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  2. Failure has a thousand explanations. Success doesn't need one...

  3. I'm going to ask my graphic designer to make some proper manuals for Berzerk and Mr Run and Jump next week, he's the guy that did the online ones and all 2600+ packaging artwork and marketing assets. I'll share the pdfs.
  4. Not much in the way of changes with this update. I just changed the Cote Gamers logo (as per Rayxamber's request) and fixed missing details in my own logo. whackem_game.rom
  5. Atari Logo - 67 colours Stephen_AtariLogo.xex
  6. For others coming to this topic, the outcome of my investigations so far is that using freight forwarding services US -> UK is (as @Magic Knight suggests) unlikely to be much cheaper and in some scenarios more expensive than using eBay's International Shipping programme, in other words the cost of either is equally startling and for packages of even minimal size, weight and value is not going to come in much under £15. Will report back on how this compares to Best shipping directly...
  7. 1200XL Serial # - 94 colours Stephen_AtariSerial.xex
  8. When I recall my early days, studying from the accompanying book, I seem to be about 7-8 years old. Though in reality, I couldn't have been less than 30. One issue that always miffed me, was, TI's use of the hyphen, to join, rather than separate, terms. One that threw me for about a year, "ASSEMBLY-TIME CONSTANT". Already being familiar with "Time Constants", as used in Electronics terminology. I interpreted this to mean (Assembly)(Time Constant)... having a seemingly disparate connotation, relative to "EQUATE". This helped to confuse my understanding of LABELS, also referred to as SYMBOLS, or NAMES, for more than a year.
  9. Modified Page 6 logo - 88 colours (I doubt it, but that's what FastStone is telling me) Stephen_Page6.xex
  10. I thought the rounded edges looked better. I like the modern look of the of the downloadable instructions from Atari!
  11. It's not finished, add a.m. or p.m. I think it was Lee that actually threw that code at me one day..
  12. To your credit (and probably due to no small amount of effort on your part), your thrust/turn/shoot game comes a lot closer to reproducing the arcade feel than most on the ColecoVision. There's just no "glide" in most Asteroids-alikes on this system. The fact that you were able to capture some sense of that inertia speaks volumes about your skill with the ColecoVision. The Vectrex is of course an ideal machine for Asteroids, and we've seen a few clones of the game on that system.
  13. @DarkLord @Techman would one of you both be willing to ship an assembled version of the DC port to me , I know it's a big ask, off course I would pay for the shipping. Just really want to try out the Multi-User function of Michtron and for Michtron 3.0 at least, the DC port is the only option to accomplish it ...
  14. Learning the debugger in cl99 is rewarding
  15. I only played Maken X and Out Trigger. I tried Maken X a little (as a demo?) then bought it later on a whim, out of curiosity mainly, when the Dreamcast was probably already dead. But I never went far; it was too hard for me (the locking system is indeed difficult to master as said in the video) and I probably just moved on to something else. It's very original though. And Out Trigger is typically the kind of game my brother and I got because it was made by SEGA, but it was a very shallow arcade game - at least as a solo experience, and we were never fond of competitive multiplayer games anyway. I'm not even sure I tried the online play. Maybe once.
  16. The last 1.1 version is the one i just posted here, but it could be interesting if there are differences on menu with the 1.0 NTSC versions you can find here: https://github.com/aotta/PiRTO/tree/main/Binaries
  17. Do we know the SRAM part number(s), the datasheet should have the default value in it?
  18. Thanks @chue I added this TI-BASIC result to the list in the first entry of the thread. I wonder if this could be compiled ???
  19. I'm actually starting a re order of all the 7800 games and accessories as demand has been strong. Maybe the french will take a few hundred extension cables this time around!
  20. YOU GO! @Plumbob that’s the way to do it! Why be indoors on a nice day playing Atari when you could be outside playing Atari! Lol! I’ll sit outside on my deck at times playing games. Have fun! plumbob
  21. Been playing some more burned(copied) games today to narrow my buy original list down. Played...Power Spikes 2, it's ok the controls take getting used to thou. Won't be buying the original League Bowling was great fun, thou limited gameplay for 1 player because of no CPU opponent. Maybe buy an original Super Sidekicks 2 is more polished than Super Sidekicks, thou I prefer the original. Better gameplay and easier controls in my opinion...
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