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  1. Past hour
  2. ATARI 5200: Berzerk - 110 minutes Moon Patrol - 35 minutes ATARI 8-BIT COMPUTERS: Apple Invader - 20 minutes ARoP (Another Ripoff of Pacman) - 10 minutes Back Track - 20 minutes Berzerk - 100 minutes Bombastic! - 30 minutes Fast Eddie - 40 minutes Hyperblast! - 60 minutes Joust - 110 minutes Moon Patrol (Atari) - 40 minutes Moon Patrol (Avalon Hill) - 55 minutes Tapper - 5 minutes
  3. i paid $30 and it comes in a nice shell. Not worth my effort to build for that price
  4. Week of 4/29/24 - 5/5/24 I don't know if others have this experience, but when I'm really busy most of my gaming ends up being on the toilet. I'd much rather be playing my Atari or C64 but those are hard to bring in there. Atari 2600 Juno First - 10 Meooow! 2 - 10 iOS Duolingo - 35 Jumbline 2 - 39 Rock On - 4 Total time = 98 minutes
  5. All, I got an alert this evening that my store has been online as of tonight for 4 years! So i'm feeling good about that, so for 10% off your entire new order for anything in the store, use coupon code: GIVEMETEN
  6. All limited edition boards have been purchased. Only 10 more days before the preorder closes.
  7. Never let facts get in the way of a good story, an inflated post count, or endless shilling!
  8. as far as i can tell falcon didnt have an external 2nd floppy port? also How did the megaSTE do external 1.4mb drives, the HD select isnt plumbed thru that cable.
  9. Mr. Atari had sheet of what's what at some point so he could pick the best for his MyBIOS and MyIDE suites
  10. Some points: 100% not a scam. I'm sure the comment was taken "out of context" as in the example stated it could be seen that way. It isn't. We all know it isnt, including mdkdue. AA quality is exceptional and the titles will be delivered. If you are not willing/able to wait for a store order then get it when it appears on the AtariAge ebay store. While additional communication on these would have been nice, Albert has stated he will do that more in future, and is working to improve shipping times. Lets move on, have fun with the hobby and get this thread back to talking about the games people will hopefully be playing soon! I really don't want to see more bickering and fingerpointing in here between fellow enthusists.
  11. As the title says, this is a nice Tandon-mechanism Atari 810 with minimal yellowing and no cracks or other damage. Fully tested to format from DOS, save and load programs from BASIC, as well as boot several games (both copy-protected and "backups"). Asking $100 plus shipping from 48080. Drive only, no power supply or SIO cable is included.
  12. almost makes me glad I dont do any coding. Having to worry about every key combo ever used or will ever be used in the future sounds like a lot of fun.
  13. other thread said problem with cable wiring. you used all the wall pucks on that cable correct? maybe they all got damaged. without a scope to monitor input, DMM may show ok but have lots of noise getting thru. Did you try and re seat all chips that CAN be , pic seems to show several socketed. Since you said this was your long time system, and mem chips are still soldered, interesting they are mixed type.
  14. Sold a few famicom multicarts to schnuth. Quick replies, quick payment, and quick feedback once they arrived. Excellent buyer and nice guy. Enjoy the games!!
  15. Which is a rather disingenuous way of saying that it closed at a whopping $0.135 after opening at an equally-impressive $0.100. Let's check the one-year performance, shall we? As it's not immediately-evident from the graph, the best that stock has managed over the past year is $0.190, which happened on September 1st, 2023. Hell, the gain on that day was even better than today's performance - 45% then vs. 35% today. However, the gain really means nothing when a week later it's back down to $0.140 and never recovers higher than 0.180 up to today. And, taking into account the high of 0.190, comparing that against today's rally to 0.135 still has the stock sitting about 40% below its best performance since this time last year. Feel free to continue playing fast and loose with the numbers to your heart's content, though - it provides endless entertainment.
  16. Thank you for posting that. Otherwise I would have deleted the original one and replaced it with the ovr. I'll just ad it, let it update, then remove the ovr afterwards.
  17. I'd like to also point out that, regardless of anything else in this thread, Al's post on the previous page was appreciated & eye-opening. I started selling electronics on eBay and similar sites a few years back, and I've experienced firsthand the Amazon-ification of the internet. All these sites have gradually pushed updates to try and be more competitive with Amazon, and they forced these responsibilities onto the shoulders of their merchants of course. For example: I've always preferred to be plainly honest about shipping costs, listing them separately in lieu of "free shipping" for everything. But due to Amazon Prime shifting buyers expectations, Etsy announced they would start displaying "free shipping" listings first in search results. So that left sellers with no choice really. Every 6 months there'd be another update like this. Amazon Prime's 2-day shipping is perhaps the single biggest factor when it comes to customer expectations. Originally I remember getting messages from customers who were quick to question anything that took over a week to show up, with a generally irritable & impatient tone. Later on I started including a business card in each package which basically said "thanks" and explained I'm just 1 dude trying to run a business out of a bedroom, so their support/feedback really makes a difference. After that, customer interactions shifted dramatically. I even had people who were impatient during shipping reach back out to thank me once their item showed up, or go out of their way to leave really kind feedback. Despite all this, I never considered how insane of an operation it must be trying to run all things AtariAge. I couldn't do it. So I always appreciate a peek behind the curtain to better understand the human side of these websites we interact with.
  18. To DL the new FW you need to use a QR code reader when you press Option on the controller as the GD boots. PITA way to do it, personally, as it called up 3 or 4 bogus links. I had to copy the code and use a PC and a browser to get the file. With the FW file in the root directory of your SD card, place the card in the GD and boot it. The update will happen. Then remove the SD card, place in PC and delete the firmware.ovr file or it will continually update every time you booth the GD.
  19. A bit better tonight, but still can't make it through the tunnels. 21,400
  20. It pairs with the FOR statement on line 770. Would that be valid then? 770 FOR V=1 TO Z :: K3=((W3+_3+J3)*RND)+_W :: CALL C(@A+@B,A3+_A-P,H) :: IF H=1 THEN 771 ELSE GOSUB 2550 :: GOTO 775 771 CALL AT(P3$,K3,P,TD) :: @C=@C-K3 :: IF @C<1 THEN GOSUB 7640 :: IF @N=0 THEN 1500 :: NEXT V :: GOTO 898
  21. The ez80 is, basically, a micro controller. It's a 100 pin package. Making an adapter, to plug it into a 40 pin DIP socket, would be difficult. (The Agon uses the ez80.)
  22. FYI there are other versions of the Z80 that will continue to be manufactured, including the eZ80 used on the Agon Light/Agon Light2/Agon Console 8 computers and the TI-84 Plus CE calculator. I believe all the eZ80 are in surface mount packages.
  23. Today
  24. Jumped into Tetris Effect and it sucked me in. I wish I was better, but I have to settle for above average. Still fun to see all the new game modes they've added (and VR).
  25. 24 hours to go! If we ended the contest right now, one game would get the first place, three would be tied in the second place, and three would be tied in the third place! 😱
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