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  1. Past hour
  2. I agree this is a excellent post. After reading it an example of a long since dead and discarded technology that I imagine most never dreamed would ever reappear popped into my mind. Vinal records. I wonder how much was spent to set up the assembly lines again to start pressing records?
  3. I drop the ball on Mothersday I had so many otherthings to do but I want to make a good slide show for Halloween in October.
  4. I use the old pull request from @Dave C for the rom export. I have a version of it in my repo also: karrika/furnace at Mikey-rom-export (github.com) From the command line I run the export like: ./furnace -romout tiatracker mytune.fur The driver code itself is in furnace source in furnace/src/asm/6502/atari2600 Create the directory tiatracker and copy the driver from the furnace src there. After the expoer cd tiatracker make And you will have executable players in the tiatracker/roms directory
  5. "getting ready for Halloween" Oh you like to prepare in advance?
  6. I was looking today for images of "Dracula and frankenstein and Witches" getting ready for Halloween later this year and came across some voodoo stuff . I didn't know there was a real Baron Samedi he's one of the main charters in Akuji ps1 game.
  7. The manual says, that beginners should start training with leaving the height at max and just concentrate on the rhythm of the jumps. So did I! My score happened just like this (got 1:20 the most, than 1:18 and lower). Yesterday I got only 1:20. The opponents seem to have a certain amount of random crashes. So I guess you need both - a good run for yourself, and a bad for all the others.
  8. would really like to see ballblazer and tempest for the 2600. I know that someone can do it!
  9. Hi everyone, we are trying to program the cpld with rP0 but we too have this error, are there any updates? thanks to those who reply
  10. Voo Doo. Oh African- Polish religion.., Religion with African symbols and Polish symbols like painting of "Black Madonna of Częstochowa" = in Voo Doo called "Èzili Dantò"...
  11. DAMN am I inspired tonight! So yeah, I hunted and pecked out a melody I had rolling around in my head, so that plays whenever you win a stage. (I suspect I'll need three more.) As a bonus, there's the drum roll I wanted for "Evaluation Time" almost from the beginning of development, and your score is kept a mystery until the drum roll stops. Adds suspense, wouldn't you say? (By the way, don't use drums in CVBasic; just find some really low notes and quickly oscillate between them for a decent stab at a drum roll.) (Might help if I post the file. Heh.) whackem_game.rom
  12. Sadly, it does not look like I’m gonna be able to post a score for this game. Just been too damn busy lately, and now, of course tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Sorry Rick! Hope all is well with everyone here though.
  13. The diagonal behavior is odd. Pac-Man will move up or down if a diagonal is held when he hits a wall.
  14. I see your new list. Thanks for the link! -Ben
  15. Today
  16. I don't know anything about sub/avg carts, but how much functionality does the cart have without the cables? Seems like you'd need the cables to do anything besides cart files.
  17. Since you asked. The paddle controls the height of your jump. It has 4 positions (I think). At the lowest height, you are able to clear the small hedge. The longest hedge requires being at the highest height, and one of the 2 middle settings are required to clear the middle length hedges. The lower the jump height you have when successfully clearing a hedge, the earlier and faster your horse can sprint to the right of the screen. Missing any jump causes you to lose a significant amount of time, and move leftwards/backwards. Therefore it is vitally important that you keep you paddle close to the highest setting when you are near the right of the screen with little reaction time. In the early game, before the 2 speed ups though, you should be aiming to clear the hedges with the minimum possible jump height. I don't think I am anywhere near the shortest time possible, but I think I will do some testing in Stella and figure out the likely minimum time.
  18. @Thomas Jentzsch I bought a copy of Thrust+ in 2002, or at least that's the date printed on the box. The box measures 33x11x16 cm, and is just long enough to contain the 3-pedal Q-J (Quality Joystick) Footpedal controller, renamed as the 3-pedal "Thrust+ Control Center Unit." There is no mention in the included instruction manual that this version will work with any other controller. Printing on the box says it is "The Professional Combat Pak de luxe special edition 2002" and "special limited edition no. #15." Cartridge made by Hozer Videogames, and "An idea born on AtariAge.com." I thought it was your initial release, except the game does say it is Thrust+ and not just Thrust. That makes me wonder which of the three major releases it is, the first or the second? I am also wondering if this version is just too darned old, and whether you think it is worth my while to buy it all over again. I've grown very comfortable with the Footpedal controller, and saying the latest version has Driving Controller support won't do it for me. Oh, and great, great game! -Ben
  19. It probably wouldn’t be “impossible” to manufacture a 2 Kb rom chip in 2024, but it would likely be so prohibitively expensive, that no one would care to do it. There’s a parabola curve when it comes to most (if not all) mass produced items. Items which did not exist, were invented, went mainstream, became outdated, got replaced, and then faded away into obscurity. The technology which was utilized, including the availability of the parts and materials which were used, as well as the production lines which were in place, are no longer in existence. During its peak, dozens of manufacturers were producing 2kb chips. They were plentiful and “relatively” cheap at the time because of this. But even the very last batch of 2kb chips mass produced were likely manufactured over 30 years ago. All of the equipment used has long since been discarded, destroyed, or repurposed. So the start up costs alone which would be involved in finding a company or even a person willing to start the process from scratch would be astronomical. And there would be no money in it for them. Try to imagine asking JVC or BASF to manufacture a small run of blank VHS cassettes in 2024. Assuming they even have someone still on staff who even knows what materials are needed and knows how to do it, they would then have to source these materials, design and create new molds, build from scratch the entire assembly line all over again, etc. The price of just 1 blank VHS cassette would be like $100,000 to cover there start up costs as well as parts and labor. Maybe, if they manufactured 1,000 cassettes, they could get the price down to $10,000 each. But of course, at their peak, bran new blank VHS cassettes could be purchased for like $2 or $3 each. The age of through hole DIP package integrated circuit technology is in the past now and almost extinct. Micro SMD or mini surface mount technology has taken over as the norm. Even the largest commercially available EPROMs which were 32 megs in size are no longer manufactured. SD memory cards and USB sticks are only sold now in the gigabytes rather then megabytes. And hard drives are now probably all in the terabyte ranges now.
  20. He was also a crybully who acted like he was a victim. He totally projected as did his sycophant Amicolytes. If he said someone was doing something it was literally because they were doing it. He acted like it was still the 90s where things weren't as easy to check. It's why he got pissed at people for "holding what he said against him". I don't remember the exact phrasing, but it was him just saying he should be able to lie and not have consequences for it. It's why I like posting the Narcissist's Prayer. It is exactly how he acted and unfortunately he will never seek help for that type of thing as it goes against their nature. I have a background in mental health, psychology, and sociology. I found this whole saga entertaining for those reasons alone. I literally got to witness a cult form and be born. It was so interesting! This post aged well and is so funny. 3 months before their initial date. He knew they had no investor, had no working console (OS/firmware/backend/certs) had no games, and no plan to get any of it done. It is 4 years later and they still don't have any of that. My gauge for the games is the 6 pack in. Those aren't even done as evidenced by Cornhole. Unfortunately, the faithful haven't asked John why he can't release Farkle, Skiing, and Back Talk considering those "should have been done in early to mid 2020. Also this is for you @Tommy Tallarico! I want you to have enough fuel to make it to the moon if you so desire!
  21. Here is the list we have so far. I'm sure many more are missing. Please comment, below!
  22. Let us build a list of Atari 2600 games which were ported from either other video game consoles or home computers.
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