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  2. Availability.. Quality of the game..trends.. If your system has the best version of the port..then it becomes more popular.. if people say ..oh you gotta play Penguin kun wars on the msx..it's the best.... well that goes up in value then Anyway. I'm glad you got the game you wanted.. i am sure it feels different than playing on emulator..
  3. Last call to pre-order JagFest T-shirts! Get those in by May 15. Ran the numbers, and here's what fans can expect at JagFest next month for game reveals: - 5 Jaguar games - 5 Lynx games - 2 Nuon games This will be a combination of demos of unreleased games and exclusive announcements of upcoming games. List may grow too!
  4. People are far more less different than you can imagine. i too liked action games as a kid. Same as you! i did not get better in playing action games because i basically need a service dog (how do you call such dog in UK?). I need a dog because my eyesight is not OK since kindergarten... i played a lot logical puzzle games. So I started to like them! I plan to find all Atari 800/400 games and try to play them i play computer games since... It was so long ago I do not remember... Maybe in 1990? As far i remember i did try to play Rockford (PC CGA) a lot! I tried my best and sucked (US English... 😜 ) in it badly, like in almost all action games including action-platform. in those times i did not have many games so i tried harder than ever... i tried many times to play Boulderdash... Last time like 1-2 years ago
  5. I still don't have the boards, but I was reviewing the PCB layout and orientation of parts and just want to make triple sure - even though there are dots on the silk screen, the orientation of all RNs does not matter, correct?
  6. I was wondering if there is some data or format missing from my roms..as that clone does play real famicom carts ( just not mine ).. But i will get a real famicom as this clone won't run my disk drive system anyway.. Thanks !
  7. Looking for unreleased game carts for tigervision's "Changes" and "Matterhorn". Anyone out there have working rom files? I know they were unreleased but so were some of the funware carts and they ended up on the internet regardless. I also have some custom made art for them being that they were not released.
  8. Very nice game, great graphics and smooth (jumping) animation of the player! Reminds me to the inverse key I used alot in Basic programming 35 years ago 🙂
  9. My high score for this game is 928,982. I have been playing off and on for about 22 years now. I'm surprised to see no one beat my score. I thought for sure that Kermit or someone would beat it.
  10. changed that "bankedConsoleGROMs=0" and the path to the bin is correct...it's in the root of the folder. same as all working games
  11. It should make no difference.
  12. [audio] max_volume=80 samplerate=22050 backgroundNoise=0 continuousReader=0 [AppMode] EnableAppMode=1 AppName=Killer Caterpillar SkipTitle=1 AutoStartCart=2 [Disk0] Type=0 [Disk1] Type=1 Path=.\DSK1\ FIAD_WriteV9T9=0 FIAD_ReadTIFILES=1 FIAD_ReadV9T9=1 FIAD_WriteDV80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDVAsText=0 FIAD_WriteDF80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDFAsText=0 FIAD_ReadTextAsDV=1 FIAD_ReadTextAsDF=0 FIAD_ReadTextWithoutExt=0 FIAD_ReadImgAsTIAP=1 FIAD_AllowNoHeaderAsDF128=0 FIAD_EnableLongFilenames=0 IMAGE_UseV9T9DSSD=0 DISK_AutoMapDSK1=0 [Disk2] Type=1 Path=.\DSK2\ FIAD_WriteV9T9=0 FIAD_ReadTIFILES=1 FIAD_ReadV9T9=1 FIAD_WriteDV80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDVAsText=0 FIAD_WriteDF80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDFAsText=0 FIAD_ReadTextAsDV=1 FIAD_ReadTextAsDF=0 FIAD_ReadTextWithoutExt=0 FIAD_ReadImgAsTIAP=1 FIAD_AllowNoHeaderAsDF128=0 FIAD_EnableLongFilenames=0 IMAGE_UseV9T9DSSD=0 DISK_AutoMapDSK1=0 [Disk3] Type=1 Path=.\DSK3\ FIAD_WriteV9T9=0 FIAD_ReadTIFILES=1 FIAD_ReadV9T9=1 FIAD_WriteDV80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDVAsText=0 FIAD_WriteDF80AsText=0 FIAD_WriteAllDFAsText=0 FIAD_ReadTextAsDV=1 FIAD_ReadTextAsDF=0 FIAD_ReadTextWithoutExt=0 FIAD_ReadImgAsTIAP=1 FIAD_AllowNoHeaderAsDF128=0 FIAD_EnableLongFilenames=0 IMAGE_UseV9T9DSSD=0 DISK_AutoMapDSK1=0 [Disk4] Type=0 [Disk5] Type=0 [Disk6] Type=0 [Disk7] Type=0 [Disk8] Type=0 [Disk9] Type=0 [CF7] BIOS= Disk=.\cf7Disk.img Size=134217728 [emulation] AVIFilename=C:\Classic99.AVI throttlemode=0 fast16bitram=0 maxcpf=50000 overdrive=50 enableSpeedKeys=0 enableEscape=1 pauseinactive=0 ctrlaltreset=0 invertcaps=1 speechenabled=1 system=1 slowdown_keyboard=1 ps2keyboard=1 sams_enabled=1 sams_size=3 enableAltF4=1 enableF10Menu=1 enableINIWrite=1 bankedConsoleGROMs=1 [joysticks] active=1 joy1mode=0 joy1xaxis=0 joy1yaxis=1 joy1btns=-1 joy1minX=16384 joy1minY=16384 joy1maxX=49152 joy1maxY=49152 joy2mode=1 joy2xaxis=0 joy2yaxis=1 joy2btns=-1 joy2minX=16384 joy2minY=16384 joy2maxX=49152 joy2maxY=49152 [roms] cartgroup=2 cartidx=0 [video] FilterMode=2 frameskip=0 heatmapfadespeed=25 hzRate=60 MaintainAspect=1 EnableF18A=1 Enable80Col=1 Enable128k=0 InterleaveGPU=1 StretchMode=2 Flicker=1 ScreenScale=-1 ScreenX=552 ScreenY=459 LockFullScreen=0 topX=844 topY=460 [debug] ScrambleRam=0 CorruptDSKRAM=0 enableDebugOpcodes=0 [tvfilter] hue=100 saturation=100 contrast=100 brightness=100 sharpness=100 scanlines=1 [TIPISim] URI1= URI2= URI3= TipiDirSort=FIRST TipiAuto=off TipiTz=Emu/Classic99 TipiSSID= TipiPSK= TipiName=TIPISim [LastDiskMRU] MRU1= MRU2= MRU3= MRU4= MRU5= MRU6= MRU7= MRU8= MRU9= MRU10= [LastPathMRU] MRU1= MRU2= MRU3= MRU4= MRU5= MRU6= MRU7= MRU8= MRU9= MRU10= [LastCartMRU] MRU1= MRU2= MRU3= MRU4= MRU5= MRU6= MRU7= MRU8= MRU9= MRU10= [usercart0] name=Killer Caterpillar rom0=8|0000|4000|killercater.bin
  13. This did not work for me. The bin file must be intact or it wouldn't load by menu...but this just beeeeps in app mode.
  14. Question: I note that when I reset my TI-99/4a with the reset button on my FinalGROM99, the palette of the F18A is not reset. Is this a known issue? And if yes, anyway to reset F18A palette without a full power cycle? Not a big nuisance, but anyway.
  15. Just goes to show you it's all different for everyone. I find Boulderdash infinitely easier than puzzles like Tensor. Mind you, I spent 100's of hours as a kid/teenager playing Boulderdash.
  16. Many moons ago before the advent of smartphones, we took a road trip. To keep the kids entertained, I connected 2 color handheld TV's with headphones, one for each kid, to a small VCR powered by an DC to AC cigarette lighter converter and they were able to watch a bunch of Disney VHS tapes throughout the entire drive. Now that was cutting edge in-car entertainment! 😁
  17. Has setting the cluster size to 8192 when formatting a card been proven to be more reliable or work better with the GD?
  18. Yea. Easy for me. i like logical-puzzle games I do not give up i finished all logical-puzzle games I started excluding some later stages of GNU Robbo, but i'm not sure if it those extra stages were buggy or difficult... Forgot about that game thanks! I need to try again :D But Boulderdash was way too difficult for me. i do not have good sight for action-logical-puzzle games... I finished Lode Runner twice on Atari 800 emulator, but when there is too much action i am not good in it... Also I finished easily PoP2 and never the first one!
  19. ScrollTest.basoutput.rombuild.batScrollTest.bmp The files in attach show the same idea as above, BUT with 4 offsets. The movement is 2 pixels at time, much smoother. The used tiles are 225, and I've removed the color bleeding manually in the intermediate frames. As above, the code is very easy: There are 4 level maps stacked in the image_pattern data, each is 64x16 and is representing a given offset The correct map is chosen according to the offset (#X and 3) at position #X/4 If you want to try your own image, note that the code is scrolling a 256x64 area, so this time I've cropped the first third of the screen in ScrollTest.bmp 1. Edit ScrollTest.bmp adding your own image 256x64 in the first quarter of the picture (top left) - NOTE the code is scrolling only the lower 256x64 part. 2. Copy the same image in the top right quarter of the picture 3. Copy the first half of the image (512x64) on the lower part of the image 3 times with an offset of 2 pixels 4. run tmscolor -z -t -b -o result.bmp ScrollTest.bmp ScrollTest.bas - NOTE1 small errors due to color bleeding could be acceptable, it depends on the case, edit the image if you do not like them. NOTE2 make sure that the total tile count is <=255 5. copy the code above in ScrollTest.bas just after the second DEFINE command, replacing the SCREEN command generated by tmscolor Compile, assemble and run Enjoy!
  20. Today
  21. No, nasty re-init. It is only run by the GPU. loadw => get timer value => high word == 0 not r0 => get real value (timer counts down !) and set high word to 0xffff rorq #16,r0 => get $ffff down storew r0,(r1) => reinit down counter
  22. Really? I found it incredibly hard heh heh. I must revisit it as it's a very cool game.
  23. I loved Robbo! I did finished standard Robbo levels and almost all levels of GNU Robbo! (GNU/Linux)
  24. I liked Trzaskowski's Tensor. Easy game. As far I remember i finished it easily. Too easy!
  25. The explanation for this technique is this: All the tiled used for in the scrolling for the different offsets (in the example just 2, but the image works also with 4 offsets), should fit in the tileset (256 tiles) In the sample used color bleeding occurs in few points, it can be acceptable or not, depends on the cases. Level design should avoid color bleed and that the number of tiles passes the limit of 256 (per bank) For each offset you need to define a separate level map. Here there are two level maps, one on top of the other, at offset 64*24. According to the value of the the map coordinate, you choose which level map has to be used has origin of the data to be copied by SCREEN
  26. Will check "The Childen" game out. Do you like Heartlight and Robbo also? I am a big Boulderdash fan. My preference as larger multiscreen games with lots to explore and a driving storyline, (hence why, also, I love Another World - really immersive). I can see similarities between Flob and Another World in some respects, but in others they are very, very different games. Flob is incredibly fast paced and the flip engine dynamic is genius. Same goes for Time Wizard. Also Tensor Trzaskowskiego. Shift promises the same clever thinking. Interestingly - and you may know this already - there is an A8 version of Another World, (1990s). I'd love this to be revisited (espcially now we know the beautiful animation of Prince of Persia is entirely possible on the 128k+ A8s). Anyway, I know this is the RC thread so - sorry all for going off track. I am currently cooking up some RC images myself using the latest enhanced version of RC. Gonna revisit some of my old images and redo them.
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