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  1. Past hour
  2. Wow Mydos is still very popular. I use disk base Sparta dos / SDX and Mydos. After a 20 year hiatus I see some new dos's that I need to checkout once I fully setup my 8bit work space. From that chart theres still many not using the Command-line interface.
  3. I just checked it and am seeing the same issue. I'll have to figure it out later when I'm not so tired from all the running around over the weekend. I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!
  4. My doctor's office is, maybe, ten miles from my house. The bills arrive with a postmark in a city a hundred-and-some miles away, in another state. And the Feds keep carping about people using fuel... K-R.
  5. What would a River Raid be like with horizontal action and featuring current things like drones? I still have a problem ramdomizing the screens, which I haven't found a solution for yet, but I hope to resolve this in the future. I don't intend to make this a complete game, it's just a proof of concept that I can improve in future source code builds. After all, River Raid is an absolute and irreplaceable classic, an incredible work, masterfully created by Carol Shaw. And one of my favorites on the Atari 2600, without a doubt. Rand_Test_River_Raid_Sprite_Horizontaly_Action.bas.bin
  6. thanks for the reply, I'm doing some tests starting from an RP0 W, when I give the first command curl https://apt.matrix.one/doc/apt-key.gpg I get the error curl: (7) Failed to connect to apt.matrix.one port 443: Connection refused the site is not reachable
  7. Yes. "Another Word" or "Out of This World"! My mistake. i forgot the correct name.
  8. 10,000 Bullets:

    Taito's second attempt at cashing in on Devil May Cry.

  9. Bought one of these, just waiting on delivery, post last chance sale.
  10. I'm still trying to find the old Polaroid camera in the garage... hold your horses!
  11. Overall Rankings (POINTS) Bump 'N' Jump 202 - Rickster8 146 - dpisacane 129 - lupovax 99 - wolfy62 70 - ts-x 61 - jimblargh 58 - cvga 28 - fakecortex 24 - jblenkle 24 - Peripheral 24 - mr_me 22 - Crash7 22 - IntyFanMatt 20 - scalpel 15 - BigDumer 5 - Player One Games Won 8 - Rickster8 - Skiing / Loco-Motion / Frog Bog / White Water / Sharp Shot EXTREME / Auto Racing / Bomb Squad / Happy Trails 3 - dpisacane - Super Cobra / Pole Position / Bump 'N' Jump 1 - IntyFanMatt - Frogger 1 - Peripheral - Pitfall 1 - BigDumer - Lock 'N' Chase
  12. FINAL Bump 'N' Jump Scoring Update: 6 PLAYERS ARE NOW DIZZY FROM TOO MUCH BUMPING AND JUMPING!!! 😜 162,248 - dpisacane (+13)(+2 GAME WINNER INCENTIVE) 56,972 - Rickster8 (+12) 53,236 - Lupovax (+11) ----------------------------------------------- 19,256 - jblenkle (+9) 13,556 - fakecortex (+8) 11,880 - wolfy62 (+7)
  13. Another CLASS video is ready to be viewed. See David Pleasance of Commodore UK at Pleasance, Commodore UK, and more -- CLASS 2024 Truly, Robert Bernardo organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
  14. Another CLASS video is ready to be viewed. See David Pleasance of Commodore UK at Pleasance, Commodore UK, and more -- CLASS 2024 Truly, Robert Bernardo organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
  15. Nah. I'm not a record collector. It's just something I inherited from my parents, who bought the album on its first day of release in the U.S. -Ben
  16. I've done a bit of a clean up. The Digi-Port now needs to be enabled by having an entry in the SD card's autoload.cfg file "PSNDO=1" and it's now a passive device. Included in this archive is the 2MB & 8MB firmwares, along with all the latest 'required' ROMs for the SD card. I've modified the main DSR.ROM to include "PIO/2", "RS232/3" & "RS232/4" which 'just return'... If you have a real RS232 card connected, it should now act like a 2nd card, without changing the CRU base. Since the DSR.ROM binary is now different, so is the location to hex-edit for a modified QI machine to use Pico PEB cartridges. Hex file offset @>4EE & @>4EF should be changed from >0000 to >FFFF. Previously described here: PPEB2.zip
  17. Today
  18. Correction, please. Currently, we have Atari 2600 home versions listed for 172 arcade games. And a few more Atari 2600 games categorized as being "Not Arcade, But Similar."
  19. Following Casey's lead I would like to donate $50 to the prize pool as well. I see we are using PayPal which works for me. I have REALLY had a blast playing most of these games and would like to commend the programmers on doing an AWESOME job.... 😁👍 @nanochess
  20. Ha, now I am curious and have to look at my Parker boxes, I think I actually have that. IIRC, it was spinach cans you rubbed off.
  21. cvga

    Movie Cart

    Are you printing your own cart or buying it with a slot for the SD card? I'd be interested in a couple as well.
  22. Didn't Popeye have a scratch off similar to "Katch the Krook" with Keystone Kapers?
  23. You probably also have the Cheech & Chong Album, with the giant rolling paper.
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