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  2. no worries - was just jokin Hope it goes well. I've never been to such an event. The closest I've come to them was in the mid to late 90s going to the Stafford computer shows in the UK and browsing the stalls. Ah, those were the days.
  3. Yesterday's (5/8) totals: Android 1) Retro Bowl - 10 minutes PC Modern 1) Balatro - 40 minutes
  4. Hello Beeblebrox The first picture was taken last night, before the official start. I added a few pictures. Since I toke the pictures, a couple more people have arrived. Sincerely Mathy
  5. Actually a couple threads down I posted an alternative. Check the TOS 2.06 threads (though it didn't really apply to TOS 2.06). I've used these in my 2 chip Mega's
  6. Ahhhhhhhh, an ex-twitter link! It's nice to know they keep thinking about it. If they did something really unique using the Jag hardware when(if) they do the port then I'd be more inclined to get the title for Jag. I want to see some extra levels with bigger enemies or more colors or something. I really don't want just another version of the same game running on the MegaDrive. I won't use ex-twitter or I'd tell them that there.
  7. Maybe we could move this to it's own thread in the BBS club? The Michtron 3 topic is getting somewhat convoluted.
  8. The cable is sound, the board seems sound too (measured it here and there), however, now looking at the Internet, this the cheapest of the cheap it seems, with really low chances of working, I will need a different one.
  9. The autobooting stuff is already present via autoexec.inf. You can add an image to display as well as a ROM to load. Example autoexec.inf: ROM=mygame.rom E2P=mygame.e2p E2S=2 Where E2S is 0:128,1:512,2:2048. It will display an image called title.pal or title.ntsc (depending on console region) which is in the root. The image should be 162 (NTSC) or 188 (PAL) pixels high and 256 pixels wide as 16bpp rgb. I have now added in the ability to hold down 0-9 and it will load /autoboot.[0-9] should you have some favorites.
  10. I hate it when no-one turns up!! 🤣 Seriously, hope it goes well?
  11. Hello guys here are some pictures of the H.A.T.Z. XXIV: That was last night. This is the waterfall as seen from the Gemeindehaus: The room is slowing filling up: Sincerely Mathy
  12. I think it is a solid game myself, too. Definitely I will revisit it soon enough. May have to check out the NES version as well.
  13. Nah... both are easy enough to find. I use Binkley (a newer version).
  14. This has been resvoled - it's Attract mode (like a screen saver) - normal function :
  15. Curious how you got the Supercharger to actually fit in your 7800? My Supercharger has dust pegs that aren't spring loaded so they don't retract. As a result, i had to remove additional plastic on the cartridge sleeve in order for the cartridge to even sit down all the way to make contact. Does your SC have spring dust pegs on it that retract?
  16. You could always go over a friends house and ask them if you can borrow their Windows comp for a little bit to get the update if you need it ahead of any official support for those platforms.
  17. @Titan.IO it's been resolved. It's a normal function to prevent CRT screen burn in BITD, called attract mode. Kinda like the original screensavers. Just press any key on the keyboard to get out of it. @Stephen picked up on this one heh heh. Also, probably not worth you cross posting the same question over 3 x threads.
  18. Red Viper's pretty slick, posted about it on March 6th after I'd installed it. They've made a number of improvements to the emulator since then, such as adding the ability to use the physical controls to navigate the file browser and running the 3DS's display at the Virtual Boy's 50 Hz refresh rate (which eliminates judder). I'd already jailbroken my 3DS back in 2022 after learning about @wavemotion's awesome StellaDS emulator. It's for the DS, but runs just fine on the 3DS : and A7800DS (Robotron plays great with the 4 buttons mapped as the second joystick): I really like how he's used the 2nd display as the console interface. He has 7 emulators available on his GitHub page, the others are ColecoDS, NINTV-DS (Intellivision), DS994a, A8DS (Atari 8-bit computers), and A5200DS One thing I found useful was to install an FTP server on the 3DS. That lets me add/update files to the SD card without having to remove the handles that block my SD card slot. I'd snapped those on as my hands would cramp without them. This reply in the StellaDS topic goes into the FTP server. Wasn't aware of the Gameboy Advance games, will have to look into that. I did have a Gameboy Advance SP at one time, had to snap handles on it as well. I recall buying it to play a couple of Spyro the Dragon games(Season of Ice and Season of Flame). Don't have it anymore, think I gave it to one of my nephews.
  19. We must consult the sacred scripture (manuals) to see what Atari have to say on these two games!
  20. ha ha - I didn't clock the op was referring to Attract mode heh heh!! 🤣So focused on troubleshooting it's easy to completely overlook a normal hardware/os function.
  21. @Beeblebrox 4 according to AI palette: NTSC! I divided the image to 5 fragments. Each fragment had an unique palette limited to 24 colors! I was thinning it would somehow help rasta converting.... @drpeter, what do you think? A good idea? GravityWormBeeblebrox_4_NTSC.xex
  22. That would've been nice. Perhaps they used something like that and there was a graphical limitation. According to this website Gymnasium Documentation, it's a magic wand. You are an elf and must use your magic wands to fend off spiders, fleas and centipedes. Your goal is to protect mushrooms in an enchanted forest. If you are bitten by a spider, flea or centipede, you will be temporally paralyzed and you will lose a magic wand. The game ends once you have lost all wands. You may receive additional wands after scoring a sufficient number of points. In Millipede, you play as the Archer. This is from Wikipedia: The player no longer takes the role of the "Bug Blaster" from Centipede, but instead takes the role of an elf called the "Archer". The object of the game is to destroy a millipede that advances downward from the top of the screen.
  23. I suspect Douglas Adam's took the name for his book character back in the 80s. Interesting.
  24. @Beeblebrox 4 according to AI palette: Altirra Took a lot of effort making this images (there is also a NTSC one) I tested something doing it GravityWormBeeblebrox_4.xex
  25. Paddle Week 2! A Great Game with GI Joe! And a never played game of Steeplechase.... should be interesting. (I imagine Steeplechase would be a great game with friends and family)
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