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  2. I think it is a very bad idea to use those cheapest USB Blaster clones. There are decent clones by "known" chinese brands that cost just a couple of extra dollars. In your case, with the amount of work you invested, IMHO, you should get an original USB Blaster. Note that the original Blaster is sold both by Altera/Intel and Terasic. The Terasic one is much cheaper. And, of course, there is the Usb Blaster II that it's much more expensive but it is not really needed unless you work with huge, and ridiculously expensive, FPGAs that otherwise take too long to program.
  3. IBM PC Charset to use in CV Basic. ibm_pc_char.bas ibm_pc_char.rom
  4. I just got an email from Ramon de Bruijn from the Desire demo group, who facilitated the first TI-99/4A mega demo in 2016-17. The demo got around 30,000 views on YouTube in the first couple of days, which was pretty amazing (maybe the title "Don't mess with Texas" attracted a lot of people without any interest in the computer, but I choose to believe it was because of our hard work). It's now 7 years ago, and the email made me wonder if anyone would be interested in participating in a new demo, which or course would have to be more impressive than the first? Then floor is open.
  5. Been there, done that: I threw the Chinese blaster in the trash and bought a Polish one from KAMAMI, all problems with chip detection/programming disappeared.
  6. Time for a version we just stick one of the small M2s into? lol
  7. And I might have to fork out for a f18a myself as well soon.
  8. This Jaguar is acting really strange...😄 Anyway, thank you again and congratulations for your work and your patience in responding to everyone ! How big is your brett.jcd file?
  9. In testing, simply issuing these statements in script before stella execution caused no significant impact, so something else is likely in play to establish proper environment settings. No errors were generated by running them, but they were insufficient otherwise, unless initial trigger action met the known GSP qualified rules (such as, any file triggered under a folder named 'Atari 2600 Paddle' will enable paddle mode). Of course in the latter scenario, the GSP app establishes the proper settings on its own.
  10. I played a good one on mobile. Of course the longer screen helps. But it did like a preview fast scroll up when you are aiming. Similar to how some golf course games do when lining up a shot showing you the fairway ahead of you. The v9938/58 had feature to allow bit scrolling up but never was used on the ti99 but I think the f18a could do it well also.
  11. Gonna force me to update Classic99 at this rate
  12. Splitscreen, maybe? I don't think I've ever seen a curling game...
  13. Ok here's a pic of the lot. I'll get closeups and add them in a few minutes (I've got this old locked out iPad so kind of cumbersome):
  14. I always confuse this on the CD units. My CDZ comes with a US Power Supply, so should I buy this adapter? Is a step-down converter needed, despite my power supply being US? Edit: The answer I receive will determine whether I buy it or not.
  15. These legs could be bent 45 degrees and soldered directly to your board. No need for 90 degrees.
  16. Hello- I have a bunch of games, ready for departure! Perfect timing that I saw your ad, I was just trying to motivate myself to start selling them, after going through a massive ordeal organizing these from the rest of my collection. PM incoming
  17. You have to use the older drivers for the blaster, the newer one operates at the wrong rates.
  18. What type of capacitors are they? And are they of a type that can leak?
  19. Are you playing it with one controller or two? Most fans say it's a lot better with two sticks, but I'm too uncoordinated to play that way very well.
  20. This is just a minor update that includes the title screen, which in these times obviously has been drawn by an AI, and the suggestion from @Vorticon to add a bit of animation to the tires (I reduced the waste of VDP RAM from 192 bytes to 64 bytes by only updating one sprite pattern 🙂). Could this be the first time, after 12 years, that anyone has drawn a 240 pixels tall bitmap on the F18A? karts8.bin
  21. so i signed up for facebook and made a post saying mark zuckerberg has some parallels to lex luthor..  then an hour later almost i find out my account is restricted..  I didn't mean to insult facebook!  i just wanted to hang out with my fellow Seventies kin..  apolitical..

    1. Bakasama


      Ha, it's too bad we live in a highly polarized political age.  Things seem to make sense back in the 80's.

  22. Something I just realized about Robotron 2084 while playing. I STINK! 😄
  23. That all looks to be correct for HSIO at POKEY divisor 6.
  24. Lightning - 59 colours Stephen_Lightning.xex
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