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  1. Past hour
  2. Joust xex trainer, and image with the source code I found in the game's memory @Peruchi: I test all games on Altira and on a real Atari. I think the problem is your OS. Provide more details, maybe something can be done about it. Joust(trn).xex
  3. UPDATE: I got my hands on an old Sylvania 13inch CRT TV. I ran the top loader through it and the problem is completely gone! I'm wondering if there's something about modern flatscreens where they can't process the picture on older consoles. Somebody should look into that.
  4. Sounds overly-complex. I would consider this... ...though you'll need 32K.
  5. Today
  6. Wow that Sony 20'' PVM monitor has a great display and the images look fantastic. I was looking at thoses monitors on ebay and they pricey a 20'' can go from a $1,000 and up! I was looking at the conectors in the back of the unit and saw there not using RCA jacks did you make the cables to conect to the Atari ?
  7. You are a robot then. It's a special catcha to decide if you human or a bot, once you pass it you will get this page:
  8. I try to avoid using no_blank_lines, player0colors, player1colors as much as possible... precisely because you lose precious things, such as the loss of missiles, which could have other uses, to use an effect on the environment, such as rays, projectiles or even as a life bar. In this demo I left it with the purest standard kernel. Ghosts_and_Trolls_Standard_Kernel.bas.bin
  9. A bug in SimCheck had slipped by as of version 1.5 in the extended bank mapping. This is now corrected in version 1.7, along with some code improvements resulting in a slight size reduction.
  10. WooooW this howbrewed coleco version of donkeykong 3 looks mind amezing, definitely mind blowing, it even puts the nes version into shame, well worth considering buying a flashcard for it or the actual cartride of it😁
  11. Actually I do have a dial-up simulator or doing it through a Mac emulating a PC. I played Dreamcast Online in the modern era. Also we had 7 people 2 multitaps, and 8 plus controllers between the 5 of us that owned Saturns and a few guests. And yes, I was always invited because I had Bomberman, Decathlete, Winter Heat, a few 2 player gun games, quite a few fighters and other Saturn Party games. N64 owners: eat your heart out.
  12. Title says it-- can Console BASIC auto-start an assembly program from disk or Nano-PEB on boot? I want to write a program to test my ROM/RAM cartridge and figured the easiest way is if BASIC can auto-start it. K-R.
  13. I take it you have your own personal bubble memory boards now too @Stuart. . .
  14. On my way to France this time (GEMTOS 2024) , I made a presentation about Michtron and my BBS which I hope to be able to present. (and spur some interest in the telnet Atari scene) Whilst making the presentation and adding pictures from the DC Port extender, I was wondering if reverse-engineering this still feasible ? I know DeadMike has his website regarding Double-Click software and from what I could tell Tim (Techman) has the device also. I read some discussions about it here on AA and looking at the ad it would work with Michtron and Forem Elite?
  15. Yeah, a bit more than I intended. Not sure, except for size. The largest 32-bit integer is 4,294,967,295. The largest TI FP integer is 99,999,999,999,999, which would require 47 bits to capture, so I guess it is potentially better. ...lee
  16. The first videos from CLASS 2024 have been released! See Van Pelt and Slow Scan TV, FAX-64 - CLASS 2024 Pocek and Grind for the Amiga - CLASS 2024 Truly, Robert Bernardo organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
  17. The first videos from CLASS 2024 have been released! See Van Pelt and Slow Scan TV, FAX-64 - CLASS 2024 Pocek and Grind for the Amiga - CLASS 2024 Truly, Robert Bernardo organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
  18. I still need to test the write program. Interrupt testing appears to work from a hardware level. So, I am comfortable that the hardware works and the software just needs some bugs worked out. 10 boards are now ordered. 🙂
  19. Any chance of us getting a version without that obnoxious PAL "no game for you!" check? I'll wager that it will just run just fine on an NTSC-50 (PAL ANTIC swapped NTSC) machine. Probably run on an NTSC machine too with potential glitches.
  20. It was a working title. https://archive.org/details/computer-entertainer-3-3/page/n11/mode/2up
  21. Change the LDX to any of $10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70. $00 is reserved for the E: device. CIO expects X to be loaded with the channel (0-7) number times 16.
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