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  2. I will start with releading the 7800 version of L.E.M. first 50 signed by Buzz Aldrin. Then 7800 Campaign 2024. 7800 Myst. 2600 Dark Keep.
  3. Atari think filed a lawsuit with an insurance company for unauthorized use of the Crystal Castles images in one of their commercials. If Atari is going thru the trouble of doing that, they might as rerelease 2600 version of it and/or make 7800 version of it.
  4. If PCUAE runs from SD card slot that would be great. A second SD card could be used for other non PCUAE modes like 1.3c and manual edits to run things.
  5. @flashjazzcat the 'hacked' (their term) SDX-fdisk version is the one referenced on the De Re Avgcart guide (Atari8bit.net) to use instead of your version when for initial setup on 64K RAM systems (I assume for the reasons you mention?). Using that version I am able to invoke FDISK and use the APT editor to partition, but I fail at the FORMAT step (where I can't select any drives/partitions). I did have a MEMLO error when trying to use FDISK from a normal SDX-fdisk version IIRC. I've replaced my (faulty) RAM with some 256k but have no memory mods (yet?) and I'm doing this on a SUBCART. I'm not seeing a list of drives at boot (only files in the FAT partition), but I assume the partitions have no dir structure since FORMAT failed - would they still populate that list if not formatted? That's VERY helpful re: FAT16 partition - I really wasn't sure why I'd need to add an external FAT part via APT when I could just format that space in laptop and would be visible to (SUB)AVGCART/SIDE (I don't have a need for Fat16 but the guide mentions you can also do Fat32..so..) - this was/is the confusing part of that for me: the purpose/advantage of adding EXT FAT*32* part via APT - but I see that's more (only?) for FAT16 being visible to DOS (bc it's within an APT part) - is that correct? As I don't (yet?) foresee needing FAT16 for anything, I can just skip adding that partition, and the De Re guide makes better sense now. Apologies, I'm reading but it's still early days and I still feel mostly unfamiliar w/the software(s) and guides/manuals/disciplines - they seem to multiply daily (no complaints, I enjoy the learning as much as anything). I also don't want to waste anyones time on anything trivial. Thanks so much for the help
  6. yeah i've never seen a proline with that clip inside it. I wonder if that was only put in place for the picture to keep the board centered when they took the pic? Otherwise, there is quite a bit of space for it to all move around and it might not have given them the right angle they wanted for that straight down shot? Just guessing here as I can't see any other reason it would be there or be needed?
  7. I don't know where to find the cost information, but the ROM size information I found at Hozer Video Games. (Click Come On In and then click My Personal List on the left sidebar.)
  8. [message sent]

    1. CapitanClassic


      Bot looking for trade. Only cash, Venmo, etc.

    2. S.BAZ


      Ok... I can't afford to buy it right now but possibly in a few months or something.


      I've been trying to get that [Bandit Kings] since I started my collection, 2012

    3. CapitanClassic


      Not a problem. Hit me up in a couple months. I might still have it.

  9. Loose or CIB? Preferably loose, but however I can get it really
  10. Sorry if I unnecessarily create a new topic, but been a while since last visiting this forum as I cought up in Commodore projects instead of exploring my TI. Also has to find time and courage to install my F18A. But FINALLY did install it, and it works! Have to still explore sounds options via DIN cable, but video looks SUPER crisp on my Iiyama CRT. Did of course search the forum, but could not find a generic F18A Starting Guide topic or such, only a development one (which I might explore later but certainly not now directly). Did I miss one? If so, please point me to it. If not there: What are must have demos and programs to try? Did altready find the Zaxon and Cart demos, which look great.
  11. If interested, here are the sources I used to make my lists.
  12. Yeah, what I was trying to say was games without cd-based audio. Good lists so far!
  13. While I’d love to blame my jittery old paddles for my lackluster performance, I’m really just not very good at paddle games.
  14. Yes a 7800 version of Tunnel Runner! That would be nice!
  15. Nope, Killer Caterpiller is a dump of my Sidecar cartridge and the dump is correct. I believe it and Arcturus were at the DSR ROM address space of >4000 too. It’s not a regular cartridge. Edit: This was the convo I had with @Tursi 15 years ago about the bank structure. Note this uses the entire 8K of DSR plus some of upper 32K. All of you are chasing the wrong memory addresses 🙂
  16. Even without Spanner's changes, a secondary program could be launched the same way we've already launched separate apps, which could act like a secondary menu, it's just a matter of willingness to invest time & effort to develop an app for the platform. Not a small ask, but I think Spanner wants to utilize the majority of his pre-existing code as much as possible and have that run on GSP.
  17. Today
  18. Yep, the hard to find SPK. I can't find it so far, anyway. A list of boards and available drivers, ddks, sdks, TIGA software ports for various apps, etc. should no doubt be compiled.
  19. As I understand it, they had surprisingly good volume deals with regional tape reproduction companies, which helped to place finished products closer to their final destinations. They also used low-quality tape and didn't pay very much to acquire the rights to the games in the first place. Agreed that it doesn't leave a lot of room for profit, but given the quantities that a £1.99 or £2.99 game would sell for vs. even a £4.99 game let alone £9.99 and up (which was considered to full-price territory), the return on the costs can be made up in bulk sales. It also meant absolutely nothing to those of us not in the UK, where the budget titles were hit with the same import taxes and duties as everything else (not to mention VAT), thus driving their prices up considerably.
  20. Most of those boards were extremely ($$$) high-end and usually still are, even used. Nice find, though; thanks for archiving this disc.
  21. Audio Troubleshooting Story


    So, the sound on my laptop computer was too low.  I checked all the audio settings in Windows 11, checked for updates, checked audio drivers.  I normally use earphones, I tried another known good set of earphones.  The audio was still too low.  It was frustrating.  I just couldn't figure out why the audio on my laptop was too low.  Then I found the reason!


    Can you guess what it was?  Open the spoiler to see the solution!  



    earwax in my earphones, both pairs

    1. r_chase


      Wow, I did not expect that. Eww.

    2. Living Room Arcade

      Living Room Arcade

      Neither did I!  Eww!  :lol:

    3. x=usr(1536)


      I'm in a loaner car right now while my regular one is in for some body repairs.  Same manufacturer, but a different model and new.  The control layout on the steering wheel is in just the right place for my muscle memory to hit the mute button when going for the input selector, causing me to then try for where I think the volume buttons are and instead changing the input.  It's been a week since I picked up this car, and I still haven't got out of the habit of thinking that the stereo's locked up because I muted it and put it on a different input with no audio going through it when all I wanted to do was change the station and set the volume.

  22. Hello guys If you've read the magazine, please don't forget to vote. Sincerely Mathy
  23. atari_cart.c: line 95: #define CART_TYPE_WILLIAMS_64K 15 // 32k/64k line 431: else if (car_type == 22) { cart_type = CART_TYPE_WILLIAMS_64K; expectedSize = 32768; } and this causes this error to be displayed: if (car_file) { if (size != expectedSize) { strcpy(errorBuf, "CAR file is wrong size"); cart_type = CART_TYPE_NONE; goto closefile; } } @electrotrains: so there is some confusion here, since this type can be 64k long
  24. Tempest


    Thank you for doing it! Any chance I can talk you into porting the finished 8-Bit Jr. Pac-Man to the 5200?
  25. Acknowledged, O Wrangler of Galactopi.
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