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  2. It is inverted, when I rename the .bin to have '9' on the end of the filename part, it works in my PPEB device. If I swap the 8KB sections around and rename it again to end in '8' it loads in both my device and Classic99 (which it didn't before, either way). Seems I somehow got the '9' loader right. But I don't parse the .rpk XML, I only look for 9's, 8's, G's, D's and C's. Killerb8.zip
  3. Wow! I was looking for something like this. I thought that SIDE³ does something similar, but it turned out that in the videos shown, the board already had a memory expansion. Thank you very much for the information!
  4. As I live in Europe the mail from Tindie arrived during the night. For the 2nd time I arrived too late. I hope that next time will be the good one.
  5. Phaeron, thank you, this palette is better. but, I set the value “hue start = 40”, in my opinion it’s better.
  6. In the area I live some people have a dog with almost the same facial expression. A friendly dog but a huge one! Huge! The size of a small or medium sized black bear.
  7. The Activision carts were finicky at the beginning but after cleaning and inserting them carefully looking for the sweet spot, they became nobrainers. So for testing the new slot, some carts sitting in a box for 30 years would be perfect but I still have a few finicky Activision carts. I guess you had to grind the contacts in an 2600+ socket again, as the position and power of the preasure was different and should be the same with the new socket. I have a Warlords cart which fails in a Jr but works on my 2600+ I still have some finicky Telegames and Taiwan carts. Will be interesting if they work better. Telegames need the little lift up move to work. Frogs and Flies does not have this resistor from the pic and works better. My Xonox double ender worked fine. Xonox problems were related to certain games but not the physical cart.
  8. I haven't managed to run my copy of Killer Caterpillar in any emulator (here attached as an RPK file from which you can unzip a 16K ROM file), so could you please post the copy that loads fine via the menu? Regarding the configurations you tried, 80000 means 512K, so this should be changed to 4000 = 16K. And if you use type 8, the start address should really be 0000 instead of 6000 (but maybe Classic99 ignores this?). Killer Caterpillar is a ROM (not a GROM), but I don't know if it's inverted or not since it doesn't work either way for me. Killer.rpk
  9. Because it is made for 1979 Atari? But would it be possible to use GTIA in RC? @ilmenit@drpeter? But using GTIA would help? I do not know it would a lot there is a limit of amount of detail per line so... It could improve making more seamless color changes, could make backgrounds better...
  10. Today
  11. Hello all, A quick question please I placed some 64k cartridges onto a PicoCart. A few of them give an error when you attempt to run them. "ERROR: CAR file is wrong size" The size of the files is 65,552 bytes, for both the ones that work and the ones that error. I tried the error files in altirra, and they all worked. I also tried a file from two different archives, with the same result. An example is thrust.car Am I missing something obvious? Thanks in advance.
  12. Technically no, but in practice yes. The whole being you is just an illusion created by the brain, but it sure feels real. If you were in an unconscious coma for 7+ years and woke up, I am sure you would feel like you. I would say both, but then you are split into two, due to different environments. Both being the person before the teleportation.
  13. I've tried looking around for documentation on a bit of syntax in some MADS code I'm reading, and I am stumped. Could someone interpret it? I'm talking specifically about the expression: ":>:num iny" in the following macro (5th line). .macro @ADD_BIT num bcc skip adc #<:num .if :num < $4FF :>:num iny .if :num > $4F bcc skip iny .endif .else ... .endif skip .endm Looking through the MADS manual, the closest I could get talks about :repeat, except it says that typically, a colon followed by a number refers to a parameter in a macro, if it's in decimal. Though, the inputs for @ADD_BIT are in hex. Is that line getting the high-byte of the parameter (:num) and then using that as a counter for how many times to repeat "iny"?
  14. But are you, though? 🤔 And if you get into a teleporter, and you get duplicated to a remote place, but the original you is not destroyed by mistake, which one is you?
  15. Atari bought the M Network name and "over a dozen games" recently. The only games we know they bought were Frogs & Flies, Space Attack, Astroblast, Star Strike, and Armor Ambush. Presumably Atari is keeping the whole list a secret so they can surprise us with the Atari 50 dlc coming later this year. Atari's attempt to trademark M Network met with failure due to a trademark of M Net.
  16. Now with a built-in Digi-Port (don't use this firmware with a TI RS232 card - It'll clash). PPEB2.zip
  17. Any news about Amico actually ? I paid to FIG 275 bucks 3-4 years ago, if I remember well, but I haven’t received yet the shipping tracking number!🧐🧐🤔🤨
  18. You can try loading these color settings, which were generated by the Palette Solver against one of Hias' PAL screenshots: test.atcolors But just a note, I'll need a bit more corroboration against hardware and more programs before changing the default color settings, to avoid another loop of "it doesn't match my hardware." I missed that it was referring to PAL above. In NTSC, the color pot definitely doesn't affect hue $1x; I don't have a PAL machine to verify against, but you're correct that the PAL generation logic in Altirra anchors $1x to hue start, though it does emulate the other PAL quirks. I wrote that under the assumption that the PAL receiver syncs to each colorburst, but it looking at the diagrams and descriptions from the BBC (http://www.bbceng.info/additions/2019/ETD Books/Television Principles Vol. 3 - TV Signal Coding - ETD Training Book - G. Oxley.pdf), it looks like that's incorrect and the receiver syncs to the average of the two swinging colorburst phases instead. That would explain the hue shift you're describing. There are a couple of comments in your referenced source code that I'm a bit confused about, though. If you look at the BBC's block diagrams for PAL encoding and decoding, the swinging color subcarrier and the phase shifted color waveforms are generated by summing U and V aligned carriers and negating V on every other line. It isn't generated by variable delays between the luma and chroma signals. GTIA does that to its color subcarrier reference, but that's just the way it generates different phases. Summing the swinging color bursts also seems odd, that's definitely not how the encoders are generally depicted, and the BBC's decoder diagram doesn't show that being done in the decoder either -- instead, it describes the oscillator error signal being heavily damped with a long time constant. The BBC literature unfortunately doesn't recommend a strategy for chroma AGC, and the datasheets for the various decoder chips I've been able to find typically just mention something vague like the amplitude of the chroma signal. Do you have a reference for this behavior?
  19. I used classic99 for this because RetroArch doesn't offer a core for the TI994a. I'm not familiar enough with Messen or other and it seems overly complicated. I didn't mean anything by it regarding putting "Powered By Classic 99" on a cartridge. So I hope that wasn't misconstrued. I realize it's kind of opposite of that but it wouldn't feel right either stamping a logo on the TI994A Computer...Please keep in mind too that I'm using Linux so I'm already having to emulate a windows environment either with Steam or Bottles.
  20. Doggie Colors: 50 plus src Atari8man_Doggie.xex
  21. I have Steam set for both. I have an entry for it to just load classic99 so that I can run other things than just games...and It's not quite the same feel as pressing 1 or 2 I can't argue but it takes you straight into the game you want to play...and the thing is I've setup joystick emulation so that no keyboard is needed to press 1 or 2...mapped q and p to buttons....Wish they added a p for pause to ti invaders...my all time favorite...but sadly parsec was one of the few that did get a pause. I'm sitting in a lazyboy recliner not at a desk...when I go to play a game...I stand the keyboard upright to the side and sit the mouse over on the coffee table....I hate having to reach for mouse and keyboard with a joystick in my lap...while right in the middle of a game.
  22. Glass Apple Colors : 92 plus src Atari8man_NTSC_Glass_Apple.xex Atari8man_Pal_Glass_Apple.xex
  23. THANK YOU! That was definitely informative. Note added!!
  24. Is it just me, or is it impossible to find anything you are specifically looking for on Woot unless you have the direct link. I could not for the life of me browse to Mr. Run and Jump, yet it's there if you have the link.
  25. Country Stream colors: 51 plus src Atari8man_NTSC_Country_Stream.xex Atari8man_Pal_Country_Stream.xex
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