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  2. Cleared the temple five or six times (I think it might have been six, actually). I was keeping count and then forgot all about it on one intense screen where a snake kept attacking me in the tree. 🤣
  3. [Skill 2]: 209,750 pts. I wasn't a fan of this game years ago when I had no idea what to do, but thanks to NCG and the instruction manual, this grew on me over the years and I love this game!
  4. I just placed my order. 😀 Thank you Tony for making this available.
  5. Well, the general idea might well be a leftover from the VIC-20.
  6. So I have discovered something I am fearful of: I don't know what I'm doing. Nevertheless, I trudge on, trying to learn stuff as I go along. Since WAIT is only being used in the scrolling_portion subroutine in my code, I guess that's where most of the code is actually being executed. Or something. Like I said, I don't know. I took a lot of time to delete in my code a place where a goto command is in a subroutine. It took forever to make it work since I don't know what I'm doing. I also made the sound "cleaner" by only making the music use channels 0 and 1 instead of 0, 1 and 2. Sound effects are in channel 2. I think if I keep working on this, I might as well bite the bullet and get an expensive thing to test my creation on a real Colecovision. I didn't see the northern lights last night, which was disappointing. Before I went to bed, I went outside and saw the moon almost new. I woke up at around 3 a.m. and before I went back to sleep, I went to the living room and looked outside. No pretty green and red sky or anything.
  7. I made a couple of famicom carts using muramasa boards.. they work on my retron3 using nes to famicom..but when i plug them direct into my famicom clone ( waiting to get a real unit ) all i see is garbage.. any idea what i am missing here ?
  8. Good luck in your attempts and may the critters in the shop be quieter than usual so as not to cause a distraction! Looks like I might not get past 17k or so but I'll keep trying while watching for the posting of a new record.
  9. I don't think so. 5V is on one of the top pins that don't exist on the 5 pin connector.
  10. I wonder if this was a leftover from the 5-pin DIN connector on the VIC-20 which has 6V (or perhaps it is 5V) at maximum 10 mA intended to drive the RF modulator. Since the C64 has the modulator built-in, eventually perhaps they figured out there was no reason to route a voltage through the A/V port any longer.
  11. Oh. I was trying to show some hypocrisy on a global scale. Russians marching in a HD video like that, right out of decades ago , But they still haven't finished their special operation yet.:lol:

  12. I suppose I am looking at those titles that were released initially only for the A8 class systems and no other computer. The collection will encompass all commercial releases foreign and domestic and at this stage I will not be including unreleased, prototype, homebrew and recently released (post 2000) software.
  13. May 6-12: Android RB College - 70 min Rebuild - 5 min I guess this game started out as an Adobe Flash game, but o didn’t play it until they were giving it away (or it cost less than $1) for the Amazon FireOS. Not a bad little zombie city management game. Atari 2600 (mostly real hardware ) Bumper Bash - 40 min GI Joe Cobra Strike - 20 min Kaboom - 20 min Steeplechase- 17 min Had to hook up real hardware for the HsC paddle games. PC Modern Slay the Spire - 5 min Logged into Steam after a long time of not playing PC games, and noticed i somehow broke the launching of this game. Still worked by launching the executable from the Steam folder, just not through the Steam page (which was odd). I need to go back to some of these low graphic intensity PC titles. I still have lots to unlock in FTL, and other such titles, but I never get around to playing them with so many free games given away each week under GOg, Amazon’s Prime, and Epic.
  14. Perfectly legitimate question to ask, and as the doc mentioned there are the avg and subavg multicarts which can grant a stock machine extra ram, which then the games loaded from said carts can use. As for single, standalone carts (non multi cart), with say one large game on it, I am not sure of that. Someone like Mq who creates the cart tech for some of the Polish game releases, (and also btw - coded the excellent game Dude story) would be the one to ask I guess. It can be fairly confusing at the best of times as you can get some large games that will use the banked ram approach to allow a 1mb game to run on a stock machine. So the likes of Space harrier, Onescape, and also Atariblast. But these games are coded from the outset to use banked ram. It's not something you can apply to any game that requires more that the stock ram of a system to run. So for example afaik 128k games times Wizard and prince of Persia require a 128k machine to run and the game could not be run off a single standalone cart on, say, a 64k machine. But, AFAIK, both these 128k games should run off Avgcart or subavg multicarts as they grant the stock machine the extra ram. (Correct me if I am wrong here people) So I think it sounds like avg or subavg are good options. Subavg is the latest kid on the block and by all accounts has loadsa extras. Visit the pinned newbies thread on the main Atariage 8 bit computer forum as there is a summary chart of cart and other based hardware there.
  15. That's a risk you run into when you buy anything that is pirated, is it a homebrew pirate or mass produced Chinese warez?
  16. Beware that the pinout images you get if you do a web search have different pin numbering patterns. That's likely why you see contradictory information on which pin number is which signal.
  17. If there is any help in music or gfx side required then @Asmusr knows where to find me and the dSr family btw there was some decent love for the demo in demoscene community at the time as well : https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68783
  18. No. If you want to know when something first went on sale, the copyright notice merely narrows it down. Some products are delayed and go on sale after the printed copyright. Some can come out earlier. And sometimes the dates on the box, manual, and software might not even match.
  19. Today
  20. DarkLord, does this take you back to DarkChild?
  21. Not a glitch... it is part of the scoring because it is listed in the manual as a 10,000 point bonus shot.
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