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About this blog

This is just a general blog. I'll be posting a few Atari 2600 ebay listings, thoughts/questions on Atari's history for discussion, and I plan on making an Atari game or two with bAtari sooner or later and I'll be posting ROMs here.

Entries in this blog

Met the one of the writers for Atari's Original Swordquest Comics!

Just met Gerry Conway, the man who co-wrote Atari's original Swordquest series for DC and creator of the Punisher. I asked him about working on the unreleased Air World comic and he told me they never got far beyond a basic plot sadly and couldn't recall how the story would have ended. He did tell me about the process of writing a comic based on games though. He was invited to Atari's Sunnyvale HQ several times to test play and even take home many games for the VCS in order to get a feel for the



My first offical post!

So glad to be here! I've been a fan of the 2600 since I was very young. I hope to make many friends here and learn more about Atari's history and the history of early gaming. Now does anyone here want to buy a few 2600 games? I have a few that I'm looking to sell off on Ebay so I can get my GF a Valentine's Day gift. Each one comes in it's original box and some have their instructions! https://www.ebay.com/itm/222795334874?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 http://www.ebay



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