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  2. Coffee time Colors: 38 scr /na Atari8man_Coffee_time.xex
  3. Parker Brothers labels also. I just purchased Parker Brothers labels from a seller for mine instead of making them myself. I happy with the quality of the labels. As for Imagic I will probably purchase those as well. Mine need replacing. For some reason the ink wears off the metallic labels.
  4. For reference, here's some discussion about the subject from 2021. Obviously there is quite a price difference between then and now; but information about the device capabilities is still relevant (although I'm not sure that the RetroScaler wouldn't have had some firmware updates between then and now as well). Also, the RetroTink 2x Mini has not been available for purchase for a long time (several years); therefore, the lowest-cost RetroTink option is 2x the cost of the 2x Mini (2x Pro @ $139.99). Anyway, here's what was being said/shown 3 years ago on the subject: RetroScaler 2x / RetroTink 2x Mini comparison RetroScaler 2x - Problem on PAL system (from same thread)
  5. It seems like replacing the silver metallic labels of Imagic and later Atari carts would be challenging. Any good solutions out there? I did not find a metallic label you could print on. It doesn't look like the Sega label has it above.
  6. @DEANJIMMY Did you make that controller or have it custom made?
  7. Intellivision-themed T-shirts in a variety of colors https://www.ebay.com/itm/315364500759?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jo07jgpvssi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_J-KGGgIS4G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. I always love buying deluxe hardcover unabridged versions of books to sit on my shelf that have nothing but blank pages in them. Or they could go with the third option amd get good press because they showed they were capable of making a competent product that worked as intended. Unless its part of Atari's charm to making poor decisions through the decades, and everyone loves them for it and supports those bad decisions. Is the "real Atari" one doing something boneheaded? I've been thinking about Atari all wrong. I think my eyes have been open and my view on Atari has changed. They need to sell the sets again at twice the price and have a 90% failure rate! My bookshelf won't be able to warm itself without such a product! 🤪
  9. I love overhead racers! and hope you're able to achieve everything you set out to do! I personally have started disliking the look of 320 mode 7800 games, as I have been playing a ton of colecovision lately, 320 on the 7800 has a very "colecovision" look to me lol
  10. Just a heads up for anyone in the UK who is interested, the 2600+ carrying case is now available on Amazon UK. Just ordered one.
  11. White noise label🤙 @JetmanUK The sticker is blue. NTSC but runs fine on a PAL machine and the wrong colors don't matter😊
  12. The small M Network stickers I put in between the label and end label. @theonlygood had the idea and @pboland did some tweaking on it and this is my attempt at it.
  13. I actually did consider 320C briefly but I wasn't able to get the car sprites how I liked them due to the color placement limitations. So yea I used 320B with kangaroo mode 'on' in order to get more colors. That of course brings it's own issues with the black boxes around things but I was able to work around it. One thing I've realized while doing this project is that the 7800 isn't the easiest system to code for, especially when using the 320 modes. I like your demo by the way - very impressive.
  14. Nice job! These never had front labels? Where do the M network stickers go? I got 2 mystery M network carts for free. The end labels were gone and recreated them.
  15. Not sure...I've got multiple Burgertime roms on my computer. Is there a difference in the gameplay? I will download the one that is linked above just to be sure. I suck at this game anyway!!!
  16. No, most likely not. To begin with, Commodore very sparingly sold their custom chips to third party manufacturers, even as late as 1990. Also the sound seems a bit too rough to be SID. Here is a schematic for the Tyco Hot Keys. Indeed there is a 28-pin custom IC there: https://electro-music.com/forum/phpbb-files/hot_keyz_966.pdf However if we compare with the SID pinout, there are some strange things going on: https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/SID Pin #3 (filter capacitor #2) tied to ground. Pins #4 and #5 (filter capacitor #2 and reset signal) connected through a resistor, two capacitors and a crystal. Pins #6 - #9 (Phi/2 oscillator, R/W flag, Chip Select and A0, lowest bit on the address bus) also combined in a circuit. Pin #23 (POT Y) tied to ground. Pin #24 (POT X) connected to VCC through a resitor, capacitor to ground. None of the data lines (15-22) appears to be connected per the Tyco schematic. Nope, this most probably was a custom IC, or something completely different.
  17. It will allow SDX to move enough stuff out of commonly used memory and into the expansion, thus allowing more software to work in the SDX environment
  18. I'm still looking for a long play controller that has the disc on the right side..... 🙄 Would gladly swap one of my left side disc controllers. I have two lefties....
  19. Update on my M Network labels tweaked these a bit and changed the two TRON end labels. I have 4 more to do then my M Network labels will be finished. (Picture looks a bit blurry)
  20. It's a blasphemous thought, but would a "pause" button be possible on new hardware? A groundbreaking feature on the 7800. My nose was itching like crazy during a good run in Seaquest last night.
  21. Not really. Think about it this way. Which bad press is worse for your company… You sell 1000 luxury items, that most people won’t know are defective, because the just plan on putting on a shelf. They are 100% defective (if you open them), but only 10% of your customers will open them, and only 10% of those will complain on the internet. You sell 1,000,000 high priced items, that people use on a daily basis, that don’t work if you are holding the product the way it was intended. Everybody will complain (to themselves), but only 1% will complain on the internet. In the first situation, you might get 10 tweets saying your company sucks. In the second, you might get 10,000. Then news stories do whatever is trending, and write lots of articles about how your product sucks and is defective. Apple is still making phones, Atari will still be making games. It makes more sense for them to focus on the low cost $30-$50 games than the premium ones.
  22. The only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning Marty. Great Scotts!
  23. Thanks for comparing - Did you happen to note norm distance? Were the higher thread counts "better" in the same amount of time? And all of these were sampled at the same amount of time passed? Could be some AMD specific thing, I suppose. But if it is it's weird because the cores are definitely active. I have high core Intel machine to test on as well, so I'll do that.
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