbled across 8bitrocket.com yesterday, this article really grabbed my attention: "Pac-Man, Electronic Games Magazine, and the exact moment Atari lost the video game war," http://www.8bitrocket.com/2017/04/05/pac-man-electronic-games-magazine-and-the-exact-moment-atari-lost-the-video-game-war/ The author examines how the "newly established critical video game press" contributed to the Atari VCS' downfall and the video game crash



Hello World

I'm an investigative video reporter, and so my whole life revolves around visual communication. That means tons of video reports, social media videos, animations, charts, graphics, and even occasional interactives. It takes a lot of creativity and attention to detail. I find programming for the Atari is a great mental and creative exercise that helps recharge my imagination. You need to balance a simple concept, compelling presentation, and enjoyable gameplay - all in 128 bytes! It takes real me



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