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  2. after installing libftd1 command sudo /home/tipi/xc3sprog/build/xc3sprog -c sysfsgpio_creator answer /home/tipi/xc3sprog/build/xc3sprog: error while loading shared libraries: libwiringPiDev.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  3. Love this game, though I'm spoiled by the Intellivision version I had as a kid. You could lay walls going horizontal and vertical, so could trap the cops..or put the wall right through their body if you were fast enough. I have played the arcade version and forget if that requires you to exit after all the dashes are gone like this does, I know the Intellivision didn't.
  4. To celebrate my new cheapo tripod... so here's the video version: VID_20240513_212034.mp4
  5. Can we see your shift out code? is this C? // void shiftbit(int srbit) { delay_fast(); if (srbit == 0) { SERDAT_PIN = 0; } else { SERDAT_PIN = 1; } // srbit delay_fast(); SRCLK_PIN = 1; } // void shiftbyte() { unsigned char srbuff = 0; int srcnt= 0; // shift byte for (srcnt=0 ; srcnt<8 ; ++srcnt) { delay_fast(); SRCLK_PIN = 0; srbuff = srbyte << srcnt; srbuff = srbuff & 0x80; shiftbit(srbuff); } // srcnt } // In asm there'd be no need to copy srbit to serdatpin for example, but in C we have no bit variable type, and SERDAT_PIN is a bit so... Also this mcu is 40MIPS, so my code has to pause so it isn't too fast for old stock logic chips! In asm there'd be no shiftbit function. Also, why did you ever care? All games have been ripped. If it wasn't for a new particular game I wouldn't care less about this. That shift register load pattern might be an interesting thought exercise though.
  6. This looks different from the BurgerTime I remember playing. Guessing you're playing the Mattel version.
  7. If you're playing on hardware instead of emulating, then it's possible for crashes like that to happen. If you have too many bad guys on a bun falling down at the same time and falling down against too many other ingredients to rack up big points, that happens. You won't run into that problem on emulators, though.
  8. legitimate question. I say it first and foremost, of course. Pinball games actually almost always have a good dose of luck. With practice (and simply trying it out) you will get to know the possibilities of the table. and often the more you try to force it, the harder it becomes at first. Here in the game it is essential to trigger the ACE. With the "kickbacks" the game is much much easier to control! I can now somewhat control the game. I simply stopped playing at 400k because the majority seemed to have a lot of trouble with the game and scoring. I thought it was enough to win. I also have a few other things to do... E.g: After ACE and with extra ball the game looks completely different, right? (See the picture) Once you know how to reach the E, you'll get higher scores!
  9. Sorry not ready to do that yet. Still chasing the tail on one last bug that I need to iron out and flatten. Until that happens, which also requires time I don't presently have, it stays in limbo.
  10. There are card games on the console. Consoles don't focus on card games because they know card players would rather spend $1 on a deck of cards to play than $250-$350. Like I said his intellect is shallow. His depth of knowledge and ability to critically think isn't there. Also it isn't that hard to play cornhole indoors. I've done it before during inclement weather.
  11. From programmer's point of view programming the Lynx, you said you control the shift register pins directly. I assumed Mikey got passed a byte and it's hardware did the shift register clocking the whole byte in. If you are able to simply toggle the clock, you'd shift contents of the register left with a single cycle. With a lookup table, the fastest way to cycle every combination of the shift register could be found, by loading it fully with a value, and then shifting that value out step by step, but not in any sensible order. A program on a PC at the other end could quickly shuffle the data back though. It's a shame the potential Lynx cart reader/writer has to be so dirty. I take issue with shorting the pins on the cart connector to maintain Lynx power with cart removed. If it weren't for that, and the programming voltage you need that cart breakout contraption for, it's a nice idea to just read as much as possible from a cart into a buffer, and then plug a flash cart target in, over an over until the entire cart is copied... very reminisce of floppy disk copy with low RAM retro computers.
  12. Well...There is the fbForth 2.0 Manual, Appendix L. “Notes on Radix-100 Notation” (referenced here) and Chapter 7, “The Floating Point Support Package”. As @Tursi said, the XB manual discusses it. Also, the User’s Reference Guide discusses it in various places, but in some detail in §3.10.2. “Technical Information on Number Representation”. There is a typesetting error in the last reference: 12710 should be 12710. Though Thierry Nouspikel talks about radix-100 math and notation, he does not go into minimum/maximum numbers, at least not on the referenced page. But, I should mention the errors in notation in the examples on that page (see spoiler): ...lee
  13. Right now we have a skilled programmer familiar with the C64, porting the game over to the Neo Geo. The graphics have been redrawn to take advantage of the Neo-Geo’s larger sprites capabilities. The music has been redone too. If our programmer needs any help during the porting process, I’ll take you up on the help you graciously offered in your post. ☺️
  14. I did a little investigating and cornhole was first mentioned on page 40 (well it was on 26 but only in passing and not as an amico title) and tommy was very quick to follow up with a probable lie: then some lame "poll" designed to drive tons of posts from the hopefuls... still almost nothing about it yet. guessing he was talking about it some on "interviews", however. (page 114) when I re-read some of this stuff I just have to shake my head. uttered again by tommy on page 149. card games are the most played genre on earth! woowwww things really take off on page 151 about it when the hopefuls finally notice it and tommy has to go on about it. so maybe it wasn't a cheesy suggestion after all and I was wrong on that. I just remember there being a big explosion in interest that seemed odd. looks like tommy laying on the bullshit thick was the reason. Note the search hashes on the right in the scroll bar. Fastest growing sport in the world, don'tch'a'know! weirdly it doesn't get mentioned again until page 203 or so with just a mention in passing and no followup. On 207 drops this one: Never minding the fact tommy is only 50% italian at best (mom is canadian, dad italian, born in the USA), apparently tommy only thinks people celebrate holidays during winter months and that is perfect time for amico! No one celebrates easter, 4th of july, labor day, or memorial day and plays outside games then. No one ever gets together on weekends in the summer either. nope! We never did hear more about bocce ball, shuffleboard (lol) or horseshoes again. People overlooked these since there's very little interest compared to other games. You're not going to see esports contests for bocce ball or horseshoes.
  15. I'll likely be there. Any chance I could purchase a Sea Venture from you at the show? You may remember I purchased one from you on eBay a couple of years ago but you sent the wrong game by mistake. I kept the wrong game (and later gave it away as a gift in the Secret Santa) and you said I could purchase a Sea Venture at some point in the future.
  16. I've caught his stuff for a long time, caught on early by dumb luck. He has such a level of skill and charm that blends into a really comprehensive and amazing way to cover a lot of old games. He started hard into the NES weeds but began to branch out, and the coverage with the paths, hidden paths, then jumping back to the A track, hidden things, possibilties, etc are all covered just so well. It's as fun almost as playing it yourself, but if not, it's the *ONLY* talking long play/guides online that are yammering morons to fill air that get really grating and offer no value vs a silent one other than game audio. A fool would ignore and not follow him if you're into what is offered up as it's unmatched. Rare it's unmatched as far as content goes anymore on there so that's saying something.
  17. I want to give this the benefit of the doubt and say it is for someone who has some kind of condition which makes them mostly bed-ridden. Otherwise, my God in Heaven, why??
  18. Well with the Pocket, if you get the dock, you are into classic console at that rate since it's basically a non-shitty Gameboy Player which the cube had going for it. Using the dock it's effectively a GB, GBC and GBA unit by default at a level no other commercial project ever pulled off (SGB or GBP.) It's a really strong recommend ont hat, and at the moment they have the unit and dock restocked, so if you act now you won't get some disgusting subhuman garbage scalper trying to rip you off for 2-3x the price.
  19. I'm not really sure that makes it feel any better, in my mind at least. I'd imagine even people keeping them sealed would like to have confidence that the product is in tact and working properly. I can't imagine these would have been quite the same caliber of collectible if they were advertised up front as "carts are non-working and for display only," whether the non-working carts were 1, 2, or the complete set. I dunno... I hope most of the fans who purchased are happy with them regardless, but it really saddens me a bit to see Atari consistently come so close to doing something great, but always dropping the ball at some point along the way each time.
  20. Cant wait to check out. I want to mention that Catacombs of Chaos is a Dungeon Crawler that does indeed have an ending.
  21. Today
  22. Just thinking out loud how since I'm about to place an order for some PCBs, it sure would be nice to be able to add some NUCplus4 boards to my order...
  23. It's my pleasure! Would you care to say a few words about some of the more interesting or difficult challenges that await in GOBLIN SWORD? Any advice for for brave adventurers? No spoilers, please, of course!
  24. Wow! They look great! Like brand new! 👍 I like you setup.
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