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  2. This is the joystick, I think it has 2 modes, one for the joystick and one for the paddle. Starting logging: [ 2.761255] input: ShanWan Twin USB Joystick as /devices/platform/10180000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.3/1-1.3:1.1/0003:20BC:5500.0002/input/input2 My WIFI dongle is a WU71RL USB WIFI Dongle
  3. There are obviously a few catch cases, for instance, if you move right and all of a sudden receive a huge negative delta, you'll have to detect that and apply the previous positive value as negative and slightly decreased (braking).
  4. Oh wow... this is probably the most I've ever seen from the same owner. I'm impressed!
  5. *UPDATE* Current Release: 3.0b10 Below please find links to download the latest beta release, for Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms. Windows Installer (EXE) x64 Package (ZIP) ARM64 Package (ZIP) MacOS DMG Image (requires MacOS X 10.15/Catalina or later) Linux x64 Binary (TGZ, requires SDL2)
  6. Iโ€™d be interested in a INTV version. Please put me down for one of those.
  7. Per this site, the archaic ProSystem emulator has been ported, and runs under it: https://retrogamecorps.com/2020/08/23/guide-how-to-load-games-onto-the-rg350-home-consoles-and-handhelds/ Download and source code available at the aforementioned site. The same is mentioned and available for download as well, here: https://github.com/retrogamehandheld/OpenDingux
  8. You could detect a large jump and use a slightly increased previous value instead.
  9. Have you tried the 7800 core for RetroArch? Works well for commercial games and many home brews.
  10. I am trying to add paddle support to cc65. Paddles resistance may suddenly jump due to bending of the shaft or dirt. So my feeling is that smoothing may be the wrong algorithm as it won't filter out large changes and it also dampens small movements. Perhaps there could be a maximum speed of the paddle that I set depending on the game. So if there is a big jump I limit the movement of the paddle towards the desired position. This would leave the padle responsive to small movements while limiting big jumps. So many algorithms. What would work best? Comments?
  11. Thanks for this update! I tried around 6 games on my micro SD and they all worked instantly except Battlemorph, that worked after a few tries but now it works instantly every time for some reason. I consider this a great success! Now I can retire my Jag CD attachment for good.
  12. The lights are the same as the lamps from China that change different colours(Orange, Red, Purple, Green, Blue and so on and change it to do rainbow colours so cycle though all the colours), it probably uses the same LEDs, I have one of them lamps next to my bed, you have to charge it for it to work, you press the top of the lamp to turn it on and change its colours. And the LEDs are controlled by the firmware, they do not work if you flash the firmware wrong and if the console does not boot. Can the LEDs on the console be changed to white, it would be less distracting ...?
  13. Stats will be posted Thursday. Also I had no gaming to report for last week.
  14. or else it's just reinitializing things generally after any usb hotplug event i suppose, but otherwise the cmd parms themselves do not establish the paddle activation, as having executed the equivalent in scripts previously was not sufficient on its own
  15. Today
  16. Once again, the Mq-workshop team is preparing a fan version of the game. This time it will be the game Dude Story by @Mq. The boxed version of the game will be released on a cartridge. The cartridge software will include a language version selection menu (you can run the game in English or Polish). The final version of the game on the cartridge has all the corrections, and the latest version also includes a short intro with information about the purpose of the game. The graphic design of the box and other printing elements is prepared by the invaluable @bocianu. His graphics perfectly reflect the atmosphere of the game. I (@Mq.) am responsible for the production of electronics, assembly and distribution. I've included mockups of what the box and cartridge will look like below. These are design graphics for now, actual photos will be added later. In the box you will find: - game cartridge (with gold-plated contacts, in the best housings available on the market, manufactured by Sikor-Soft) - manual user instructions - large double-sided poster with a game map - an additional surprise gadget related to the game The price of the game is $49, (plus $9 shipping costs). You can sign up for pre-order by sending me an e-mail, PM, or simply a message in this thread. The game should be available for shipping in the second half of May. Once the game is available, I will contact everyone individually via PM with payment and shipping information. A few screenshots from the game: Here is the original extensive thread about the game itself: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/307126-dude-story-wip
  17. I'd like to see Dark Chambers and Commando for 7800. But most of all, I'd like to see some brand new game release for 7800. So that I can experience this pleasure of waiting for a new yet-unknown game, then buy it on the real cart (just like it should be), cool manual in color, beautiful box, and then be super-excited before I plug it to 7800. Just like in the old days... Only that I couldn't do it in the old days because I was growing up in the communist Czechoslovakia and we were not allowed to have these imperialist pleasures ๐Ÿ™‚ So basically I have nostalgia for times that I have never known (btw, such a sentiment even has its own name - anemoia). So I'd like Atari to help me and my peers with this anemoia ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. 99% of my physical mail is junk and I'm pretty sure that is the case for many as well. I don't even check my mail box more than once or twice a week, except maybe when waiting for a small package from Aliexpress ๐Ÿ˜ Daily mail deliveries are wasteful in my view and Canada Post is on the right track here.
  19. As a dual Canadian/US citizen, I can vouch that I have always treated myself very well...
  20. Hi guys, The final batch of Cyborg Force fellas. Neo Byte Force@neobyteforce These are the very last #cyborgforce #aes #mvs pre-orders we had pending. So if you're still waiting for your "order shipped" message: your game is here, and it will be in the post on Friday. Thank you all so much for your support and your patience! 3:46 AM ยท May 8, 2024 Anthony..
  21. HDX support would be great. It's essential for disk transfers to/from the pcode system on real hardware.
  22. I figure run-time (and thus a time position indicator) can be cooked up from filesize divided by bitrate, but yes: if it's common to include runtime data in such headers, why not. My coding skills beyond 6502 assembler extend to C and pretty much no further, so perhaps someone else can take my converter and web-ify it when the time comes. Been wanting to attack this task for some years, but lack of time, etc.
  23. I never had a problem with Deluxe Paint stability either. I think it was the best art package on the ST, although none of them were perfect and you had to use several of them to get all the best features. Having used Deluxe Paint (1) on the Amiga, Deluxe Paint ST is definitely an big improvement (the first Deluxe Paint is probably about equivalant to Neochrome). At the time the ST version of DP was said to be parity wise with the Deluxe Paint II on the Amiga. I think the 3rd Amiga one pips it but it is two iterations higher so not really a surprise. It is a shame the ST version never got a sequel.
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