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  2. Round 7 Poll Pick as many as you like before voting Space Invaders Not sure if this is the version MichaG had in mind. There is a single firing version I requested some time ago that we could also play. https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=2899 Caverns of Khafka A gem of a game, HSC played before, sort of Spelunker like https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=1674 Turmoil https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=3155 Beach Landing Good info here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/atari8bit/280942-beach-landing Fun game not played for ages and not HSC played before (I think) not a simulation Fandal has ATR https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=3844 High Rise A little hard to see on PAL but a great game. https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=2021 Pengo Bit easy so we might have it as a handicap round https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=2659 Gateway to Apshai https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=1935 Rockman https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=2817 Beam Rider https://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=1398
  3. But what if you could pass the extra cost onto consumers, which in the case of popular games like Pac-Man or Donkey Kong, I'd argue that you easily could?
  4. Ahhhhh ok I know where you're at. For a long time I got stuck there as a kid. I think you're jammed up in the back half of stage 2. The bird thigns, they're more like pissy ghosts out of those windows. You can either attempt ot outrun and only turn/fire if necessary to avoid taking it in the back, or stop n' go it and stop them as they drop, either works but be measured about it. The other, they are ogres. They're bastards and pretty annoying because you're semi-able to manipulate them but not reliably. You kind of have to skate back and forward near a ladder to try and chump them into walking away, even if you have to well go beyond the ladder so they follow to drop and drop junk on you. Once you get like 6 arthurs side or more of space, unload standing as fast as you can so they can't pull back and throw and they'll drop. Avoid any you can, even if it's hopping a toss to hit a ladder (they can't throw up.) The worst is the back half of the house, you have a limited space with one on the 2nd floor I think, do whatever you can to get a gap and nail them hard. If you meant the bird birds after on the platforms, just learn their spots, inch forward, and try and get them to go while you're NOT on the platforms that move and it's pretty easy. The boss sucks though, it's TWO of those clowns you had on stage 1. Try as long as you can keeping one on screen and not both, and try and make sure with one it doesn't come and jump behind or you're likely screwed as the other will get in from avoidance and come at you from both sides, including a charging stomp. Since you don't have the poster, and with wear, $75 is still quite fair, not a huge win, but it's definitely not a loss.
  5. karri

    Oceo - Volumes

    The pretty old cart MegaPak had a psp style desktop with changable background, list of tunes, setting of colour modes, Setting ComLynx speeds, uploader and of course game launcer. And everything was saved on eeprom automatically. It also had an easter egg. A Scott Adams text adventure with full save of all items and locations in the eeprom.
  6. Oh yeah I mean, I get the pre-Nintendo era stuff thanks to being in on the ground floor of mid 90s emulation and learning, but the rest I lived through. I saw the change, bought the change. The NES showed even more depth that you could do the arcade formula stock, but even stock and stock + could go into insane levels of detail that have pervaded to this day and beyond. Sure SMB was the bomb of bombs when that was dropped, it changed arcade too causing scrollers and adventures, even mimic attempts even into 16bit like Blue's Journey on NeoGeo, or the arcade conversions of Bonk's Adventures and the unique take on Battletoads, etc. But Nintendo showed consoles didn't have to have hard limits, you leave that slot open as an exploit and you can broaden from on board solutions in carts. We went from Akumajo Dracula (MMC1/FDS) up to Akumajo Densetsu (CV3) (VRC6/MMC5 US) -- night and freaking day. More memory, more color depth, more pixels per space, added sound channels, digital samples on a channel and beyond. All that done between around 1986-89, big leap. And yeah PCs..shareware, genius. Why let it stagnant and be gate kept by big companies, when anyone could run some floppies, print generic labels, throw up this or that on a BBS and have little bagged few dollar goodies at retail or print stuffs in magazines. Try my game? Like My game? Get the other 75% in other chapters for $30 or some variant. Genius, it was the original 'indie' developer kind of mind set in a way that forced change on the PC side to up their game too. AAA hit a wall of their own idiotic making. They decided AAA wasn't about quality, it was about quantity of hollywood actors, total workers, giant budgets and tech, and one upping another with that or making an engine to whore out to others to rake it in. It finally backfired, as tech went you couldn't have that 2600 to NES to SNES to N64 to PS3 style jumps, something eye popping, and in turn wallet popping. It's now where you have idiots claiming selling 3M copies of a game is a failure and this sucks, ballsy, arrogant, stupid. The more of them that fold, and the few competent workers within find smaller companies or do their own thing within proper means would go a long way to make things nicer.
  7. Even if a company never changes hands they will often change into something else. Is the EA of today anything like the company that brought us classics like MULE and Archon back in the 80s? At least under Wade, Atari feels more like the "fun" Atari of the early 80s than most iterations have in a long time.
  8. Hockey - 17 goals, silver! For this challenge you want a team with a good goalie and great shot stats, and you want to play against a team with a bad goalie but good offense. I have found playing as Minnesota against Chicago to be best on average. Toronto's scorer misses the puck way too much for comfort. If you haven't gotten into this one yet, the controls are simple. Just press on the d-pad in the direction you want to either hit or catch/block the puck with the right timing. I have found for some reason that shooting down works as well as any other direction. Mostly I have scored goals down and mid-right, with the occasional high goal and the odd one down and to the left. Also, if you are going to lose anyway, try to let them rack up as many goals as you can!
  9. I didn't risk finding pause but played through to Vault 11 where I met my demise. Thk my best ever is V13 so not to bad. 82,300 (11) First level 2,780
  10. Sure, all demos need some pixel art. Maybe enriched with sprites?
  11. Ugh... yeah, based on your title I figured you were overreacting bc crap sometimes gets broken during shipment. But after reading the article and what MockDuck mentioned about Crystal Castles, this is pretty crappy. Pretty boxes with non working carts puts this set on the same level as Amico's "virtually empty box" shenanigan, but with a huge price difference.
  12. Sadly this is unplayable on Analogue Pocket because you can't tell where you are. 7115 to start.
  13. Ah, ok. It was somewhat annoying making that video though. Luckily there is a pause recording button in OBS 😉
  14. Thank you. For the music, at least, I think we are going to need some help. And I think it would be great to make it another demo under the dSr umbrella. I have one idea for an effect now. Nothing groundbreaking - just some layered scrolling. We also need more raster effects, any ideas? And does anyone have an idea for a theme? I wouldn't mind moving away from the 'Lone Star' thing. 🙂
  15. If you read the source, you'll notice that the Speech Editor has graphical output! It makes little bar charts on the terminal. It puts a "display list" into the DAC buffer. You connect the output to an oscilloscope!
  16. Command -> sudo /home/tipi/xc3sprog/build/xc3sprog -c sysfsgpio_creator Answer -> /home/tipi/xc3sprog/build/xc3sprog: error while loading shared libraries: libftdi.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory It seems that this library is missing, or am I wrong?
  17. Mastertronic games in the US still kind of managed to be budget priced at $9.99 or less. Yeah if you look back you see a pattern that the established players in gaming always get stuck in a rut, and upstarts push the industry forward. In the 80s, Activision showed 2600 games could have better graphics than the games Atari was putting out, and Atari was forced to change. But the stagnation in gameplay led to the crash, and a bunch of tiny companies often shoving disks into ziploc bags and selling them on peg boards at computer retailers created the computing gaming industry. Then Nintendo comes in and shows that console games don't have to follow the arcade formula and can be deeper with games like SMB on the computer side, the shareware model became the new "ziploc bags", and some used the shareware model to move the PC gaming scene forward. A decade or so back there was the "indie explosion" on both console and PC. But it's another wave in what keeps happening. So now it really does seem that the AAA scene has run out of steam, which some smaller games are doing rather well. Ironically Activision and EA are now big players that keep churning out new iterations of the same old AAA games when they started as companies that were actually innovative and had new ideas. When you get to be a certain size you can't afford to take risks anymore.
  18. From 1982 to 1987 I worked in an arcade 5 to 7 days a week, I was underage and paid under the table, no complaints there. To me this the best job imaginable, all these games I can play for free after hours, and that was that, a woo hoo moment in time. Three years in, the veneer of excitement wore really thin, the constant noise, etc, I litterly never bought or played another electric game till the late 90s, and that was Half life on a voodoo carded computer.
  19. Very much so That was always Tommy's "go to" whenever someone brought up any sort of "who's gonna want this?" type of concern. So it became a bit of a running gag.
  20. The 'problematic' ANTIC was a CO14887-01. The replacement a CO21698.
  21. Impressive. Most impressive. I think it was released on Genesis as well, but maybe that was only Galaxy Force 2.
  22. Ex-air-ee-on and Jal-eh-coh. Filtered through my natural tendency to mumble or drawl, my Exerion comes out more like "Egg-zare-ee-an." 🙃
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